Español 1– Course Information – Sr. Marr
In this class, you will learn basic Spanish and will develop your ability to listen, speak, read, and write in Spanish. The primary focus of this class is to develop basic conversational skills and to establish a foundation of knowledge that includes diverse vocabulary and expressions, fundamental grammar, and an introduction to Hispanic cultures.
- Be respectful to others and yourself
- My goal is to facilitate as much spoken Spanish in class as possible. I try to speak 80% of the time in Spanish. My goal for you is that if you know how to say it in Spanish, you say it in Spanish! (Spanglish accepted)
- Bring to class every day:
- Spanish binder (or binder with a section marked out for Spanish), loose leaf paper, section dividers for different chapters (6 chapters in total)
- All Spanish handouts given in class
- Pen or pencil
- Arrive on time to class
- Submit assignments on time
- Ask questions and come in for HATS 3A or 3Cany day if you need extra help.
- Make use of study and extension resources listed on Sr. Marr’s website.
- Take risks with Spanish in the classroom and have fun!!! Mistakes are unavoidable and are very important learning opportunities.
- Marking period 1 = 40% of grade
- Marking period 2 = 40% of grade
- Final exam = 20% of grade
- Each unit (6 total) involves grades related to:
- flashcards/homework
- speaking assessment
- 2 vocab quizzes
- 2 grammar quizzes
- 1 comprehensive exam
- project
- Homework: study vocab 5-10 minutes every day, make flashcards each unit, other HW assigned when necessary
- NO EXTRA CREDIT. Take advantage of all graded activities and assessments
- All assessments and homework are expected to be made up within the parameters of the grace period.
- *Grace period = 1 day extension per 1 day absent*
- Extra Help/access to reinforcement activitiesis available to any student during HATS period. If you score below a 70% on any assessment, it is your responsibility to come see me for remediation during HATS period.
Phones/Food/Online translators
- Phones must be turned to silent and remain out of sight for the duration of class.
- Water is permitted in class. Food is not.
- Using an online translator for any assignment will lead to a score of zero. Use of dictionaries is permitted (including
- As part of the Hybrid Learning Initiative, this class has daily access a variety of technology, including laptop computers, online resources that correspond to our curriculum, and more.
- On a daily basis, students can expect to engage in traditional teacher led instruction, as well as independent learning (making use of the laptop computers and online curriculum resources) and collaborative style learning with peer(s).
- The goal of hybrid classroom is to:
- increase student engagement
- accommodate student differences in learning
- develop skills related to technology use, collaboration in small groups, self advocacy
Contact information:
Sr. Marr E-mail:
- Please refer to my wiki site for updates, homework and assessment calendar, links to extra practice/important materials. To locate my teacher site, go to click on “teacher webpages”, then click on “Marr”.
Initial Student Survey
Please review the syllabus at home with your parent/guardian. Then, fill in the information below and sign along with your parent/guardian. You will keep the syllabus. Turn in the Student Survey to me.
Guidance Counselor:______
Home Address:______City:______
Home phone #:______
I live with (circle one): BOTH PARENTS MOM DAD OTHER (______)
Guardian’s Names: Phone#:
(circle one/fill in blank)
I have taken this course before. YesNo
I earned a ______%
In Spanish 1, I earned a ______% N/A
I typically bring a smart phone to school YesNo
I have access to a laptop or desktop computer at home YesNo
I have internet access at homeYesNo
I have ______siblings.
My favorite school subject is ______
What student organizations/extra-curricular activities do you plan on getting involved in this year?
What language(s) do you speak at home?
Why are you taking Spanish class?
What reservations do you have about Spanish class this year?
What is your favorite thing to do?
What is one thing that you are really good at?
If you could have a super power, what would it be?
How would you describe yourself using only two adjectives?
Interview a parent/guardian and BRIEFLY record your collective thoughts below.
How did you learn English? How long did it take to become fluent?
Do you think that it will be easier or harder (take less or more time) to learn Spanish than it was to learn your native language? Why?
Do you think it is valuable for you to learn Spanish? If so, how?
Please sign below to indicate that you have read and understand the course info sheet. The student should keep the course information sheet in the front of their Spanish binder (or Spanish section of binder) for the duration of the semester.
(Signature of student)(Date)
(Signature of parent/guardian)(Date)