American Chesapeake Club, Inc.
WD/WDX/WDQ Stakes - September 23, 2012
Open to all Chesapeake Bay Retrievers over 6 months

Chairman: Franklin Blizzard

Regional Director Sponsor: Frank Blizzard, Christene Morath

Location: 4703 Scenic Lake Drive

Schertz, TX 78154

Judges: Sue Eley, Mark Remington

Start Time: 8:30, test dog runs at 8:15

Head Gunner: Fred Doubet
Rules for the WD/X/Q: Copies of all rules, Guidelines and Procedures are available on the ACC website at on the WD/X/Q pages or on the 2011 PA Show Specialty website. Take time to read through the requirements and procedures in advance. This will help you and your dog to be successful and not fail due to handler error.

**Note – Females in season cannot run and are not to be aired on the grounds. Refunds are available. See the instructions in the WD Rules. Notify us in writing in advance if you need to cancel an entry.
Requirements: (see complete info on the printouts listed on the ACC website)
WD: back to back singles on land and water
WDX: a double on land and a double on water, dogs must be steady and deliver to hand
WDQ: a double on land, a land blind, a water blind and a combination triple with two birds in water and one on land. Dogs must be steady and deliver to hand

Park your vehicles in designated areas only. Smoking can be restricted in game-lands during dry weather. All dogs must be on leash in parking area and when being aired.No dogs permitted near the line except the competing dogs. When dogs are running, please do not walk around in the gallery, avoid loud talking and do not wear white.Any of these can be very distracting to the dogs and the contestants.

Thank you to our Judges for their time, all of our Volunteers for helping shoot, throw, bag birds, marshal the stakes, running lunches and all the little extras. You have made this an exciting event where we can showcase the natural talent of our breed. Thanks also to the participants for your dedication and support for the brown dogs.

WD Stake

SR65306409 Tranquilla Parisio’s Karma Will Show Ya PASS

F, 11/16/2010

Sire: Rouse Farms Woody

Dam: Rouse Ricola Rocket

Owner: Megan Fredrickson

Handler: Megan Fredickson

SR66359510 Ruff Thumper

M 11/14/2011

Sire: Flying “B” Shotgun Willie’s Cinnamon Big


Dam: Scout X

Owner: Franklin Blizzard

Handler” Frank Blizzard

SR32434107 Ch Flying “B” Little Bit of Lovin

F 2/20/2006 SCRATCH

Sire: Ch Bowie’s Flying “B” Jumping Jack

Flash JH

Dam: Sunny Skies Sophie Girl

Owner: Franklin Blizzard

SR66719602 Dove Creek’s Autumn Splendor JH

F, 2/25/2011 PASS

Sire: GCh Spinnake’s Kodiak Fisher JH

Dam: Ch Spinnaker’s Autumn Breeze SH

Owner: Charles S Kling

5. A SR70895501 Hunterdan’s Rebel M, 1/1/2012 PASS

Sire: Ch Gunner XXVIII, SH

Dam: Bayshore Baroness

Owner: Daniel Davis

Handler” Dan Davis

5.  B. SR54289107 Ches-Shores Moer than Faith CD

F, 12/23/09

Sire: Ch Chester River’s Captain Moe

Dam: Ch Ches-Shore’s Keep the Faith

Owner: Zabrina Livingstone

Handler:Zabrina Livingstone

6.  “Blue”

Owner: Nancy Flynn

7. SR34278711 Ches-Shores Wacky Jacky PASS

F, 3/22/2006

Sire: Ch Marnett’s Playing Hookie, JH

Dam: Ch Ches-Shores Blue Lagoon

Owner/Handler Loura Waid

8. SR70358209 Halloween Honey’s Daniel Boone

M, 10/19/2011 PASS

Sire: HRCH Halloween Honey’s Buddy

Dam: HRCH Rippling Water’s Annie Oakley

Owner: Terry and Patsy Brousseau

Handler: Terry Brousseau

WDX Stake

SR57492201 Ch Lick Creek’s Canard Chien JH

F, 7/10/2009

Sire: Ch Cur-San’s Ruff Cut MH

Sam: Flatwater’s Lick Creek Roz SH

Owner:James, Emelise and Rebecca Baughman

Handler: Emelise Baughamn

SR 57349208 GCH Spinnakers Kodiak

Fisher JH PASS

M, 6/10/2009

Sire: Ch Quailrun Marnetts Don’t U Wish SH

Dam: Ch Quailridge’s Maritime Madness

Owner: Charles S. Kling

Handler: Scott Kling

3. SR39837212 - Ch Spinnaker’s Autumn Breeze,
F, 1/20/2007
Sire: Ch GooseCreeks Spinnaker's Seamark
Dam: Ch Quailridge’s Maritime Madness
Owner: Charles S. Kling
Handler: Scott Kling

4 SR66669202 Redlion’s Brutus of Bloodsworth,

M, 11/26/10

Sire: Arnac Bay Ardent

Dam: GCh Redlion’s Come Back Scupper, CGC

Owner: Richard Schauber

Handler: Jane Pappler

WDQ Stake

1  SR23627307 Flatwater’s Lick Creek Roz SH

F, 1/15/2005 PASS

Sire: Lind’s Northcreek Magnum MH

Dam: Flatwater’s Turkey Creek Magnum

Owner: James, Emelise and Rebecca Baughman


2  DOG scratech, entered incorrectly

3. SR57996507 HR Halloween Honey’s Prairie Rose

F, 8/17-2009 PASS

Sire: HRCH Halloween Honey Buddy

Dam: HRCH Rippling Water’s Annie Oakley

Owner: Terry and Patsy Brousseau

Handler: Terry Brousseau

4. SR59254006 HRCH Brousseau’s Stonefield Jessie James

M, 9/29/2009

Sire: Delmarva’s Native Son

Dam: Hamilton’s Stonefield Hannah JH

Owner: Terry and Patsy Brousseau

Handler: Terry Brousseau

5 SR303806904 HRCH Rippling Water’s Annie Oakley


F, 11/18/2005

Sire: Ch Rippling Water’s Flash Gordon MH

Dam: Rippling Water’s Mo Sprite MH

Owners: Terry and Patsy Brousseau

Hanlder: Terry Brousseau

6 SR03180907HRCH Halloween Honey Buddy

M, 9/2/2002 PASS

Sire: Stone E. Cub Sunshine Cisco

Dam: Halloween Honey

Owner: Terry and Patsy Brousseau

Handler: Terry Brousseau

7 SR53482205 Ch Gunner XXVIII SH

M, 12/12/2008 PASS

Sire: Ch Poisett Wild Mountain Skipper

Dam: Ch Sugar Tree’s Tiller SH

Owner: Adam Levy

Handler: Adam Levy