near Mill Lane – Bow Cottage, Hollybush Cottage (1227, 1228)
A whole series of small tenements gradually acquired by the Adams family at the cross made them significant landowners in the developing village. Some of the individual tenements are difficult to identify with certainty but the identification of the sites owned by the family on the tithe map is correct. William Adams was acting as executor of the will of Ann Adams in 1840 and the tithe commissioners recorded him as owner of several tenements which he held in that capacity at that precise moment. Most of those tenements were purchased from the estate by other members of the family shortly afterwards. Because of that anomaly the tithe apportionment and the manor court books often identify different owners. The family was influential in the parish. The patriarch John Adams was a miller. George was the landlord at the Royal Oak which was owned by John Cheesman in 1840. He also owned some of the family property at Barcombe Cross and had purchased property near the parsonage and windmill. Henry was the owner of the non-conformist chapel that was then situated at the Cross, while other sources reveal that Elizabeth Adams was a shop owner at Barcombe Cross in 1839.
These tenements demonstrate the continual partition and occasional reunification of holdings that characterizes the developments at Barcombe Cross in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Clearly the Adams family was influential in the development of the settlement that now forms the heart of the community. Much of their property was later purchased by the Grantham family and redeveloped.
Manorial tenements / Quit rent
Three copyhold tenements of Barcombe manor
Barcombe Cross land and buildings / copy 5s 0d
Barcombe Cross N-S 26 foot (TA 899) part of tenement P113/10(TA 898.5) / copy 1d
1827 Former leasehold tenement converted to copyhold or merged with copyhold above
Barcombe Cross, N-S 36 ft, E-W 26 ft
E&S: Road N: James Markwick W: Thomas Ellis / lease 6d
1836 Acquires
Part of messuage, barn, garden 4 acres near parsonage (TA 1227, 1228) / copy 1s 10d by apportionment (3)
Owner / 1840 Tithe apportionment
George Adams / 3 cottages and gardens – 1r 12p
field numbers / 899, 1227, 1228 (1)
Land tax / not liable
P113/4 / 2007 part Hog House and garden
Manorial tenements
Barcombe Cross land and buildings
E & S: Road Cooksbridge – Barcombe Cross N: Ann Adams W: William Balcombe Langridge (Camois)
1827 / Grant Land and buildings to William Adams
1827-1839 / William Adams of Willingdon shopkeeper / 1827 GRANT on trust for Ann Adams
1839 Ann Adams deceased.
1839-1839 / William Adams and George Berry executors of will to sell estate. / 1839 (with pt. P113/6 TA 905 & 906) admitted by will of Ann Adams. Her children to have first opportunity to purchase. Sale of merged tenements to George Adams £110.
1839-1859 / George Adams of Barcombe, publican / admitted (3)
1859 sale to John Constable £180
1859-1859+ / John Constable ?the younger / 1859 admitted
P113/4a / 2007 part Hog House and garden
Manorial tenements
Barcombe Cross N- S 26 ft
1748 formed by partition of P113/10 (TA 898.5)
1748-1768 / William Markwick and wife Jane / 1748 admitted and surrender to will
1763 William deceased, Jane still holds
1768 Jane Markwick deceased
1768-1785 / Francis Markwick only son / 1768 admitted
1777 mortgage John Willard of Glynde gent £50. 1785 mortgage redeemed and sale to William Pollard
1786-1795 / William Pollard of Barcombe yeoman. / 1786 admitted and surrender to will.
1795 William Pollard deceased
1796-1805 / Edward Pollard admitted / 1796 and surrender to will.
1805 Edward Pollard deceased.
1806-1806 / Thomas Rogers / 1806 admitted by probate on trust and surrender to John Adams
1806-1826 / John Adams of Barcombe miller. / 1806 admitted and surrender to will.
1826 John Adams deceased
1826-1839 / Ann Adams widow / 1826 admitted by will (with P113/2 TA 925, 926; P113/6 TA 905, 906; P113/7 TA 907)
1839 deceased.
1839-1839 / William Adams and George Berry executors of will to sell estate. / Merged with P113/4 above (3)
P113/4b /
2007 part Hog House and garden
Manorial tenement – leaseholdBarcombe Cross, N-S 36 ft, E-W 26 ft
100 years from 28 Jan 1746Owners
1746-1768 / William Markwick. / 1746 grant
1768 deceased
1768> / Francis Markwick son / ecognized.
<1798-1799 / Rental Pollard(7) / 1799 Mary Pollard deceased
<1806 / James Pollard / assign lease to JA.
1806-1826 / John Adams of Barcombe miller. / 1826 deceased.
1826-1839 / Ann Adams widow / now vested in.
1839 deceased (3) Merged with P113/4
P113/4c / 2007 Bow Cottage and Hollybush Cottage, near Mill Lane
Manorial tenements
Part of messuage, barn, garden 4 acres near parsonage – by apportionment copy 1s 10d
1836 FORMED by partition (see Holroyd tenement P113/39 TA1221)– 2 cottages each divided into 2 tenements
1836-1857 / George Adams of Barcombe innkeeper. / 1836 admitted
1848 mortgage £200 Reuben William Lower of Lewes, bookseller and Thomas Huson gent. Of Lewes.
1857 sale to Richard Wisdon for £335.
1857-1857+ / Richard Wisdon of Lewes, solicitors clerk / 1857 admitted.
1836 / Stephen Bake, William Funnell, Thomas Bull
1840 / Thomas Fleet (1227) Harriert Towner (1228) John Bryant (899)