Blessing of Graduates
Eternal God,
in you we live, and move, and have our being.
In your will we find our purpose,
The Lord’s Day
June8, 2014, 10:00 a.m.
Nurturing community servants inspired by Jesus
Trinity Presbyterian Church
1106 Alameda de las Pulgas • San Carlos, CA 94070 Tel. (650) 593-8226
Blessing of Graduates
Eternal God,
in you we live, and move, and have our being.
In your will we find our purpose,
PreludeGrace SchulzIntroit“Holy Spirit, Be the Power!”Chancel Choir
Greeting and Call to WorshipPastor Ben Pierce and Mary Graves
Song of Praise
Hymn #232“Come, Holy Ghost”
Words of Confession and Assurance
* Response“I Am Free”
SThe Sacrament of Baptism
Tupo Kaihohonu Kopa’a Tuupo “Kai”, son of Tupo Mataimoana Tuupo and Emily Iwalani Tuupo
Children (K-4) excused to Classrooms
SermonMaking Your Heart Christ’s Home:Pastor Mary Graves
“Behind the Locked Door”
Psalm 139:1-6, 23-24
* Response
Hymn # 232“Come, Holy Ghost”
Pentecost StoryActs 2:1-21
Offertory“Come Thou, Holy Spirit”Chancel Choir
Postlude“I Am Free”
* * * *
The flowers in the sanctuary today are given bySally Mellinger for “Jimmy Mellinger celebrating his beautiful life.” / We at Trinity fulfill our God-given calling by:
*Bringing life into alignment with the way of Jesus
*Connecting and accepting all people through love and fun
*Mobilizing all ages to care for one another
*Investing in our children and youth in the extended community
*Measuring impact by lives we touch
To join our mailing list and receive our weekly email blasts, go to our website,
To Our Guests, a warm welcome to those of you who are new to our church. Before you leave, please let us know your contact information, and introduce yourself at the Connections table.
Songs printed with permission,CCLI #437799. Assisted hearing devices available in the narthex. Trinity is equipped with a T-Coil Hearing Loop for optimal hearing.
Trinity Presbyterian Church
1106 Alameda de las Pulgas • San Carlos, CA 94070 Tel. (650) 593-8226
Blessing of Graduates
Eternal God,
in you we live, and move, and have our being.
In your will we find our purpose,
Though we are so sorry to see Rosa Molero leave her position as our Administrative Assistant, we are thrilled to introduce you to Elizabeth Leonhardt, our new Administrative Assistant who started on Monday and brings the right ingredients for the job. Elizabeth is a proud graduate of Hope House and an enthusiastic supporterof Trinity!
Ben Pierce has concluded his quarter time interim work with us, but will still preach occasionally (July 27). What a blessing he has been to me and this Church! We are in conversation with another local pastor who will be our next part-time interim.You will meet him next week!
Wait a minute! What happened to Jamie Holden? She is still here and will transition out of her position as Director over the next year as we seek to hire and train a new Trinity Preschool Director beginning this fall. The position is being posted through the school and church and can be found on our web site. If you know someone who understands and supports the special co-op experience we offer and has skills for this position, please spread the word!
All women are invited to join the Thursday morning Women's Connection for their final brunch before breaking for the summer. It will be in the Fireside Room on Thursday morning, 9:15am to 11:45am. For further information contact Veralyn Davids, 591-1519.
We raised over $7,000 for scholarships for Siena Youth Center summer programs, including their participation in our Vacation Bible School! Way to go! Those programs will make a big impact at a very formational time. We still need hands on help for the August 4-8 VBS program. Are you around to read a Bible story, help with crafts, or serve a snack?
Let Kristan know at .
Trinity is sponsoring 20 children from Siena and St. Francis center to attend our VBS, August 4-8. We are offering transportation to those families that do not have the ability to get to Trinity. We need drivers to pick up and drop off at Siena each day at 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 noon. You don't have to be able to do all 5 days. This is an easy way to serve our neighbors! Contact Pam Daniels if you can help. or 650-619-9410
You have been signing up to help out with Sunday School in July and August to give our regular teachers a break - thank you! - we just need a few more for our Pre-K and we will be good to go. Praise God for all our teachers!
Those in our presbytery
Centerpointe Presbyterian Church, Pleasanton; Tri-Valley Presbyterian Church, Pleasanton
Supported ministries
Medical Benevolence Foundation (MBF);Mid-Peninsula Hispanic Outreach Ministry
For prayer needs, please call the church office, (650) 593-8226, or Pam Tenn, (650) 591-7007 on the prayer chain. You may also use the ‘Prayer Request’ cards in the pew racks.
Dr. Mary Graves
Senior Pastor
Dr. Brett Fenwick
Parish Associate
Jamie Holden
Director of Trinity Preschool
Rosemary Smith
Director Em. Trinity Preschool
Kristan Verveniotis
Director of Children & Youth
Ministries, Worship Coordinator
Andrew Cardiasmenos
Interim Choir Director
Grace Schulz
Carl Johanson
Sound Technician
Victoria De Salles
Office Manager
Elizabeth Leonhardt
Administrative Assistant
Masters Program
Betsy Fouts
Jamie Holden
John Kaufman
Aryn Moore
Bachelors Program
Hannah Holden
Jeffrey Langenstein
Alec Benton MacMillen
Nicole Verveniotis
Associates Program
Bernie O’Keefe
Specialty School
Ryan Dunleavy, Police Academy
High School
Isabella Colombo
Shane Dhollande
Morgan Finlayson
Steffen Gernand
Kurt Hildebrandt
Theda Knauth
Kaylee Kohlmaier
Alex Lazich
Elizabeth Menzel
Andrew Benton MacMillen
Connor Benton MacMillen
Evan Schulz
Grace Trainor
Savanna Won
Henry Zatarain
Redwood High School Students
Middle School
Steven Ditzler
Andrew Chambers Doud
Chelsea Dunleavy
Jonathan Heist
Milo Kemper
Capri Kleinow
Kasey Patrick
Eternal God,
in you we live, and move, and have our being.
In your will we find our purpose,
and in your wisdom we find joy.
Bless these graduates
who have completed a course of study
and now begin a new part of their lives.
Let them not be troubled about yesterday,
nor anxious about tomorrow,
but let them live fully this day which you have made.
Strengthen their faith in you and in your talents you have given them
that they may courageously follow your Spirit
and do your will wherever they go.
When doubt and confusion about their purpose surround them,
light their way and give them peace in your plan for them.
When new doors and opportunities open before them,
lead them to make good choices on behalf of those most in need.
Let them use the gifts they have received in their studies
that they may become a source of inspiration
and blessing for the world.
And when each day is ended, give them delight in knowing
that the good work you have begun in them
shall come to completion in you.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
By Diana Macalintal, The Work of Your Hands
Trinity Presbyterian Church
1106 Alameda de las Pulgas • San Carlos, CA 94070 Tel. (650) 593-8226