Independence Academy Charter School

Middle SchoolExpectations

675 29 Rd.

Grand Junction, CO81504

(970) 254-6850

IACS strives to create a cohesive, innovative community of critical thinkers and passionate learners who are equipped to achieve personal and academic excellence.


Welcome to Independence Academy! We are glad you are part of our Middle School Team. We are proud of our school and proud to have you in it. Hopefully, this will be your BEST schoolyear so far!

Phoenix Mission:

At IACS, how children learn is as important as what they learn. Our mission is to inspire learners to engage in challenges and demonstrate resiliency. We nurture compassionate, life-long learners who exhibit integrity and are reflective citizens!

Phoenix PRIDE:

We demonstrate:

P -Perseverance

R - Respect

I - Integrity

D - Determination

E - Excellence

Independence Academy Staff

Britni Westbrook – Director/ Principal

Dan Bollinger – Assistant Principal

Brittany McHugh – Executive Secretary

Becky Polniak – Secretary

Katie Brown – Special Education

Sandy Campbell – Speech/ Language

Roxanne Calderone – School Nurse


Middle School

Joshua James6 & 7 Social Studies

Dan Bollinger 8 Social Studies

Rebekah Zeck 6-8 Math

Michelle Thomas 6-8 Science

Dianna Akin 6-8 English


Amanda Jackman 2-8 Music

Megan Henry K-8 Art

Chuck Rider K-8 P.E.

Lacey Weber Library, Computers


Gene Hazen Maintenance

Elizabeth HazenMaintenance

Ron DahlMaintenance

Liz DahlMaintenance



Student Responsibilities:

  • Understand and abide by the school procedures. (Complete procedures are available with each teacher).
  • Attend school for all the days of our adopted school calendar.
  • Be in class on time-- prepared to participate.
  • Complete assignments on time and request make-up assignments when absent from class.
  • Talk with school personnel when issues or problems arise.

Parent Responsibilities:

  • Ensure that your student(s) attend school on time and are prepared for class.
  • Maintain communication with IACS regarding attendance and any change of personal data.
  • Contact us to request a parent/teacher conference if there are academic, attendance, or discipline concerns.
  • Make sure your student obtains any make-up work when he/she has missed class.
  • We strongly believe that open and frequent communication with our families is key to ensuring your student’s success at Independence Academy!


There is a direct correlation between success and class attendance. Students having good attendance are able to participate in class activities, hands-on learning, and educational opportunities that are carefully designed by each teacher. These often cannot be made up. Research shows that students who are present for the entire duration of the school day (arriving on time and staying until the end of the school day) are higher achievers and gain more from the entire school experience.

Student attendance is a direct responsibility of the parent/guardian and the student. Independence Academy asks for your assistance and cooperation in seeing that your child attends school regularly and on time. If at all possible, please refrain from taking your child out of school for appointments or activities that could be scheduled outside of the school day.

Each time a student is going to be absent from school due to illness, we ask that you call the school office (254-6850) within 24 hours, so we can mark the absence/ tardy excused. We are unable to change attendance after 24 hours. Families are encouraged to take advantage of Fridays when scheduling appointments. STUDENTS LEAVING CAMPUS FOR ANY REASON DURING SCHOOL HOURS MUST CLEAR THE ABSENCE WITH THE SCHOOL OFFICE AND HAVE A PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGN THEM OUT BEFORE LEAVING THE CAMPUS.

Students are urged to make up missed assignments immediately upon returning to school. Students who have excused absences will be given two days to make up every one day missed. Parents need to check with the school office if they have questions regarding any absence. This procedure is designed to create uniform treatment for all Independence Academy students. The Executive Director may handle tardy and absence incident(s) on a case-by-casebasis.

The school office should be called if you are requesting homework from your teachers due to an extended absence. Please give the attendance office one full school day to obtain the work. Students absent three days or more may request homework. Homework picked up in this manner will be due upon return to school.


Our school holds Morning Meetings daily, which are a key component of our school culture. When students arrive on time, they are able to participate in these meetings and be a critical part of this valuable learning experience.

Our first bell rings daily at 7:55 am. The “tardy bell” rings at 8:00. The expectation is that your child is in the classroom and ready for instruction to begin at 8:00. Any student arriving after the 8:00 bell will be considered tardy. All students arriving late to school need to check in at the front office.


Students are responsible for their own work. Cheating/plagiarism is not acceptable and may result in loss of credit for their work, making up the assignment,detention and/or suspension.


Independence Academy is a closed campus. At no time are students allowed to leave school grounds unless supervised by school staff or their parent/guardian. Parents/Guardians must sign their student out prior to leaving and sign them back in upon return.


Students using electronic media must abide by the Acceptable Use Agreement provided by Independence Academy or will face the loss of computer privilege. As per the AUA, students may not access chat rooms, games, music or videos on the computers (unless approved for educational purpose). A copy of the AUA is available in the school office.

