I’m a Cartographer

Inanimate Map Project (Major Grade) Rubric

Name:______Date Assigned:______

Due Date:______

You will create your own thematic map using an inanimate (MEANING A NON LIVING) object. Examples: a football, ballerina shoes, a sandwich, a soda bottle. All required items must relate to your selected theme. All things included must make sense as to relativity. You MUST include the following information on your map, but know that you can definitely add more. ALL items MUST be included, labeled clearly and correctly per the instructions. PLEASE FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS CLOSELY.Examples will be posted in the room. Please ask your teacher questions if you do not understand. Have fun being a cartographer!


  1. SIZE: ½ sheet of WHITE poster board 14” X 22”------Anything larger or smaller will result in a -10point deduction.
  1. LABEL = Print only, and write in a straight line-----You may use a very fine point black sharpie to label the CAPITAL, Cities, and Mountain Range. You may use a very fine point blue sharpie to label the OCEANS, Rivers, and Lakes.
  1. USE COLOR PENCILS ONLY: Absolutely no markers, crayons (using anything other than colored pencils will result in a -10 point deduction. (The only exception is the Map Title, see map requirement #2.)
  1. SPELLING: Misspelled words = -3 points each with a maximum of -10 points total deduction

Map Requirements

Part A – Your map must include the following.

Student CheckTeacher Check

  1. _____ Include your Name, Date, and # on the BACK of your map. Also, this rubric ______5 points

must be checked and turned in with your completed map.

  1. _____ MAP Title: Title your map any way you’d like, as long as it connects to your______15points

inanimate object. You may use several colors, stick on letters, stickers, etc.

Creativity is a must! This is the only item that you may use something other

than colored pencils on. Do not just color in the letters of your title with one

or two colors. That is not being creative and imaginative and points will be


  1. _____ COMPASS ROSE: Again, creativity is a must! Make sure to include the cardinal ______5 points

and intermediate directions. (BOTTOM LEFT CORNER)

  1. ______MAP KEY/LEGEND: This needs to include the CAPITAL, Cities, Rivers, Lakes, ______5points

and, Mountain Range. (BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER)

  1. ______MAP SCALE: Make sure to draw in the measurement and measurement line. ______5 points

(Example: 1” = 200 miles)

  1. ______Creativity/Neatness: Be careful when you are labeling items. Do not cross______10 points

out items, scribble, print illegibly, have large amounts of white showing, any

of these will result in deductions.

***NOTE: The entire poster needs to be colored, even the oceans.

(Part A) TOTAL ______/45 points

Map Requirements

Part B – Your map must include the following.

Student CheckTeacher Check

  1. _____ (1) CAPITAL: ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, use BLACK inkand symbol must be in your Map Key. ______10 points

*Related to the theme of your map

  1. _____ (6) Cities: This does not include your CAPITAL. All Cities – Capitalize the first letter, ______18 points

use BLACK ink and the symbol must be in your Map Key. (3 points each and check

spelling) *Related to the theme of your map

  1. _____ (2) Rivers: Capitalize the first letter, use BLUE inkand symbols must be in your Map Key. ______6 points

*Related to the theme of your map(3 points each)

  1. _____ (2) Lakes: Capitalize the first letter, use BLUEinkand symbols must be in your Map Key.______6 points

*Related to theme of your map (3 points each)

  1. _____ (1) Mountain Range: Capitalize the first letter, use BLACK ink only and symbol must ______5 points

be in your Map Key. *Related to the theme of your map

  1. _____ (2) OCEANS: ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Use BLUE ink only and include the word OCEAN______10 points

(Do not put this in your Map Key.) *Related to theme of your map (5 points each)

Part B Total ______/55 points

Part A and Part B combined: ______

Map Specifics 1-4 Total Deductions: ______

Total Major Grade: _____


  1. Initial the student check lines as an aid to help you know that you

included this item and followed the directions.

  1. Following directions is a major part of this project to get the

maximum points.

  1. This paper must be completed and turned in with your finished project. Please double check all spelling and items to be sure that you included everything that is required.