
Food Security

Increasing productivity and improving livelihoods in aquatic agricultural systems: a review of interventions

Appendix A: List of technology improving intervention in Aquatic – Agricultural system

AAS component / Type of intervention / Country
Aquatic production
Small Indigenous Species in aquaculture pond / Integration of small indigenous species in carp polyculture system: diversifying production system / Bangladesh
Homestead pond and aquaculture pond / Improved management/efficiency of inputs (stocking density, feeding technique);, integration of horticulture (diversification of production); change of market target (production of fish fingerlings) / Bangladesh
Fisheries management / Community based inland fisheries / Bangladesh
Refuge pond / Stock enhancement of rice field fisheries – supporting existing natural resources by technical and institutional interventions / Cambodia
Agriculture production
Field crops
High Yield Variety / Introduction of new variety with higher yield and/or tolerant to local environmental constrains and management, improved management techniques / Bangladesh
System of Rice intensification / Improved management/efficiency of inputs / Cambodia
Use of Green fertilizers in dambo system / Improved fertility of the system / Zambia
Fodder bank / introduction of new crop (fodder) used as input (feed) for livestock production / Cambodia
Husbandry training / Introduction of new husbandry technique to improve efficiency of input used / Cambodia
Aquatic-agriculture integrated production systems
Rice –fish concurrent and alternate system / Integration of fish in rice system: diversification of production / Bangladesh & Cambodia
Gehrs system with rice, fish, shrimp and vegetable production / Adaptation to seasonal change, diversification of production and improved management and efficiency of inputs / Bangladesh
Integrated Aquaculture agriculture (IAA) training / Concurrent or sequential linkages between two or more farming activities, of which at least one is aquaculture / Bangladesh
Multi-purpose farm / Diversification of farm production system and integration of different system components / Cambodia


AppendixBOutcomes of technologies in aquaculture, fisheries and rice-aquaculture integrated systems

Technology / Country / Productivity / Higher Income / Improved nutrition / Improved
Food security / Reference
Aquatic Production
Small Indigenous Species (SIS) / Bangladesh / Similar yield as controla / Increased income when combined SIS and carpb / Increased intake of vVitamin A and cCalciuma / Multiple harvesting increase HH food securityb / aRoos et al (2007)
bKadir et al (2006)
Homestead and Aquaculture pond / Bangladesh / Increased yield above 3 tons ha-1 a
59% and 25% increase of production using periphyton and periphyton + feedb
538 ±59 fry sold HH-1 c
Increased in yield from 1.8 tons ha-1to 2.2 tons ha-1 up to 1.3 tons ha-1to 2.2 tons ha-1d / Gross margin significantly higher (45-324 $USD HH-1) a
Reduced net profit margin by 85% and 100% b
Increased in return from US$ 60 HH-1 to US$ 100 HH-1 and from US$ 57 HH-1 to US$ 100 HH-1d / Increased fish consumption 5-10 kg HH-1 c / aKarim et al (2011a)
bAzim et al (2004)
cBarman et Little (2011)
dThompson et al. (2006)
Farmer managed aquatic system and Fish refuges / Cambodia
Bangladesh / Fish catch increased by 20-50% fisher-1 yr-1a
Increased fish catch (70%-100%)c
Increased fish harvest of 380 to 921 kg ha-1 and 1.5 to 1.8 tonha-1d / Increase income : US$ 18-378 HH-1 a
Income doubled and reach US$ 924 HH-1 b
Household income increase by 37%c
Net benefit per ha: 37,7710 and 26,819 Tkd / 40-90% of fish caught was consumed a
80% of householdno longer buying fish in early dry seasonb / aViseth et al (2008)
cThompson et al (2003)
dMustafa and Brooks (2009)
Technology / Country / Productivity / Higher Income / Improved nutrition / Improved
Food security / Reference
Agriculture production
Field crop
HYV rice / Bangladesh / Increase yield from 1.7 to 3.5 ton ha-1c
Rice yield grow of 2.3% per annum from 1970-2000d / Income differencebetween traditional and HYV varieties: 136 US$ ha-1c / a,dincrease food security / aOakle and Monmsen (2005)
bHowlaer and Biswas (2009)
cHossain et al. (2006)
dHossain et al. (2007)
System of Rice Intensification / Cambodia / 27-61% increase in yield compare to conventional practices traditionala; b
18% of water saved compare to conventional practices d / Increase profit margin by 74%b
Increase income by 48%c / More than double rice HH rice supply b / aLy et al. (2012)
bAnthofer (2004)
cCEDAC (2008)
dSuryavanshi et al. (2013)
Dambo system / Zambia / 51 tons ha-1 (organic fertilizer); 19 tons ha-1 (organic fertilizer)c / US$ 200-300 yr HH-1 from 250m2plotb
Gross margin increased by 2.1 time with organic fertilizer compare to conventional practices vs. controlc / a,bContribute to food supply during lean period / aMabeza and Mawere (2012)
bSampa (2007)
cKunthushula et al. (2006)
Water and land conservation and horticulture / Zambia / Increased yield 30%-60% a / US$200a / Food provision in lean seasonb / aSampa(2008) (In McCartney)
bWood 2009 (in Senaratna Sellamuttu et al. 2011)
Livestock system
Husbandry training / Cambodia / No outbreaks of disease / Increased income from 1,360 U$ to 3,340 US$ & time saving / Young (2014)
Fodder bank / Cambodia / Higher production (qualitative)a / aMaxwell et al. (2012)
Aquatic-agriculture integrated production systems
Rice-fish / Bangladesh
Cambodia / Higher rice yield (12%) but lower fish yield than in alternate systemb
Productivity constraint by theft d / Higher income in integrated systemb / 40% of fish consumed in integrated systemb
Met consumption demand of women and childrenc / bAhmed and Garnett (2011)
cHaque et al (2010)
dJoffre and Sheriff (2010)
Gehrs / Bangladesh / Low technical efficiencya
Higher fish, shrimp andvegetable yield in improve gheehrsa,b,c,d,e,f / Variables net profit compare to traditional gheehrse,g
Provide additional income for laborers (women)h / Can jeopardize food security for smallholder (flood and conversion of rice land)b / aRahman et al. (2012)
bAhmed et al. (2010);cHossain et al. (2006);
dPaul and Vogl (2011); eKarim et al. (2011)fWahab et al.(2012); g Alam et al.(2007); hAhmed et al. (2012)
Integrated Aquaculture agriculture / Bangladesh / Increase productivity (4-6%)a / Net income increased (21.8% per annum) a / Increase fish consumption (21%) a / aMurshed E-Jahan and Pemsl (2011)
Multi-Purpose Farm
(MPF) / Cambodia / Increased rice yield 61%b
Increased biomass of cassava-legume by 100% compare to cassava onlyc / Increase by 300%b
Increased by 53%a / Diversified households food productiona
Increased households productionb / aSoviet (2007)
bWijeratna (2012)
cBorin and Frankow-Lindberg (2005)

