Call Scripts
Please contact Mary Pfaffko () for the current year’s funding request and environmental staffer contact information.
Hi, my name is ________________. My number is 202-555-1234. I'm calling in regard to the Dear Colleague letter being circulated by Senators X & Y supporting $$$ million for the State and Tribal Wildlife Grants Program in FY12. I would greatly appreciate it if Senator ___ could sign on to the letter this year (note if signed on in the past— see the House and Senate Signing Trackers). The State and Tribal Wildlife Grants program is the only federal program available to states to implement State Wildlife Action Plans that are intended to prevent endangered species listings. (State name here) would receive ($$$) through this program if funded at ($$$) to conserve hundreds of species that are known to be at-risk. To sign on to the letter, you can call (environmental staffer) in Senator X’s office at 4-1234 or (environmental staffer) in Senator Y's office at 4-5555. The deadline for signing the letter is Month, Day, Year. Thank you.
Hi, my name is ________________. My number is 202-555-1234. I'm calling in regard to the Dear Colleague letter being circulated by Congressmen X & Y supporting $$$ million for the State and Tribal Wildlife Grants Program in FY12. I would greatly appreciate it if Congressman ___ could sign on to the letter this year (note if signed on in the past—see the House and Senate Signing Trackers). The State and Tribal Wildlife Grants program is the only federal program available to states to implement State Wildlife Action Plans that are intended to prevent endangered species listings. (State name here) would receive ($$$) through this program if funded at ($$$) to conserve hundreds of species that are known to be at-risk. To sign on to the letter, you can call (environmental staffer) in Congressman X's office at 5-5555 or (environmental staffer) in Congressman Y's office at 5-1234. The deadline for signing the letter is Month, Day, Year. Thank you.