In this analysis we will compare the Revised Standard Version

(RSV) ( 1952 edition ) to the King James Bible (KJ).

K J V S. R S V

Gen. 1:2 KJ: "... And the Spirit of God MOVED upon the

face of the waters."

RSV: "... and the Spirit of God was moving over

the face of the waters."

COMMENT: The RSV CHANGES verb tense.

Gen. 1:21 KJ: "And God created great WHALES, ..."

RSV: "So God created the great sea monsters ..."

COMMENT: God creates sea monsters?

Gen. 2:7 KJ: "... and man became a living SOUL."

RSV: "... and man became a living being."

Comment: A MAJOR difference between man and beast is

that man is the ONLY creature with a "SOUL".

Gen. 2:13 KJ: "... land of ETHIOPIA."

RSV: "... land of Cush."

Comment: I know where Ethiopia is, but where is Cush?

Question: Is the RSV's 'Cush' a "simpler,

and more easily understood word" than the

King James' "ETHIOPIA"?

Gen. 3:4-5 KJ: "And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye

shall not surely die: For God doth know that

in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes

shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods,

knowing good and evil." ------

RSV: "But the serpent said to the woman, 'You will

not die. For God knows that when you eat of

it your eyes will be opened, and you will be

like God, knowing good and evil.'"


COMMENT: This is MAJOR blasphemy! God (with a big G)

is not evil! Think about the difference.

Gen. 6:8 KJ: "But Noah found GRACE in the eyes of the


RSV: "But Noah found favor in the eyes of the


COMMENT: God's GRACE was extended in the Old

Testament, too.

Oh, BTW, an amateur archeologist has found

the remains of Noah's ark. I've seen their

DVD and I believe it is real.

Their web site is:

There are people today that are looking for

the ark on Mount Ararat. But, check your King

James Bible. In Genesis 8:4 it says "the ark

rested in the seventh month, on the

seventeenth day of the month, upon the

MOUNTAINS (PLURAL) of Ararat". The amateur

archeologist found the remains of Noah's ark

12 miles from Mt. Ararat within the MOUNTAINS

of Ararat. The discovered ark is 1 inch off,

that's right, 1 inch off, from 300 cubits

(Gen. 6:15) in length.

Gen. 11:1 KJ: "And the whole earth was of one language, and


RSV: "... one language and few words."

Gen. 12:3 KJ: "... and IN THEE shall all families of the

earth be blessed."

RSV: "... families ... shall bless themselves."

Gen. 24:47 KJ: "... and I put the EARRING UPON HER FACE,


RSV: "... So I put the ring on her nose, ..."

COMMENT: The RSV put WHAT on her nose?

Gen. 49:10 KJ: "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, ...

until SHILOH come; and unto him [shall] the

gathering of the people [be]."

RSV: "... until he comes to whom it belongs; ..."

COMMENT: "SHILOH" refers to Christ as Peace Maker. The

RSV robs him of his Messianic rule.

Lev. 3:13 KJ: "... and the sons of Aaron shall SPRINKLE the

blood thereof upon the altar ..."

RSV: "... and the sons of Aaron shall throw its

blood against the altar round about."

Joshua 12:23 KJ: "... the king of the NATIONS of Gilgal, ..."

RSV: "... the king of Goiim in Galilee, ..."

COMMENT: Is the RSV's 'Goiim' a "clearer, more easily

understood word" than the King James'


Judges 7:20 KJ: "... The sword OF the Lord, and OF Gideon."

RSV: "... A sword for the Lord and for Gideon!"

COMMENT: Notice "OF" was changed to "FOR". Big

difference in those two meanings.

Judges 19:2 KJ: "And his concubine PLAYED THE WHORE against

him, ..."

RSV: "And his concubine became angry with him,


COMMENT: Is being angry the same as PLAYING THE


2Sam. 16:4 KJ: "... And Ziba said, I humbly BESEECH thee

[that] I may find GRACE in thy sight, my

lord, O king."

RSV: "... Ziba said, 'I do obeisance; let me

ever find favor in your sight, my lord

the king.'"

2Sam. 21:19 KJ: "... Elhanan ... slew [THE BROTHER OF]

Goliath ..."

RSV: "... Elhanan ... slew Goliath ..."

COMMENT: Elhanan slew Goliath? WHAT? Sunday school

CHILDREN know DAVID slew Goliath! The RSV

translation 'scholars' blew this one! For

a good book on the quality of the King James

translators see: "The Men Behind The KJV"

by: Gustavus S. Paine ISBN: 0-8010-7008-2

published by Baker Book House.

