Triple PLevel 4 Standard Training
Agency Readiness Assessment
Introduction. The Triple PLevel 4 Standardtraining preparespractitioners to conduct the 9-session individual version of Triple P with parents of children ages 2-12. Please note that this training will NOT teach practitioners how to run Triple P groups.
To participate in this training, each interested agency or FamilyResourceCentermust identify twostaff plus one supervisor to complete the training. Participants must be able to attendall training dates, including the pre-accreditation workshop and accreditation.
This worksheet will walk you through all the requirements needed for successful participation in this training. We’re looking forward to helping you roll out effective parenting interventions for the familiesyou serve!
I. Training Participants
1. Does your agency have twopractitionersand one supervisor who want to be trained inLevel 4 Standard?
Name / Title E-Mail Address Phone Number Language Capacity
2. Have any of the training participants been trained in any other levels of Triple P?
Yes (If yes, please specify who and which level(s)______)
3. Please estimate how many unduplicated families with children aged 2-12 each practitioner serves per year
Name / Title Estimated number of families served with children aged 2-12
4. Does your agency plan to provide Standard Triple P with Pathways? (Note: Integrated Standard + Pathways is a CPS-approved parenting intervention)
No (Providing Standard only)
5. Have all training participants from your agency reviewed the practitioner kits for Level 4 Standard?
II. Providing Level 4 Standard
6. EachLevel 4 Standard practitioner (excluding supervisors) is expected to complete the 9-session series with a minimum of 3 families within the year following the training. Will your agency commit tosupporting each practitioner in providing Level 4 Standard to 3 families within a year of the training?
7. Will all practitioners(excluding supervisors) be able to begin providing the intervention to a family within 45 days of the end of training?
8. Does your agency plan to bill for these services?
Yes (If yes, please describe)
9. The parenting strategies taught in Level 4 Standard are appropriate for most families with histories of child maltreatment. However, Triple P is not appropriate for parents who have sexually offended against any child. Please describe the screening procedures your agency will use to ensure that parents who have sexually offended against a child do not participate in Triple P interventions at your agency.
III. Training Days
The Level 4 Standard Triple P Training Days are:
- PUTDATES HERE: 3-day Level 4 Standard Training
- PUTDATE HERE: 1-day Pre-Accreditation Workshop
- PUTDATES HERE: Half-day Accreditation (Each participant participates in 1 of the 4 days)
10. Have all training participants from your agency confirmed that they can attend all of these training, pre-accreditation, and accreditation days?
11. Practitioners are required to participate inmonthly one-hour telephone calls to receive expert consultation and support from a Triple P trainer until they have successfully completed the Level 4 Standard series with 3 families. Will the practitioners have this consultation / supervision time made available?
How will your agencyrespond if practitioners fail to participate in these calls?
12. Evaluation allows us to monitor, celebrate, and sustain effective interventions. Child behavior, parenting practices, and parental stress must be assessed before the intervention begins and when the intervention ends. Evaluation materials are available from Danijela Zlatevski. How will you make sure that every caregiver who receives the Triple P intervention is assessed before and at the end of the intervention?
IV. Other
13. What additional barriers do you foresee in the implementation of thisparenting intervention?
14. What can you do to address these barriers?
15. What can the Parent Training Institute do to address these barriers?
16. Additional comments:
Thank you! Please e-mail this form to Danijela at: or call her at (415) 255-3412 with any questions