Increasing Private Funding and Strategic Partnerships for Your School District
LOCATION: Boyle County Public Library,
307 West Broadway, Danville, KY 40422
TIME: 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
LOCATION: Boyle County Public Library,
307 West Broadway, Danville, KY 40422
TIME: 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Concerned about the future of school funding? Discover new funding sources for your school district and how a K-12 education foundation can help. Learn how to raise your level of success with your current foundation or how to build a successful foundation.
Designed for: Superintendents, School Board Members, Key Administrators, Executive Directors, Development Directors, Foundation Board Members and Key Volunteers.
Danville Schools Education Foundation (DSEF) in conjunction with the National School Foundation Association (NSFA) is sponsoring an Education Foundation training in Danville, KY September 17-18. Any district/community member who wants to start a nonprofit Education Foundation and/or has a struggling Education Foundation and needs ideas and strategies to motivate and promote their organization would greatly benefit from this two-day training. Topics will include: K-12 Foundation Management and Strategic Planning including a nine step process to start a School Foundation; Effective Marketing for a School Foundation featuring well known speaker, Fred Campos; and Fundraising Best Practices from nationally recognized speaker, Randall Hallett. A round table of expert fundraisers including college, foundation executive directors and NSFA staff will share successful techniques they have found worked. In addition, time will be available for education foundation directors to share successful events from their experiences.
COSTS: One day rate: $149 includes continental breakfast, lunch and materials Two day rate: $189 per person
*If more than one person attends from your organization either day the cost is $99 per person per day.
Includes continental breakfast, lunch and materials
For additional information: Kathy Belcher, Danville Education Foundation, , 859-583-9622
Nina Menis, National School Foundation Association, , 630-863-6613
National School Foundation Association Training
Description Highlights:
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Boyle County Public Library, 307 West Broadway Danville, KY 40422
1. K-12 Foundation History and Tools for Success
Description: The history of education foundations in the United States, national trends and best practices will be shared. Instruction will be given that offers vitally important insight into managing today’s K-12 education foundations effectively.
2. Strategic Planning for K-12 Foundation Leadership
Speakers: Randell Hallett, Principal Consultant, Head Midwest and West, atGobel Group and Nina Menis, Executive Director, National School Foundation Association
(Bring your foundation team to work together. Leave with a fundraising plan)
Description: Good strategic planning takes time. It is important to have key stakeholders actively involved in the development of a strategic plan. The NSFA strategic planning process is designed as a work session and will be most productive if two or more from your school or foundation can attend and work together on a plan to take back to your school or foundation. Training will include roles and responsibilities of Board members and officers; Mission and Vision statements; Fundraising; Implementation and Communication. Participants will be divided into two groups:
New Education Foundations: Learn tips and the steps to set up a 501© 3 nonprofit.
Existing Education Foundations: Focusing on strengthening and growing an education foundation.
Friday, December 11, 2015
Boyle County Public Library, 307 West Broadway Danville, Ky 40422
3. Effectively Marketing a School Foundation through Social Media
Speaker: Fred Campos, Marketing Consultant
Description: Communicating real life lessons. Are you looking for ways to get the word out about your K-12 foundation? Learn some tried and true methods to market your foundation that won’t tax your staff, volunteers or budget. This session will deal with your foundation’s message, targeted audiences and ways to reach these audiences using real world examples.
4. Fundraising for Schools and Districts
Speaker: Nina Menis, Executive Director NSFA
Description: A workshop designed to assist listeners to apply key aspects of the very successful college and university model of fundraising to the K-12 environment. Activities K-12 foundation and or school personnel can practice to obtain financial support from your alumni are covered. Attendees also learn that once identified, converting alumni to major donors for your school or district is important for not only you but to the alumni as well. Including the following key topics:
Please register here for the workshop:
REGISTER NOW! For additional information:
Kathy Belcher, Danville Education Foundation, 859-583-9622
Nina Menis, National School Foundation Association, , 630-863-6613
Increasing Private Funding and Strategic Partnerships for Your School District - Presenter Information
December 10-11, 2015
Danville, Kentucky
Fred Campos has 21 years in the banking software marketing business. He has started and sold two software companies in remittance processing. Today, he owns his third software company, Software Online Service Solutions aka SOSS, that specializes in development and mobile apps. He currently serves as a trustee of Hurst, Euless, Bedford ISD, a district with 54% economically disadvantaged and 28 schools. In regards to social media and marketing, he has spoken, educated, and entertained at more than 60 tradeshows and conferences. Fred has spoken and taught social media training on Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines in 2011 and Carnival Cruise Lines in 2012 & 2013. Fred is currently a member of Toastmasters, holding several 1st place trophies in the Humorous Speech Contests. He is a firm believer in paying for college for the rest of his life. He is married to a school teacher with 3 kids in high school, middle school and elementary. They live in Bedford, Texas.
Randall Hallett is thePrincipal Consultant, Head Midwest and West, atGobel Group. He also serves as a member of the Board of NSFA. Most recently, Randall served for 5 years as the Chief Development Officer for the Nebraska Medical Center. He was responsible for all aspects of fundraising, including the transition to a major gifts program from one historically based on annual gifts and special events. As a part of the major gift transformation, Hallett led the design and implementation of a grateful patient fundraising program that effectively partnered with physicians and nurses. He also developed a highly successful concierge program and a planned giving effort. Fundraising results improved 600% increase during his tenure.
For the first 12 years, Randall led development offices for private Catholic schools in Kansas City, MO and St. Paul, MN. In his career, Randall has overseen all aspects of external relations including annual giving, planned giving, marketing, special events, donor relations, admissions, public relations, alumni associations and two successful capital campaigns.
Randall has a bachelor’s degree in business/finance, an MBA, and a law degree where his personal emphasis was in taxation issues of estates and trusts. He is currently writing his dissertation for an Education Doctorate (Ed.D.). His dissertation topic is a national study of major fundraising success at the high school/elementary level in public schools.
Nina M. Menis is the Executive Director of the National School Foundation Association (NSFA), the recognized leader of the Pre-K-12 education foundation movement in the United States, providing training and support for their development and quest to increase student achievement through philanthropic investment and involvement. The NSFA fulfills its mission by being a thought leader and source of expertise to education foundations; providing industry leading training to education foundation leaders, boards, staff, school boards, and district personnel; communicating benchmarks for successful education foundations; assisting districts in the creation and development of local education foundations; and supporting the development of state associations of education foundations. Nina has worked in advancement for both public and private P-20 educational institutions and area not-for-profits for the last 30 years. She has served two K-12 education foundations and established a foundation for a college.
Please register here for the workshop: Page 1