FOOD/DRINKSNo food or drink is allowed in the classrooms, hallways, or playground areas—except covered water bottles -- unless approved by a teacher or administration.


Students are expected to dress appropriately and maintain personal cleanliness. Anythingdangerous to self/others, ordisruptive to the educational process is prohibited. Parent will be notified immediately and will be asked to bring more suitable attire to their student. Following is a list of non-negotiable attire:

  • Narrow or spaghetti straps of any kind, halters or one shoulder straps
  • Under clothing showing, ie: bras, boxers, lingerie, underwear of any kind
  • Open backs on tops and no cleavage showing,no torso showing - whether side, back, or middle
  • No t-shirts or apparel which depict or promote sexual themes, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or violence
  • No pants which “sag” below the top of one’s buttocks
  • No short shorts or skirts–both must be longer than student’s reach
  • No spikes or chains of any kind
  • No hats or head coverings

We have Pre-Kindergarten students through 8th graders at Independence Academy. Our focus is to maintain an educational atmosphere during the school day.The building administration will have the final authority to impose reasonable regulations concerning dress!


Independence Academy operates according to our Vision, Mission and PRIDE acronym. By incorporating these beliefs in our daily routines, we provide students with the opportunity for self-improvement and individual growth. Students are expected to follow these expectations, act appropriately and demonstrate respect at all times. Conduct which disrupts the operation of the school, interferes with the rights and privileges of other students, endangers health or welfare of any person, or damages property will not be tolerated.

Each staff member is experienced in making positive contributions to an atmosphere of respect, safety, and community. The classroom teachers work closely with the students and therefore carry the bulk of the discipline responsibility. The teacher will work closely with families and provide timely and accurate communications with all involved. All teachers and staff have supervisory responsibilities for all students and are expected to enforce school procedures and rules. The Executive Director/ Principal will also effectively communicate with all parties when significant consequences are involved. Discipline will be handled appropriately at all levels, with consequences matching the offense. The Executive Director will have the final determination of consequences. State Laws regarding discipline are available for viewing on district website in the district policy handbook.


Independence Academy maintains a “hands off” policy (including kicking, throwing objects, etc.). Disputes should be settled through other channels, such as: problem solving, mediation with teacher or aide, or talking with the Director.


Under Colorado House Bill 1203, a student will be declared “habitually disruptive” if he or she has been suspended three times during the course of the school year for causing a material and substantial disruption in the classroom, on school grounds, or at school activities or events because of student behavior that was initiated, willful and over. Expulsion shall be mandatory for habitually disruptive students.


As part of the responsibility to our school and the community, students are expected to exercise discretion in their use of language and actions. Profane language, gestures, etc. will not be tolerated on campus and will be handled directly and with appropriate disciplinary measures. Any acts of profanity or obscenity directed toward a staff member will be grounds for suspension.


  • Be prompt to class. Please be in your seat by the start of class.
  • The teacherdismisses class.
  • Cell phones, I-pods, and other similar electronic equipment areallowedfor educational/ instructional purposes only. This means such devices should be visible during class time only AND only if allowed by teachers. They must be in plain sight during such usage. The teacher has the ultimate discretion when it comes to using such devices. If a student abuses this privilege, their cell phone may be confiscated until a parent picks it up in the office. Continued abuse of cell phone policy will result in loss of privilege. Independence Academy will not be responsible for lost or stolen cell phones, iPods or other electronic devices.


Harassment is a serious disciplinary infraction dealtwith by suspension,and/orexpulsion,and isdefined as any threatening or menacing behavior with harmfulintent including:


  • Physical Assault
  • Intimidation
  • Verbal Abuse
  • Stalking
  • Discriminatory Slurs
  • Extortion



Serious Violations mayresult in suspension, recommendation for expulsion, and prompt reporting to the appropriate law enforcement officials. These violations can happen on school campus or during school related activity:

  • Assaulting another student or staff member.
  • Possessing, distributing, buying, selling or using tobacco, drugs and/or alcohol.
  • Possessing or using a dangerous weapon, fireworks, or explosives.
  • Using any object as a weapon in a threatening manner.
  • Threatening or menacing with harmful intent.
  • Chronic insubordination, disrespect for authority, or lying to school personnel.
  • Destruction of school or personal property. Vandalism of this sort may also result in notification to law enforcement officials and payment for damages.
  • Theft or Forgery
  • Tampering with Alarms, Fire Equipment, Locks.
  • Engaging in verbal abuse, discriminatory comments made directly or by innuendo regarding a

person’s race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national or ethnic background or handicap.

GRADING (6th-8th)

  • 100 – 90A
  • 89 – 80B
  • 79 – 70C
  • 69 – 60D
  • Below 60 F


Middle School – late work will be accepted up to one week after the due date, with a 25% reduction. Late work turned in one week after due date may not be accepted.


Academic reports are issued every nine weeks to inform the student and the parent of academic progress.


