Thank you for your interest in EMI’s Disaster Response Ministry. We seek physically fit, spiritually mature volunteers possessing helpful technical skills, flexibility, and a heart for responding to disasters. Candidates must be willing to receive training and seek availability to respond on short notice to disasters worldwide. Our goal is to show God’s love in a practical way by providing quality assessment and technical consulting services during the critical days and weeks following a disaster to meet people’s basic needs in their most desperate hour.
Due to the inherently complex and stressful nature of crisis situations, we require volunteers to first travel with us on design projects before approving them for disaster response missions. Therefore, the first step in joining EMI’s Disaster Response Ministry is to travel with EMI on a non-disaster related design trip.
Name: / Date of birth:Profession: / Position:
Nationality: / Passport #:
Name on passport: / Passport expiration date:
Contact numbers / H: / W: / Cell:
Spouse: / Children and ages:
Languages (indicate proficiency):
Describe your past involvement with EMI: projects completed, project leaders with whom you’ve traveled, internships, etc. (Note: serving with EMI on a design (non-disaster) project is a prerequisite for being considered for EMI’s Disaster Response Ministry).
In what ways has God been leading you into a disaster response ministry?
What technical skills do you have that would be helpful in disaster response?
Where have you traveled internationally before?
What role do you feel you could play on a disaster response team?
Describe your past disaster response, military, or chain of command experience.
What is your availability to respond to disasters on short notice?
How would your family respond to you leaving them for 1-3 weeks with four days’ notice? How would their needs be met in your absence?
How would your employer respond if you had to take leave for 1-3 weeks with only four days’ notice? Would a letter from EMI increase your availability?
How would you assess your level of personal physical fitness?
What physical, emotional, or mental health issues do you have?
How are you prepared (spiritually, emotionally and mentally) to grapple with the potentially horrific conditions of a disaster setting?
Is there a counselor or pastor who could help you, after a trip, to process the experience of having worked in a potentially horrific disaster response setting? (Please see attached Pastoral Recommendation form to be completed by your Pastor and returned to eMi.)
What situations, conditions, or events in your life might prevent you from being available to respond to a disaster on short notice?
Do you have an updated will (testament)?
Emergency Contact Information:
Address: City: State:
Phone: ()-(h) ()- (c)
* Please attach your professional resume with this application.
* Please return this application by e-mail () or fax (719-633-2970) to Disaster Relief at EMI.
* Please have your Pastor fill out the attached Pastoral Recommendation form and return it by e-mail () or fax (719-633-2970)to Disaster Relief at EMI.
* Feel free to call us if you have any questions: 719-633-2078.
Applicant’s information: (to be filled out by applicant)
Area of discipline:
Current Address: City: State: Zip:
To be filled out by the applicant’s Pastor:
Pastor’s name (non-related):
Phone() -
Title Church
Address City State: Zip:
*The applicant is applying to join EMI’s Disaster Response team. The nature of disasters is such that EMI team members are often mobilized into extreme conditions where horrific sights, sounds and smells are likely to be encountered. Working and living conditions are often very difficult, with long hours and few if any creature comforts. Serious consideration will be given to your evaluation of the applicant’s character and qualification for our Disaster Response program. Your response will be held in strict confidence. Your prompt completion is appreciated. Please deliver or mail recommendation to: Engineering Ministries International, Attn: Disaster Response, 130 E. Kiowa Ste. 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 or fax 719.633.2970 or email to
How long have you known the applicant? How well do you know the applicant?
Please evaluate the applicant in the following areas:
E=Excellent, G=Good, F=Fair, P=Poor, U=Unknown
Adaptability Dependability Maturity Leadership Ability
Service Spiritual Life Response to Authority Spiritual Influence on Peers
O=Often, S=Sometimes, R=Rarely, N=Never
Critical Irritable Depressed Sarcastic
Argumentative Domineering Rebellious Timid
(Double click boxes to check)
Is the applicant active in his/her church? Yes No
To your knowledge, does the applicant have a meaningful, personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Yes No
Are you aware of any mental or emotional illness or instability in the applicant? Yes No
To your knowledge, has the applicant abused tobacco or alcohol, or used illegal drugs in the last year? Yes No
Have you ever had a reason to question the applicant’s morals? Yes No
Do you have any reason to lack confidence in the applicant’s ability to perform in extreme situations? Yes No
Based on the above information, the applicant is:
Highly recommended Recommended
Recommended with reservation Not recommended at this time
We would appreciate any elaboration on the above or additional comments you might have concerning the applicant (attach additional sheets as necessary):
Signature: Date://
If the applicant is selected for the Disaster Response team and is deployed, we will be contacting you to help coordinate member care and counseling for the applicant upon returning from serving in the field. Disaster Response situations are often emotionally intense and extremely stressful on individuals, so eMi’s goal is to work with a volunteer’s local pastor to ensure that they get the support they need. Please initial to indicate your willingness to work with us to this end:
Are you aware of any counseling resources that could be utilized by the applicant after a trip to help process through what they have experienced?
Y:\Disaster Response\Website\DR_app-Nov2010.doc1 of 3November 2010