Appendix C: Outcomes of technologies in aquaculture, agriculture and aquatic-agriculture integrated systems using participatory approaches

Increased Productivity / Increased Income / Improved Nutritional status / Improved Food security
Homestead ponds (CSISA )
Carps polyculture with mola (SIS) / Reported increase fish production (116% 223 kg of carp & 26 kg of mola) / Increased income from fish (US$ 204) and vegetable (US$ 19 -45) / Access to and better knowledge about micronutrient rich food / Diversified food intake, multiple harvesting and
meeting family needs & increase fish consumption
Homestead pond aquaculture (AIN)
Carps polyculture with mola (SIS) / - / No clear evidence for fish and vegetable production / Increase nutrition compare to national average / -
Aquaculture (ANEP)
Carps polyculture with mola (SIS); Stocking large fingerlings and feeding technique; Improved Rice-fish culture; vegetable production / Increased productivity by 68% in average within the overall technologies / Increased income of US$364; US$ 585; US$ 711
Income 4 times higher (US$ 1,948)
Increased income from vegetable : (US$ 88.83) / Access to micronutrient rich food
40 kg of micronutrient rich food / Fish consumption tripled
Meet consumption needs, more regular fish consumption
Increase vegetable,
Increased fish consumption of 26 kg per HH (in one village)
Gheehrs systems (CSISA)
Prawn –fish aquaculture and vegetable production / Increased pond production by 8 times
(780 kg of tilapia; 180 kg of carp, 20 kg of molla, 14 kg of prawn) and vegetable production / Increased income by 7 times (300 $US$D), reducing production cost by 30%.
Increased earning with vegetable (51 US$USD net benefit)
Increase profit of 319 US$$USD compared before the project / - / More fish and vegetable consumed
Agriculture System (CSISA)
Use of fallow land for maize production and use of rice variety and intermediary crop / From fallow land to 3.85 t/ha (wheat); fallow land used to produce 256 kg on 0.09 ha
Rice planting index increased (3 crops) and additional mustard crop 40 kg for seed production and fodder (crop residue) / Additional income with a second crop (in addition to rice crop).
64 US$USD from maize
Sold the early rice at higher price because of grain quality / - / Use 20% of the production for households consumption and feed the poultry
Additional Provide 3 meals per day
Homestead ponds AAS CRP
Carps polyculture with mola (SIS) and Vegetable seeds selection / Productivity of pond increased from less than 150 kg/ha to almost 800 kg/ha
Selection of the most productive Okra variety / - / Fish consumption per households more than doubled
Access to micronutrient rich food / increased food supply
Rice Field Fisheries Enhancement Project (RFFEP) / After 1 year of intervention, increased fish biomass in refuge pond of 45% (up to450 g per net),
Increase fish catch of 207% in average (7.1 to 8.57.6 kg of fish catch per households per week) / 25% increase fish sold fresh (2 kg to 2.5 kg/household/week) / Access to micronutrient rich food / Stable fish consumption (3 kg per household per week).
Better access to fish



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