Field Studies - All academic field studies provide student-based learning opportunities. All students are expected to attend academic field trips. If a student cannot attend, he/she will attend school and complete academic work provided. Parents will be called to pick up students whose behavior is detrimental to the success of the field trip. Any non-academicfieldtrips are eligibility contingent.

Extra-Curricular Activities—includes Student Council, Sports, Dances, and other activities. Students with more than one D’s orany F’s are ineligible for extra-curricular activities. Parents and students can check progress on Parent/ StudentVUE. Middle school grades will be checked the Monday prior to the activity to determine eligibility. Executive Director reserves the right to make final determination of any extenuating circumstances – this includes behavioral concerns.


All students should expect daily homework assignments in core subject areas. Please see grade-level teacher for individual expectations. Studentsshould read at home for at least 20 minutes each day.


Students will be expected to conduct themselves in an orderly and proper manner while eating in the lunchroom. Each student is responsible for bussing his/her trash and keeping the eating areas clean. We do not have lunches available at school. However, milk is available daily, for 50 cents. A cold lunch provided from home is neededwith the exception of Pizza Thursdays. Students wishing to buy pizza on Thursdays may do so for $2.00 per slice.


With the addition of our Pre-Kindergarten program, please be aware of your surroundings. The expectation is that all students remain safe and respectful when on the playground. Please keep in the designated recess areas. The areas behind the modular and sheds are prohibited. Always be fair and courteous.

  • No Bullying, No Tackle Football, No Rough Housing (punching, kicking, shoving, etc.)
  • Do not throw any items, especially rocks, snowballs, etc.
  • Do not climb or play on the fence.

One person down the slides at a time.

Do not jump off of the swings, twist the chains, or collide with other swings.

Use all playground equipment as it is intended to be used.

ALWAYS be fair, courteous, follow the rules and SHARE.


We have a part-time Registered Nurse on Staff for specific tasks. Students who are ill or injured should report to the school secretary in the school office. Parents will be contacted when it is necessary for a student to go home. All medications must be registered with the school secretary. They will be kept in a locked cabinet in the school office during school hours. A medication authorization form is available in the school office and must be completed and signed prior to medication distribution. A log is kept for each student’s medication. DO NOT send your student to school with any medication, including ibuprofen, cough drops, cough syrups, etc. without following this procedure. We cooperate with CDE, District 51, and the Mesa County Health Department on issues regarding immunizations or disease control/outbreaks.


Please make arrangements prior to school the best you can. Messages for students will be delivered as soon as possible and as the situation warrants. Often times, it may be more efficient to contact your child’s teacher via email. This also helps to avoid class disruption. Please do notcontact students on their cell phones during class. A phone is available in the office for students to call, if warranted.


Parents should notify the school office of any change in legal name, parent/guardian, home address, legal paperwork or phone number. Parents are encouraged to keep this information current in the event of an emergency. Any corrections must be accompanied by official evidence of change.


We greatly appreciate parent support in this area! In order to be an approved driver, please see the school office for requirements. Independence Academy will need a copy of your driver’s license and proof of insurance coverage.


Parents are an essential component of Independence Academy’s success. We wouldn’t exist without our parents! We encourage parent involvement with Family Council, classroom volunteers, committee membership, and field trip assistance. Check out our Website register for Peachjar or Facebook to stay current on school activities. Parents are always welcome at Independence Academy. Please just check in with the office prior to proceeding to classrooms. Please remember to sign out as well.


ALL visitors must sign in at the school office upon arriving on campus. We have a transaction window for quick drop off of paperwork, fees, student materials, parent sign in, etc. in the foyer. If you wish to enter the school, you will need to be “buzzed in” and proceed to the office to sign in.

Visitor and volunteer badges are available so staff and students know a visitor has checked in at the office. A person failing to sign in will be asked to return to the school office or to leave the campus. Safety is our goal.


School hours begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. and end at 3:40 p.m. Monday through Thursday (see School Calendar). Please be sure that your students are dropped off no later than 7:55 and no earlier than 7:40 a.m. If a student is on campus between 7:15 and 7:40 they will be sent to the before school enrichment program. Charges apply. Students should be picked up at 3:40. If they are not picked up by 4:00, students will be sent to After School Enrichment / Homework Club—charges will apply. Safety is our concern with this policy.Information is available in the school office for enrolling your child in the Before/After School Enrichment Programs.

School Wide Drop-Off and Dismissal Procedures

Before School: In the morning all students should be dropped off by 7:55 at the main gate, to the left of the school,in the loop. Please pull forward as far as possible when dropping your students off, in order to keep traffic flowing. If a parent needs to come to the office to take care of anything, please send your child outside first so the child is where they need to be when school starts.

After School: There are two main pick-up locations for students. Kindergarten – 5th grade will walk to their designated pick up locations on the sidewalk, to the south of the playground. Pick-up for 6-8 isin south parking lot. Please use caution when re-entering the loops.