Scholar for scholar the translators of the

KJ Bible were far greater men of God than

any today. John Bois could read the Bible,

in Hebrew, at age 5. Lancelot Andrews was

fluent in 20 languages. John Chedderton knew

Greek, Hebrew and Latin as well as you and

I know English (and better) etc.

1Kings 14:24 KJ: "And there were also SODOMITES in the land:


RSV: "... there were also male cult prostitutes

in the land. ..."

COMMENT: Sodomites and prostitutes are NOT the same.

Sodomy is an ABOMINATION (Lev 18:22). The

RSV has removed sodomites.

Oh, BTW, an amateur archeologist has found

the remains of Sodom and Gomorrah. I've seen

their DVD and I believe it is real.

Their web site is:

1Kings 15:12 KJ: "And he took away the SODOMITES out of the

land, ..."

RSV: "He put away the male cult prostitutes out

of the land, ..."

COMMENT: Again, the RSV changes SODOMITES to


against it are GONE in the RSV, here in

1Kings 15:12, AND in 1Kings 14:24, AND

in 1Kings 22:46 AND in 2Kings 23:7.

1Kings 20:38 KJ: "... with ASHES upon his FACE."

RSV: "... with a bandage over his eyes."

COMMENT: In English, "ASHES" and 'bandage' are two

different words entirely, so are "FACE"

and 'eyes'.

Ezra 8:36 KJ: "And they delivered the king's commissions

unto the king's LIEUTENANTS, ..."

RSV: "They also delivered the king's commissions

to the king's satraps ..."

COMMENT: Is the RSV's 'satraps' a "clearer, more

easily understood word" than the King James'


Psalm 2:12 KJ: "Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, ..."

RSV: "kiss his feet, lest he be angry, ..."

Psalm 9:17 KJ: "The wicked shall be turned INTO HELL, ..."

RSV: "The wicked shall depart to Sheol, ..."

COMMENT: Why has the RSV DELETED hell? Is this an

attempt to sell more RSVs?

Psalm 48:10 KJ: "... thy right hand is full of


RSV: "... Thy right hand is filled with victory;"

COMMENT: There's a lot of difference between

"RIGHTEOUSNESS" and 'victory'.

Psalm 72:8 KJ: "He SHALL have dominion also FROM SEA TO

SEA, ..."

RSV: "May he have dominion ..."

COMMENT: This verse is speaking of Christ as king and

he "SHALL" have dominion is watered down to

'may' he have dominion.

Psalm 72:11 KJ: "Yea, all kings SHALL fall down before him:


RSV: "May all kings fall down before him, ..."

COMMENT: All kings "SHALL" fall down is watered down

to 'may' fall down. Here the Messianic rule

of Christ is destroyed.

Psalm 109:6 KJ: "Set thou a wicked man over him: and let

SATAN stand at his right hand."

RSV: "Appoint a wicked man against him; let an

accuser bring him to trial."

COMMENT: Satan has been REMOVED. Also, how is "STAND

AT HIS RIGHT HAND" the same as 'bring him to


Eccl. 5:20 KJ: "... God ANSWERETH [HIM] in the joy of his


RSV: "... God keeps him occupied with joy in his


COMMENT: The RSV translators blew this one.

Isaiah 7:14 KJ: "... Behold, a VIRGIN shall conceive, ..."

RSV: "... Behold, a young woman shall conceive


COMMENT: 'Young woman'? WHAT? If Mary is just a

'young woman' AND she is pregnant, this is

NOT a miracle. ONLY Mary being a VIRGIN is

a miracle. ALSO: Mary being a young woman,

NOT MARRIED, and PREGNANT? What does this

say about Mary? Think about it. A LOT is

involved here. The RSV is BLASPHEMOUS.

Isaiah 11:3 KJ: "And shall make him of quick understanding


RSV: Omitted

COMMENT: The verse is speaking of Jesus and says he

will be "of quick understanding". The RSV

omits this scripture.

Isaiah 32:2 KJ: "And A MAN shall be as an hiding place from

the wind, ..."

RSV: "Each will be like a hiding place from the

wind, ..."

COMMENT: The "MAN" here can be no one but Christ.

Just another case of setting aside the Lord

Jesus, and giving us a substitute. Think

how serious these corruptions are, and how

they destroy the word of God.

Jer. 48:12 KJ: "Therefore, ... saith the Lord, ... I will

send unto him WANDERERS, ..."

RSV: "Therefore, ... says the Lord, ... I shall

send to him tilters ..."

