Capitation Project Referral Form ________________

Client Name



To: Alicia Torres

Fax: (410) 837-2672

Phone: (410) 837-2647

PLEASE NOTE: All questions must be completed in order

for the referral to be considered and all

supporting documentation must be attached.


Client Name:

Referral Source: Name: _______________________________

Facility/Agency: __________________________

Phone Number: ___________________________

FAX Number: _________________________

Reason for referral: (If state hospital, please state what has kept the client in the hospital)

DOB: SS#: Gender: Male Female

Last Known Address & Phone in Community:

Planned address & phone at time of discharge:

Other contact name, address & phone:

Income Source: SSI SSDI Pending None Other ___________

Insurance Coverage: Medical Assistance Medicare Private

VA Benefits None Other_____


AXIS I: ___________________ AXIS II: ____________________

___________________ ____________________

AXIS III: (Please list all medical conditions)




Medications: (Somatic and Psychiatric)

Active Medical Problems Requiring Ongoing Medical Attention:

Current Community Somatic Care Provider:

Name: ________________________

Location: ______________________

Date of Last Visit: _______________

Substance Abuse: (Check)

Heroin: None Past Present Frequency of use_____ How used______

Cocaine: None Past Present Frequency of use _____ How used______

Alcohol: None Past Present Frequency of use_____ How used______

Marijuana: None Past Present Frequency of use_____ How used______

Other: ________None Past Present Frequency of use______ How used_____

Legal Issues (check) Charges Pending On Probation/Parole None Conditional Release/NCR Past Incarceration

Explain all legal issues checked above:

Capitation Project Referral Form ________________

Client Name

Medical Hospitalizations and Dates within the last two years:

Psychiatric Hospitalizations (state, private, and general hospitals) and Dates within last two years (see eligibility criteria):

Facility Dates

_________________________________ __________

_________________________________ __________

_________________________________ __________

_________________________________ __________

ER Visits for Mental Health Services and Dates within last two years (see eligibility criteria):

Facility Dates

_________________________________ __________

_________________________________ __________

_________________________________ __________

_________________________________ __________

_________________________________ __________

_________________________________ __________

_________________________________ __________

Past Outpatient Psychiatric Treatment:

Mental Status: (Check all that apply)

Orientation: Person Place Time

Mood (what client reports over the last 2 weeks): Happy Sad Neutral

Affect: Euphoric/Manic Mid Range Dysphoric

Thought Process: Organized/Linear Disorganized Illogical Loose Assoc./Flight of Ideas

Thought Content: Thoughts Focused On __________________________

Psychotic Symptoms: Hallucinations: YES NO If yes, type:______________________


Suicidal Thoughts: Yes No Plan: Yes NO History of: Yes No

Homicidal Thoughts: Yes No Plan: Yes NO History of: Yes No

Insight: Poor Fair Good

Judgment: Poor Fair Good

Short Term Memory: Intact Impaired

Long Term Memory : Intact Impaired

Since the individual may refuse participation in the program, or may not be accepted for the program, an alternative community service plan needs to be developed.

Please describe the plan for community services other than Capitation.


Client Name

To be completed by the treating physician:

Based on my observations and treatment of _______________________, it is my assessment that the individual has the capacity to understand the nature of the program and has the capacity to voluntarily provide informed consent to participate in the program, or has a guardian of person who can provide informed consent. The individual being referred is aware that he/she will be assigned to either Chesapeake Connections at the North Baltimore Center or Creative Alternatives at Bayview Medical Center.


Name of Physician-Please Print

________________________________ ________________

Signature of Physician Date

Release of Information Authorization:

I, _________________________ (client name), give permission for Baltimore Mental Health Systems, Inc. To release medical records about my care to one or both of the following programs for the purpose of referring me for mental health care:

Creative Alternatives at Johns Hopkins Bayview Health System

Chesapeake Connections at The North Baltimore Center

Signed, _________________________________ (signature of client)

Date: _________________________