Independence ParkS and Natural Areas Master Plan

Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments

April 23, 2015

This document describes proposed amendments to goals and policies of the Independence Comprehensive Plan. Proposed amendments are intended to achieve the following:

  • Incorporate the Vision and Goals developed as part of the Parks and Natural Areas Master Planning effort which were reviewed, refined and affirmed by the Parks Advisory Board and other community members as part of the planning process.
  • Recognize the updated Parks and Natural Areas Master Plan as a supporting and implementing document of the Comprehensive Plan.
  • Eliminate or replace outdated policies with new or updated policy language which reflects current planning practices and recommendations from the updated Parks and Natural Areas Master Plan.

Proposed amendments are shown in underline and strikethrough format with proposed new languageunderlined andproposed text to be deleted shown as strikethrough. An explanation for each change is shown in italics.


GOAL:To provide adequate recreation opportunities for all citizens of Independence and visitors from surrounding areasTo address the evolving recreational needs of the City’s diverse population, ensure that parks and recreational facilities reflect current and future recreational trends, and promote community livability and life-long physical health for Independence residents and visitors.


Policy / Comment
1. Independence shall meet its current and future recreational needs through implementation of the 2015 Parks and Natural Areas Master Plan as a supporting document of the Comprehensive Plan. / New policy to reference the Parks Master Plan as a supporting document of the Comprehensive Plan.
2. Independence shall seek available funding or assistance to evaluate the condition, usage and adequacy of the park systemestablish a set of funding mechanisms that will help pay for the development and maintenance of parks and recreation facilities in a cost-effective, financially feasible manner. / Revised to reflect updated Parks Master Plan goals.
2. Independence shall assist in maintaining programs of leisure time activities for senior citizens and youths. / Replaced with other, more specific policies that reflect updated Parks Master Plan goals.
3. Independence shall encourage acquisition of land to the north of Riverview Park (formerly Polk Marine Park) when funding becomes available. / Action has been completed.
4. Independence shall encourage usage of public parks and other recreational facilities. / Replaced with other, more specific policies that reflect updated Parks Master Plan goals.
3. Independence shall realize the incredible potential of the Willamette Riverfront by enhancing existing facilities and creating new ones along the river. / New policy from Parks and Natural Areas Plan Vision and Goals.
4. Independence shall create recreational opportunities for visitors that can enhance the City’s economic vitality. / New policy from Parks and Natural Areas Plan Vision and Goals.
5. Independence shall plan for development of new parks in future growth areas and new developments. / New policy from Parks and Natural Areas Plan Vision and Goals.
6. Independence shall partner with community groups to continue to help maintain and enhance parks and recreation facilities and programs. / New policy from Parks and Natural Areas Plan Vision and Goals.
7. Independence shall provide facilities for people to walk and bicycle for recreation, travel, health and fitness; and create connections to travel between different parks and recreation areas by walking, bicycling and other forms of active travel. / New policy from Parks and Natural Areas Plan Vision and Goals.
8. Independence shall provide gathering spaces and related facilities for community and family gatherings in all neighborhood and community parks. / New policy from Parks and Natural Areas Plan Vision and Goals.
9. Independence shall prioritize provision and adequate maintenance of soccer fields, while also providing facilities for other sports, both formal and informal, including baseball/softball, volleyball, basketball, tennis and lawn games. / New policy from Parks and Natural Areas Plan Vision and Goals.


Goal: To preserve and encourage wise use of available natural resources.

In order to preserve and encourage wise use of available natural resources, all development within the City of Independence shall comply with applicable state environmental rules, regulations and standards. Zoning ordinance regulations will be coordinated with state environmental regulations.


Open Spaces

Policy / Comment
1. Independence shall develop and implement an amendment to the subdivision ordinance requiring parkland dedication or payment in lieu of dedication. / Action has been completed.
2. Independence shall encourage a buffer of open space where feasible between Monmouth city limits and shall encourage and coordinate with Monmouth to do the same. / Not consistent with current policy or planning practice.
13. Independence shall maintain the Ash Creek and Willamette River floodway as open space. / No change recommended. Still relevant and consistent with current practice.
2. Independence shall encourage protection of natural areas and open spaces to enhance the livability of Independence. / New policy from Parks and Natural Areas Plan Vision and Goals.
2. Independence shall seek opportunities to provide access to and associated interpretive facilities and information within natural areas, while also balancing these objectives with protection of ecological values. / New policy aimed at ensuring people can experience natural areas which also protecting their natural resource values.

