Independent Living Centre

Training Courses

Equipment For Independence

The Independent Living Centre is responsible for providing training inassessing for and fitting of C.E.S. equipment for all Health andAdult and Social Care staff in the Exeter, East Devon, South Hams,Teignbridge, North, West and Mid Devon areas.

The courses are planned according to the training needs identified by Health andAdult and Social Care Managers.

Course Dates: are specified on the Booking Form where known. Future dates will also be advertised in the ILC Newsletter. If you are not receiving the Newsletter please contact the Independent Living Centre at the above address to be added to the mailing list.

Travel/Parking: Map attached. Parking is available on site. If using public transport 10 minutes walk from Exeter Quay or ExeBridges.

Course Numbers: As these are practical courses, numbers on pre-booked courses are limited to a maximum of 15 per session.

Please let us know if you have any special requirements, eg loop system, access etc.

Please note once a place on a course is confirmed there is a cancellation charge of £50.00 if less than two weeks notice is given for non-attendance.

  1. Introduction to Equipment for Independence:

Staff attending this course will have the opportunity to gain knowledge about the following areas:

  • The range of CES equipment that is available to meet client’s needs.
  • Other ways of meeting client’s needs (e.g. rehab).
  • Basic environmental factors/limitations or risks related to standard CES Equipment.

Course aimed at: RICS, Care Direct, Admin staff, CES Admin, SWs.

Course Duration: 1 half day

Booking essential.

2.Assessment For & Fitting of Equipment for Indepedence:

Staff attending this course will have the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in the following areas:

  • The current range of C.E.S. Equipment that could meet client need.
  • Safe use of equipment.
  • Assessing the equipment needs of clients.
  • Choosing relevant equipment to meet an individual’s identified need.
  • Fitting and adjusting CES equipment safely (within the ILC environment).
  • Environmental factors/limitations or risks related to CES equipment
  • The availability of specialist assessment and how to access these.
  • Confidence to seek a second opinion where necessary.

Course aimedat: OTs, CCWs, OT Assistants, OT/PTTechnicians,

Review Team, Rapid Response Team, Nurses, Physiotherapists

FACs training/knowledge would be helpful before attending this course.

Course Duration: 2 x 5½ hour sessions spread over 2 days.

Delegates must attend on both days.

Booking essential.

  1. Equipment updates around the County

Staff attending this course will have attended an assessment and fitting of equipment course or have experience of equipment fitting and provision. They will have spend time updating their knowledge in the following areas:

  • Overview of existing CES equipment for independence.
  • Any changes in the CES catalogue.
  • Review of new developments in special equipment.
  • Safety issues related to CES equipment.

Courses aimed at: Any NHS or ACS staff involved with the provision of equipment for independence.

4.Specialist Equipment Updates

Open mornings with specialist equipment on display aiming to:

  • Update knowledge on specific equipment at the themed exhibition.
  • Increase awareness of range of equipment available.
  • Improve knowledge of any indications or contra-indications.
  • Make contact with representatives from specialist companies around the country.
  • Workshop session on relevant subject.

Course Aimed at: All Staff, Clients and Carers

Course Duration: Drop in. Half day 10am – 1pm.

Workshop: 10.30am


These open events are for all staff, clients, carers and general public held at the Centre unless otherwise stated. There will be a workshop at 10.30am on a related issue.

All events are held at the Independent Living Centre unless otherwise stated and will include bariatric and children’s equipment where appropriate.


Kitchen & Household (Eating & Drinking) EquipILC, ExeterWed 03/12/08

Beds, Hoists & Small handling Equip for Adults

and Children (including bariatric equipment)ILC, ExeterWed 21/01/09

Seating (FullRange – Complex – Basic) for Adults

and Children (including bariatric equipment)ILC, ExeterWed 18/02/09

Bathing, Showers and Toilet EquipmentILC, ExeterWed 18/03/09

Mobility – Walking Equipment & Manual Wheelchairs

For Children and Adults (including bariatric equip)ILC, ExeterWed 20/05/09

 Car Adaptations & Powered Vehicles including

Electric Wheelchairs for Adults and Children

(including bariatric equipment)ILC, ExeterWed 17/06/09

 Access & Leisure including Gardening & Sport

EquipmentILC, ExeterWed 15/07/09



Please complete and photocopy the original if necessary then return to:

Independent Living Centre, Isca House, Haven Road, ExeterEX2 8DS

Tel. No. 01392 687276 – Email :

Fax 01392 423427

Name: ………………………….…………… Job Title:………………………………………………..


Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………


E-mail: …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Telephone:……………………...... Fax:………………………………………….………..

FACS Training completed  YES  NO If YES, date completed……………………….

Please tick the course(s) you wish to attend:

1.Introduction to Equipment for Independence( RICs):

Thursday 19th March 20099.15am – 12 pm

2.Assessment for & Fitting of Equipment(O.T./CCW/SW/Physio):

Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th January 2009 9.00am – 2.30pm

Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st March 2009 9.00am – 2.30pm

3.Equipment Updates around the County(O.T./CCW/SW/Physio):

SOUTH HAMS AREA: VENUE TBC Thursday 5th February 9.30am - 1.00pm

EAST DEVON AREA: VENUE TBC Tuesday 10th February 9.30am - 1.00pm

Manager/Supervisor Name:……………………………………………………………………………

Contact Details:…………………………………………………………………….…………………....

Manager’s Signature:………………………………………..………Date:……………………………

If courses are full, you will be informed and your name will be put on a waiting list for the next available sessions.

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Please note once a place is confirmed there is a £50 cancellation charge if less than 2 weeks notice is given for non-attendance.