Urgent and Emergency Care Vanguard weekly update
Welcome to the Monday Message – Monday 25 April 2016
This the second new weekly update from the North East Urgent and Emergency Care Network team is designed to update you on key activities and recent news.
Funding for 2016/17
We anticipate the funding announcement to come this week for Urgent and Emergency Care Vanguards in 2016/17.
All Urgent and Emergency Care Vanguard leads are meeting with NHS England colleagues today (25th April) to discuss the implications of the reduced amount of funding and expectations for 2016/17. In addition to this the first quarterly review between NHS England and the North East network takes place on Friday 29th April.
As you will know we have scheduled a meeting for the 5th May to discuss prioritisation and implementation plans for 2016/17. The national team have again confirmed that there will only be £12m across all eight vanguard sites available for 2016/17.This means that realistically we can expect £1.5m to £2.5m to support the implementation of priorities in 2016/17.
On this basis it is important that a comprehensive implementation plan for the urgent and emergency care route map is developed both for region and individual SRGs. In addition these will then need to link to the STPs for the region.
Whilst the level of funding is not what we had planned for – it will provide an opportunity to continue to develop critical services – in particular NHS 111 and the integration of a fully functioning clinical hub - as well providing resource to implement other key projects.
We have also been informed there will be there will be an opportunity to “bid” for some Children and Young Person Urgent and Emergency Care Mental Health funding in May for spend this financial year – when we know more we will let you know.
A key part of our success will come from working together and the strong regional governance framework for urgent and emergency care that is continuing to develop will support this in the coming year.
If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to contact Programme Director Andrew Cratchley – .
Forthcoming events:
- Winter Wash Up – 4th May
- Urgent and Emergency Care Strategic Prioritisation 5th May
- National Urgent and Emergency Care Quarterly Forum 12th May
Empowering communities
The North East NHS communications Network and the Transforming Participation Network held a joint event this week, and took the opportunity to consider the new guidance that has been published by NHS England as part of the Five Year Forward View around empowering communities and the creation of social movements.
There are ‘six principles’ that set out the basis of good person centred, community focused health and care:
- Care and support is person-centred: personalised, coordinated, and empowering
- Services are created in partnership with citizens and communities
- Focus is on equality and narrowing inequalities
- Carers are identified, supported and involved
- Voluntary, community and social enterprise and housing sectors are involved as key partners and enablers
- Volunteering and social action are recognised as key enablers
The networks will be looking at how this work can be taken forward collaboratively.
For more information please contact: