Year A

Invitation to Prayer:

My brothers and sisters,

in union with Christ our King and Shepherd,

let us exercise our royal and priestly ministry,

as we seek to extend Christ’s loving care to those in need,

by offering our prayers

for the good of the Church

and for all our brothers and sisters.

Concluding Prayer:

Almighty, ever-living God,

who have conferred upon Christ Jesus

sovereignty over every age and nation,

direct us, we pray, in the love of your Son,

to care for the least of his brothers and sisters,

that we may be subject to his dominion

and receive the inheritance of your kingdom.

Where you live and reign for ever and ever.


As the shepherd who cares for your flock, O God,

you guide all things through Jesus your Son,

whom you have exalted over all creation.

Look upon your people who rejoice in your mercy,

and hear the prayers we make

for the good of your Church

and the needs of all people.

Through Christ our Lord.


Thirty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Christ the King - Year A - November 26, 2017

Deacon or Reader:

1.For the Church, God’s family, scattered throughout the earth;

for all who shepherd in the spirit of Christ;

and for the Church in Russia, the Ukraine and the Baltic countries.

We pray to the Lord.

2.For all in leadership in this time of political and economic instability;

for families and victims coping with violence and hatred;

and for those who work to establish justice and eliminate poverty.

We pray to the Lord.

3.For those who hunger and thirst in any way;

for the strangers who need to be welcomed;

and for the sick, the home bound and imprisoned who wait to be visited.

We pray to the Lord.

4.For the advancement of Christ’s kingdom on earth;

for acts of kindness and appreciation that spread God’s love and reign;

and for a deepening of our participation in the Eucharist as our act of worship

and thanksgiving for God’s many gifts.

We pray to the Lord.

5.For those who need employment, consolation and understanding;

for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life;

and for the spiritual and physical needs of the least of our brothers and sisters.

We pray to the Lord.

6. For the spiritual and physical well-being of all parishioners;

for those who have died recently,

and for all the deceased members of our families and parish,

especially those whose names are written in the Parish Book of Remembrance.

We pray to the Lord.


Thirty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Christ the King - Year A - November 26, 2017

1.Deacon:Let us pray for the Church, God’s family, scattered throughout the earth:

Reader:For all who shepherd in the spirit of Christ;

for the spiritual and physical needs of the least of our brothers and sisters;

and for the Church in Russia, the Ukraine and the Baltic countries.

We pray to the Lord.

2.Deacon:Let us pray for the advancement of Christ’s kingdom on earth:

Reader:For families and victims coping with violence and hatred;

for all in leadership in this time of political and economic instability;

and for those who work to establish justice and eliminate poverty.

We pray to the Lord.

3.Deacon:Let us pray for those who hunger and thirst in any way:

Reader:For the strangers who need to be welcomed;

for the sick, home bound and imprisoned who wait to be visited;

and for those who need employment, consolation and understanding.

We pray to the Lord.

4.Deacon:Let us pray for the goodness and compassion that flows from the Eucharist:

Reader:For acts of kindness and appreciation that spread God’s love and reign;

for a deepening of our participation in the Eucharist as our act of worship

and thanksgiving for God’s many gifts;

and for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life;

We pray to the Lord.

5. Deacon:Let us pray for the spiritual and physical well-being of all parishioners:

Reader:For those who have died recently,

and for all the deceased members of our families and parish,

especially those whose names are written in the Parish Book of Remembrance.

We pray to the Lord.