33rd Sunday Ordinary Time

November 19, 2017.

Gospel: Matt. 25:14-30.

Personal Reflection:

In this reading, what word or phrase stands out? Why?

Are you attracted to something in the reading? Why?

Do you feel any resistance? Why?

Journal Reflection


The man who goes on a journey to distant lands is Jesus himself. The servants are his disciples. The task is the same as before he left: Continue announcing the Gospel. This is what it means to receive the talents.

We discover two attitudes in those who receive the talents:

·  Share and bring to fruition what they have received from God.

·  Keep or hide what the Lord has given them.

At the judgment hour, to those who have put their talents to work, the Lord will say: “Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come; share your master's joy.”

The one who was afraid and hid his talent, is not without a strong reproach: “You wicked, lazy servant…” Basically there are two different conceptions of God here. The first two servants see a God who loves and trusts humanity. The last servant sees a demanding and severe God, a God who enjoys punishing more than loving…

This Sunday’s Gospel invites us to consider, first of all, if we believe in the God of Jesus, who loves and trusts humanity or in a harsh and punishing God. Secondly, to see how we are using the talents that the Lord has given us: If we bury them out of fear or laziness or if we use them to produce good fruits responsibly.

Misal Mensual l Jesuitas de México l Buena Prensa

Life Connections:

1.  In your personal reflection, how have you connected to this Gospel?

2.  In what way is this Gospel a relevant word for us today?

3.  What is one thing you could do to better use the gifts God has given you for His service, for the Church and for the Reign of God?