Note of Meeting
Independent Living Fund Scotland: Stakeholder Group meeting
Jury’s Inn, Glasgow.
Wednesday 30th March 2016: 11:00am - 3:30pm
Peter Brawley (supported by PA – Michelle)
Chloe McKee
Gordon McKee
Rosemary Moffat
Grant Mohammed
Andy Higgins (joined meeting late) (supported by PA – Gusha)
Jim Elder-Woodward
John Orr
Laura Forbes
Fiona McColl
In Attendance
Peter Scott
Margaret Wheatley
Holly Child
Philip Linnett
- Welcome and Introductions
Following introductions Peter formally welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the ILF Scotland stakeholder group.
- Overview of ILF Scotland
Peter provided a detailed update on the work of ILF Scotland since it began operations in July 2015 along with information on the company structure and its relationship with Scottish Government.
Members of the group expressed their satisfaction at the creation of ILF Scotland and emphasised their ‘relief’ that funds were not given to Local Authorities to administer.
The group enquired about the long-term commitment to the fund from Scottish Government. Peter confirmed that there had been a public commitment from the First Minister to retain the fund for at least the duration of the next parliament should the SNP be returned following the May election.
The group asked if there would be any implications for existing fund recipients from the development of the new ILF Scotland fund. Peter confirmed that the fund was protected for existing recipients, so long as they continue to meet the eligibility criteria.
- Role of the Group
The group worked through the draft Terms of Reference. The following additions were requested: -
- ILF Scotland should distribute the note of meetings as widely as possible amongst individual ILF Scotland recipients and representative disabled peoples organisations;
- ILF Scotland will provide a minute taker for all meetings.
Subject to these additions the group approved the Terms of Reference.
Peter Brawley was nominated by Gordon McKee and seconded by Rosemary Moffat as Acting Chair until the whole group are in attendance to vote on Chair and Vice Chair. Peter will chair the next meeting of the group.
- ILF Scotland Available Income Policy
Peter informed the group that ILF Scotland had received some criticism for being too money focused during the assessment process. Peter explained that ILF Scotland needs to ensure best use of the limited fund at our disposal, and so we want to ensure that any unspent money – money not required by ILF Scotland recipients – is returned to allow us to re-distribute to other disabled people. However, he recognised that the primary focus at assessment meetings must always be the individual fund recipient and the independent living outcomes they are trying to achieve through their use of the fund.
Peter explained that ILF Scotland had “inherited” their policies from the UK Government and, despite some issues, they had no option but to work with them until they could be reviewed/replaced. The Available Income Policy has been identified as in need of revision, and the group was asked to consider this policy from the perspective of an ILF Scotland recipient.
Margaret Wheatley (Head of Policy) explained how service users were currently contributing ½ of their DLA award and, when received, all of their Severe Disability Premium, whilst older people were also affected by occupational pension income being included (under the existing UK policy). It was felt by some that this was unfair, and disabled people were being left with very little money to live on due to ILF personal Contributions (set by UK Government). The group noted that Disability Related Expenditure (DRE) should be considered to avoid the risk of contributing to financial hardship.
Margaret then covered 4 options for discussion and possible changes to the current policy which could be put to the ILF Board and Scottish Ministers.
1Flat rate charge for all, e.g. ½ DLA rate or ½ Severe Disability Premium
2No contributions and ILF cover the costs (although this would cost approx. £8 million)
3No contribution required and current net ILF Scotland award becomes gross award
4Remove Occupational Pension Income from available income calculation
A discussion was held by the group re the various options. It was felt by all that some form of contribution had to be made, but the group felt that “fairness to all” should be at the centre of discussions/outcomes. A suggestion that Option 1: the flat rate change for all (1/2 DLA rate) was acceptable, but with the introduction of more flexibility on how this money could be spent, was put forward by group members. Margaret decided to put this suggestion as an additional option, which was welcomed by those present.
It was agreed by those present that ILF Scotland should consider consulting on the five options with disability organisations.
- Any Other Business
Date of next meeting confirmed as 30/06/16.
Date of future meetings suggested as 30/9/16 and 15/12/16. Dates will be confirmed at next meeting when more members are in attendance.