(include this cover sheet in your application)

Applicants Name: ______

(Full Name)

Address: ______City/Town: ______

Postal Code: ______Phone No.: (____)______D of B: ___/___/___

Parents/Guardians Names: ______

Information to be included in application submission:


Summary of academic achievements.

§  Include official transcripts and a list of academic awards and achievements

Summary of volunteer/community involvement.

§  Include positions held, name of organization/activity you volunteer for and the contact information of those in charge/supervisor

Summary of membership with Baseball Alberta.

§  Include a chronological history of your involvement, both on and off the field, as a member of your home association and Baseball Alberta.

Details of the schools you have applied to.

Details of other scholarships or bursaries you have applied to or received.

Include a letter from yourself, the applicant, as to why you should be considered for a scholarship from Baseball Alberta or one of its sponsors/partners.

Two letters of reference and their relationship to the applicant.

o  A letter of endorsement from your home organization/association.

Application information:

o  Applications for 2011 must be submitted to the Baseball Alberta office prior to 4:00pm, September 1, 2011.

o  Applicants must be Canadian citizens who have been registered members of Baseball Alberta associations/clubs for a minimum of one (1) year.

o  Only those applicants that have successfully enrolled in a post secondary institution, or equivalent, in the Province of Alberta or at an accredited institution in Canada or the United States are eligible.

o  In order to be eligible, you must apply on a yearly basis. This application applies to: Baseball Alberta Doris Taylor Scholarship(1 x $1000), Dave Reiniger Memorial Scholarship (1 x $1000), Bob White Memorial Scholarship(1 x $1000), The Gordon Wilson Memorial Award (Winter Camp, up to $300).

For more information on Baseball Alberta scholarships and awards, as well as those that are available through Baseball Alberta’s partners, you can refer to Baseball Alberta’s handbook,, or contact the provincial office.

Baseball Alberta Ph: (780) 427-8943

11759 Groat Rd. Fax: (780) 427-9032

Edmonton, AB T5M 3K6 email: