G&T 4th/5th Grade Enrichment
Student Journal
Name ______G&T Day______AM PM
Journal #_____Date:
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Journal #_____
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Journal #_____
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Journal #_____
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Journal #_____
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Journal #_____
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Journal #_____
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Journal #_____
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Day 1
Day 1
Day 1
Advertising Techniques- Day 2
Day 3-4
Day 3-4
Day 3-4
Advertising Assignment #1 Self-Assessment
Please use complete sentences.
1. What is the name of your product? ______
2. Does your advertisement include a picture of the product? YES NO
3. Does your advertisement include a price of the product? YES NO
4. Does your advertisement include a logo? If so, describe the logo in detail.
5. Does your advertisement tell where the product can be purchased? If so, where?
6. Does your ad use descriptive language? If so, give some examples.
7. Is your advertisement neat, accurate and colorful? YES NO
8. What advertising techniques does it use?
9. Who do you think is the target audience of your product? What makes you think this? ______
10. What kind of special words does your advertising use? Why did you choose those words?
11. In your opinion, is this a good advertisement? Is it interesting? Why or why not? ______
Day 5
In 2003, people in the US spent about $9 Billion dollars on bottled water. Why? Some consumers believe that bottled water is healthier than tap water. Others believe it tastes better.
Surprisingly, some bottled waters actually come from a municipal water supply- just like the water out of your faucet- and not from a mountain stream. Consider two of the more popular bottled waters: Aquafina (produced by pepsi) and Dasani (produced by Coke). Both of these brands are processed municipal water. Yet, we pay upwards of $1.50 for these bottles rather than pennies from the tap.
So, does bottled water taste better? We will be doing a taste test of various waters.
- What are some other reasons that people drink bottled water? ______
- In your opinion, is the price of bottled water worth it, compared to the price of tap water?
- How do you think companies choose the names for their water brands?
Let the taste testing begin! Grade each area on a scale of zero to 10, with zero being the lowest rating and 10 the best. The highest possible score is 30 points.
Odor / Flavor / Aftertaste / TotalWater #1
Water #2
Water #3
Water #4
Water #5
- Which was most popular? ______
- Which was the least popular? ______
- Were the results surprising? YES NO
- What is the cost of each water?
Water #1 ______Water #2 ______
Water #3 ______Water #4______
Water #5 ______
Is the price worth it? YES NO
Day 5
Day 6-8
Planning Notes ______
Advertising Assignment #2 Self-Assessment
- What is your commercial selling? ______
- What is the price of your product? ______Is it on the commercial? YES NO
- Did you include the brand Logo? ______If so, draw it:
- Does your advertisement tell where the product can be purchased? YES NO
- Did you use a slogan for your product? YES NO
- Did you use a jingle for your product? YES NO
- What advertising techniques did you use (see page 9).
- Did you use a script? If so, how do you think the script went? Would you have many any changes afterwards?
- Explain the sound effects, and/or background music you used (if any).
- What grade do you think you deserve on this commercial?
Why? ______
Grade ______