COMMENT: Is the RSV's 'tilters' a "simpler and more

easily understood word", than the King


Daniel 3:25 KJ: "... and the form of the fourth is like THE


RSV: "... and the appearance of the fourth is

like a son of the gods."

COMMENT: 'A son of the (plural) gods'? It was Jesus

Christ, THE SON OF GOD (Big G), who was in

the fiery furnace with Shadrach, Messach,

and Abednego. It was Jesus Christ who

protected them and it is Jesus Christ who

saves us from the fiery furnace (i.e.

from hell).

Hosea 11:12 KJ: "... but Judah yet RULETH WITH GOD, and is

faithful with the saints."

RSV: "... but Judah is still known by God, and

is faithful to the Holy One."

COMMENT: The RSV has watered down "RULING" with God

and made it only 'known' to God.

Hosea 13:9 KJ: "O Israel, THOU HAST DESTROYED THYSELF; but

in me [is] thine help."

RSV: "I WILL DESTROY YOU, O Israel; who can help


COMMENT: Here is a splendid example of how new version

'scripture' is often made to say exactly the

OPPOSITE of what was given by inspiration of

Almighty God.

Micah 5:2 KJ: "... Bethlehem ... out of thee shall he come

forth unto me [that is] to be ruler in

Israel; whose GOINGS FORTH [have been] from

of old, from everlasting."

RSV: "... whose ORIGIN is from of old, ..."

COMMENT: This refers to the Lord Jesus and the RSV

makes him a CREATED BEING having an ORIGIN.

How can a child of God stand before an

audience and read from such a book?

Zech. 9:9 KJ: "... behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he

[is] just, and having SALVATION; ..."

RSV: "... Lo, your king comes to you; triumphant

and victorious ..."

COMMENT: Reference to Christ's SALVATION is removed.

Zech. 11:17 KJ: "Woe to the IDOL shepherd that leaveth the

flock! ..."

RSV: "Who to my worthless shepherd, who deserts

the flock! ..."

COMMENT: The scholars missed this one.

Matt. 1:19 KJ: "Then Joseph ... not willing to make her

(Mary) a publick example, was minded to put

her away privily."

RSV: "... Joseph, ... resolved to divorce her


COMMENT: Think on this. What a difference. The

meaning is FAR-REACHING and a lot is


Matt. 2:4 KJ: "... he (King Herod) DEMANDED of them where

Christ should be born."

RSV: "... he inquired of them where the Christ

was to be born."

COMMENT: King Herod, FURIOUS over the arrival of

Jesus, (and wanting to DO AWAY with him) did

NOT 'inquire' where Christ should be born.

He DEMANDED to know!

Matt. 5:22 KJ: "But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry

with his brother WITHOUT A CAUSE shall be in

danger of the judgment: ..."

RSV: "But I say to you that every one who is

angry with his brother shall be liable to

judgment; ..."

COMMENT: What? The RSV says you can't be angry with

your brother?!!! The Apostle Paul was ANGRY

and withstood the Apostle Peter to his face

(Gal. 2:11). Jesus was ANGRY with the

Church at Pergamos because of the erroneous

doctrine of the Nicolaitanes (Rev 2:15). The

Bible says to BE ANGRY but sin not (Eph.

4:26) and it says not to let the sun go down

on YOUR ANGER (Eph. 4:26). The King James

is CORRECT: Whosoever is angry with his

brother WITHOUT A CAUSE is in danger of the

judgment. There is a HUGE difference between

those two verses.

Matt. 6:13 KJ: "... For thine is the kingdom, and the power,

and the glory, for ever. Amen."

RSV: Omitted

Matt. 7:14 KJ: "Because strait [is] the gate, and NARROW

[is] the WAY, ..."

RSV: "For the gate is narrow and the way is

hard, ..."

COMMENT: 'Way is hard'? No! "NARROW is the WAY".

Matt. 8:19 KJ: "And a certain scribe came, and said unto

him, MASTER, I will follow thee ..."

RSV: "And a scribe came up and said to him,

'Teacher, I will follow you ...'"

COMMENT: Jesus AS MASTER is watered down to

just a 'teacher'.

Matt. 9:13 KJ: "... for I am not come to call the

righteous, but sinners TO REPENTANCE."

RSV: "... For I came not to call the righteous,

but sinners."

COMMENT: Those last two words in the KJ ARE CRUCIAL.

HELL will get all of the sinners who DON'T

repent. JESUS will get all the sinners who

DO repent! There is a BIG difference in

those two outcomes. And there is a BIG

difference in those two verses.

