Increasing Nursing Advocacy and Empowerment at the State Policy LevelMeeting Minutes

December 3, 2015

1:00 PM – 2:30PM CST

Project Goal: Inform and empower the nursing community to influence health care policy.

Meeting Started:1:05 PM Meeting Ended:2:30 PM

Participants: Kari Matthys, Carmen Bryhn, Jessica Ahmann, Jan Kamphuis, Jeanna Kujava, Patricia Moulton, Jack Rydell, Roberta Young


Group Chair: Roberta Young

  1. Introductions:
  1. Review notes from last meeting in September. No changes.

September Meeting Notes

3. The ND Center for Nursing Board voted to keep the same vision statement and changed our

mission statement.

Vision: A unified voice for nursing excellence

Mission: Through collaboration, guide ongoing development of a well-prepared and diverse nursing workforce to meet health care needs in North Dakota through research, education, recruitment and retention, advocacy and public policy.

4. Strategy: Provide interim legislative monitoring and legislative update calls and online communication. The announcement about the open November call was in the October 15th enewsletter. We had 14 participants on this call including 5 participants that are not on our leadership team.

  • Legislative Update calls have been scheduled:

September 4, 2015 September Legislative Update

November 6, 2015November Legislative Update

January 8, 2016

March 4, 2016

May 6, 2016

  • Legislative and Advocacy Tracking Teams

Monitoring System setup- Have signed up for all public notices and am using Website Watcher for all applicable webpages- will demonstrate during call

Human Services Interim Committee Tracking Team- 10

Health Services Interim Tracking Team- 6

Health Reform Interim Tracking Team- 6

Higher Education Interim Tracking Team- 5

Prescription Drug Bill Implementation Tracking Team- 6

Student Loan Repayment Program Bill Implementation Tracking Team- 4

Community Paramedic Bill Implementation Tracking Team- 10

Mental Health Policy Brief Tracking Team- 21

Preceptor Reimbursement Policy Tracking Team- 18

  • Review revised Decision Making Model- will then forward to Board for January Meeting Approval

Decision Making Model

Decision Making Model Revision

The group thought the model looked good.

Good step to run by the board before start the process.

For revision- go back to the Board of Directors

  1. Strategy: Develop and disseminate policy brief including supply, demand and education data.
  • Disseminate RFP for research consultant to assist with report. Contact mapping consultant.- RFP in July and August enewsletters. No applicants. Kyle has indicated an interest in mapping- so will be putting together our maps this year.
  • Develop policy brief describing work of center and current supply, demand and education data. Includes new projections that I have been working on. The new HRSA projection model is not available yet. – still working on finishing and is very close, probably in the next couple of weeks

Draft Supply, Demand and Education Chartbook

  • Contact legislative and other committees that are studying health care issues and offer to present.- will contact health services and health reform committees to present chartbook. Will also contact Congressional Offices. Will also send to Dakota Medical Foundation and see if I could present at a board meeting. Will also send to the Economic Development Associations through: EDND's general information contact

Other ideas?

Send to and present to Workforce Development Council. Maybe some community forums- maybe try to present to the FM area.

  1. Strategy: Pilot additional strategies for increasing sphere of influence on governor appointed boards
  • Pilot communication strategy for linking Sphere of Influence members with leadership team.- Patricia can send an email to everyone on the Sphere of Influence list and not on our leadership team to try and connect after the list is updated with all of the new names in December.
  • Encourage nurses to apply for boards through the development of newsletter articles about nurses that are already serving on boards and featuring openings- This was done during the May- July enewsletters as they had openings during that time. Cheryl Rising has also worked on trying to get appointed to Blue Cross/Blue Shield Board. Becky Bailey is also now a member of the Interagency Coordinating Council.
  • Track sphere of influence list by downloading targeted committee lists and determining the number of nurses.- has been updated as of December 2015 there are 25 nurses on boards

Revised Sphere of Influence List– highlight where we have nurses on boards. Nice to have on our website and then put in newsletter and encourage others to let us know.

National Nurses on Board – will send out a survey for nurses to fill out to add to national database. We will get a list of all ND nurses in the database.

This is the coalition website, although it wasn’t working when we sent out the agenda

  1. Evaluate effectiveness of project.
  • Collect outcome measures on project including survey data of leadership team members, nurses through enewsletter and website hits.

# of advocacy center website hits/visitors,# of bills monitored, # of participants on conference calls (phone lines), % of participants that open legislative update emails, # of nurses testifying, # of nurses on boards/commissions, # of participants at Nurses Day, # of organizations at Nurses Day, survey feedback, # of Health Policy Leadership Training webinar participants and evaluation results, # of policy briefs and # of people on tracking teams and collaborative email groups

  • Write up report section with outcome information. Present to workgroup to add in recommended strategies for next 5 year plan- Patricia will do this January-March 2016
  1. Nurses Day 2017- need to pick a day or days for the next session soon to ensure we get the day we want- Ideas from the Group?CUNEA indicates that a Monday or Tuesday would be best. Sometime in the last few weeks before crossover would be good

What about potentially reserving part of the Heritage Center as a base point and sending over groups at different times

Nurses Day 2015 Revenue, Expenses and Evaluation

Organizations there with the students. Registration process more robust. Could be more intentional for hearings- sign-up sheets to organize hearings

Having a base at the Heritage Center is a good idea.

Nice to have 2 days for scheduling students.

Impact would be even greater if we have 2 days.

2 days would be good as well.

Using the heritage center as a base and sending groups and dividing them is good too.

Would it be helpful to have them on different days of the weeks and on different weeks.

Monday on one week and a Tuesday on a different week.

Monday and Tuesday together and the organization have booths both days- but people will go to one day

The group decided that the Monday/Tuesday – 2 weeks before crossover would be ideal if available.

Next meeting is March 3, 2016

2015-2016 Workplan: Group Meetings in September and December 2015 and March 2016

Strategies / Activities / Month/
Person(s) / Activity Completion Status
Provide interim legislative monitoring and legislative update calls and online communication / Provide monthly or bi-monthly interim update and calls on tracked committees/studies and administrative rules process. Continue connecting nursing organizations to testify at hearings. / Ongoing
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Utilize online communication platform to communicate specific studies, legislative hearings, documents and rule hearings by topical area- using tracking Teams for this / Ongoing
Patricia / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Develop and disseminate policy brief including supply, demand and education data. / Disseminate RFP for research consultant to assist with report. / June 2015
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Develop policy brief describing work of center and current supply, demand and education data. If available, include new HRSA projection model findings. / July- September 2015
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Contact legislative and other committees that are studying health care issues and offer to present. / Sept 2015- June 2016
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Pilot additional strategies for increasing sphere of influence on governor appointed boards. / Pilot communication strategy for linking Sphere of Influence members with leadership team. / April- October 2015
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Encourage nurses to apply for boards through the development of newsletter articles about nurses that are already serving on boards and featuring openings. / April-October 2015
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Track sphere of influence list by downloading targeted committee lists and determining the number of nurses. / November- December 2015
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Evaluate effectiveness of project. / Collect outcome measures on project including survey data of leadership team members, nurses through enewsletter and website hits. / April- December 2015
Patricia Moulton / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Write up report section with outcome information. Present to workgroup to add in recommended strategies for next 5 year plan. / January- March 2016 / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%