Scenic Resources

Policy / Comment
1. Independence shall encourage preservation of scenic views through building height limitations along the Willamette River by siting development in a way that maintains view corridors and establishing trails and overlook areas that provide access to views of the river. / Revised policy to be consistent with current practices and recent proposed projects along the Willamette River.
2. Priority areas for maintaining unobstructed views of the river will be areas south of the urban core and/or within parks or recreation areas sited along the river. / New policy to be consistent with current practices and character of riverfront areas.

Fish and Wildlife

Policy / Comment
1. Independence shall preserve the riparian vegetation along the Willamette River and Ash Creek. In doing so, the City shall use or retain native species while eliminating or curtailing invasive species. / Still relevant and consistent with current practice; revised to reflect emphasis on using native plant species and limiting invasive species.
2. Independence shall seek available funding to study the feasibility of development of the Ash Creek floodplain as a nature center, park and wildlife sanctuary. / Not consistent with current policy or planning practice.
32. Independence shall maintain the sewage treatment lagoons as a defacto waterfowl sanctuary by limiting impacts associated with physicalpublicaccesswhile creating opportunities for bird-watching or similar activities. / Revised to reflect economic opportunities associated with limited access for bird-watching, etc.
4. Independence shall consider any proposed development that would have a negative impact on sewage lagoons, as a waterfowl sanctuary, as a conditional uses. / Represents a regulatory (development code) provision; to specific for policy language.
53. Independence shall encourage other agencies and responsible private groups in any effort to improve wildlife habitat along the Willamette River and Ash Creek. / No change recommended. Still relevant and consistent with current practice.

Waterfront Area

Policy / Comment
1. Independence shall encourage use and development of existing and future waterfront activities and facilities that retain the characteristics ofprovide interpretive or other information toinform residents and visitors about previous uses of the riverand its ecological value and function. / Revised policy to be consistent with the Parks Master Plan.
2. Independence shall preserve present riparian vegetation along the Willamette River through setback requirements. / Eliminated as duplicative of Greenway and Fish and Wildlife policies.

Note: No changes proposed to policies associated with Historic Areas or Water Resources.


Goal: To protect, conserve, enhance and maintain the scenic, historical, agricultural, economic and recreational quality of land along the Willamette River.

Policy / Comment
1. Independence shall cooperate with governmental agencies and special districts to protect all Willamette Greenway lands and resources. / No change recommended.
2. Independence encourages agricultural uses within the Willamette River Greenway. / No change recommended.
3. Independence considers existing aggregate operations as conforming Greenway uses. / Eliminated given changes at Valley Concrete site and lack of other aggregate sites within the City.
43. Independence considers publicly owned land in the Greenway to have recreational values and will encourage its use as such through implementation of the Independence Parks and Natural Areas Master Plan. / Revised to reference the Parks Master Plan as a tool for implementing this policy.
54. Independence recognizes the confluence of Ash Creek as an archeologically significant area, as wildlife, habitat, as a potential park expansion area, as a scenic area, as a flood prone area and shall protect it with GreenwayDevelopment Code requirements and other implementation tools. / Revised policy to reflect current practices.
65. Independence recognizes the importance of vegetation to the resource quality along the river and will encourage the preservation of it within the Greenway. / No change recommended.
76. Independence shall implement Greenway policies through application of the Willamette River Greenway District provisions of the City’s Development Codewill develop a Greenway implementation tool that includes the following:
  1. Compatibility review boundaries.
  2. Review mechanism.
  3. Hearings procedure.
  4. Notification of hearing procedures.
  5. Mechanism of imposing conditions to carry out the purpose and intent of the Greenway statutes.
/ Revised to reflect previous adoption of Greenway code provisions which address all of the items covered by the earlier policy language.


Goal: To provide for and maintain a viable and diverse economy while preserving the present sense of community and high level of environmental quality.

Policy / Comment
14. Independence recognizes that well-planned and well-designed parks and recreation facilities and programs have the potential to attract visitors to Independence and improve the community’s economic vitality. / New policy to reflect the impact of park and recreational opportunities on the city’s economy.
15. Independence recognizes that organized sports activities and competitions can provide economic benefits to local businesses and residents. / New policy to reflect the potential economic benefits of organized recreational activities such as soccer tournaments, running races, etc..

Note: No changes proposed to other Economy policies.