Matt. 11:23 KJ: "And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto

heaven, shalt be brought down to HELL: ..."

RSV: "And you, Capernaum, will ... be brought

down to Hades. ..."

COMMENT: Hell is GONE in this verse in the RSV.

Matt. 12:6 KJ: "... That in this place is [ONE] GREATER

than the temple."

RSV: "I tell you, something greater than the

temple is here."

Matt. 12:32 KJ: "... but whosoever speaketh against the Holy

Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither

in THIS WORLD, neither in THE [WORLD] TO


RSV: "... but whoever speaks against the Holy

Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this

age or in the age to come."

Matt. 12:42 KJ: "... behold, A GREATER THAN SOLOMON [is]


RSV: "... and behold, something greater than

Solomon is here."

Matt. 13:39 KJ: "... the harvest is the END OF THE WORLD;


RSV: "... the harvest is the close of the age,


COMMENT: The harvest comes at the END OF THE WORLD.

Matt. 16:18 KJ: "... upon this rock I will build my church;

and the gates OF HELL shall not prevail

against it."

RSV: "... and on this rock I will build my

church, and the powers of death shall not

prevail against it."

COMMENT: Hell is GONE (again) in this verse in

the RSV.

Matt. 17:21 KJ: "Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by


RSV: Omitted

COMMENT: To cast out certain devils requires PRAYER

and FASTING. The RSV ignores this.

Matt. 18:11 KJ: "For the Son of man is come to save that

which was lost."

RSV: Omitted

Comment: Jesus' ENTIRE PURPOSE for coming to earth,

is omitted in the RSV.

Matt. 19:9 KJ: "And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put

away his wife, except [it be] for

fornication, and shall marry another,

committeth adultery: AND WHOSO MARRIETH HER


RSV: "And I say to you: whoever divorces his

wife, except for unchastity, and marries

another, commits adultery."

COMMENT: An IMPORTANT verse about marriage, yet the

RSV deletes about one third of it.

Matt. 19:17 KJ: "... WHY CALLEST THOU ME GOOD? ..."

RSV: "... Why do you ask me about what is good?


Matt. 20:20 KJ: "Then came to him the mother of Zebedee's

children with her sons, WORSHIPPING [him],


RSV: "Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came

up to him, with her sons, and kneeling

before him ..."

COMMENT: 'Kneeling' is not even close to "WORSHIP".

Matt. 23:8 KJ: "But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your

MASTER, [even] Christ; ..."

RSV: "But you are not to be called rabbi, for you

have one teacher, and you are all brethren."

COMMENT: "MASTER" is watered down to just 'teacher',

and on top of that the RSV doesn't even

NAME the teacher as Jesus.

Matt. 23:14 KJ: "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,

hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses,

and for a PRETENCE make long prayer:

therefore ye shall receive the greater


RSV: Omitted

COMMENT: Jesus condemns hypocrisy, yet this warning

is not in the RSV.

Matt. 24:3 KJ: "... Tell us, ... of the END OF THE WORLD


RSV: "... Tell us, ... of the close of the age


COMMENT: Jesus isn't being asked about a "new time

period", or a "new dispensation"; he is

being asked about the WORLD COMING TO AN

END. There is a difference.

Matt. 25:13 KJ: "... ye know neither the day nor the hour


RSV: "... for you know neither the day nor the


COMMENT: Who is it that is coming again? That's

right: JESUS! But, you wouldn't know it from

the RSV.

Matt. 27:4 KJ: "... I have sinned in that I have betrayed


RSV: "... I have sinned in betraying innocent

blood. ..."

COMMENT: Many people are innocent of certain crimes.


BLOOD. Think about it.

Mark 1:2 KJ: "As it is written IN THE PROPHETS, BEHOLD,



RSV: "As it is written in Isaiah the prophet,


COMMENT: Contrary to what the RSV says, the

scripture quoted in Mark 1:2 DID NOT come

from 'Isaiah'. The scripture is from Malachi

3:1. Check it out. So, just like the King

James says: "As it is written IN THE

PROPHETS, ..." (because Malachi was a


Mark 3:5 KJ: "... his hand was restored WHOLE AS THE


RSV: "... and his hand was restored."

Mark 6:11 KJ: "And whosoever shall not receive you, nor

hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off

the dust under your feet for a testimony

against them. VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, IT




RSV: "And if any place will not receive you and

they refuse to hear you, when you leave,

shake off the dust that is on your feet for

a testimony against them."

COMMENT: An important WARNING from Jesus, but the RSV