Present: / Councillor Scott Norman – Chair, Councillors, Keith Yarwood,Peter Partridge, Mark FarwellGill Cowie and David Meaden
In attendance:
/Paul Clark – Parish Clerk, Judith Jakes as prospective Parish Councillor and one member of the public
Public questions: / During this time the following matters were brought to the attention of the Parish Council by members of the public –None
16/04/01 /
Apologies for Absence
None16/04/02 / Declarations of Interest and Grant of Dispensations
No dispensations were requested for agenda items
16/04/03 / Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the
24th March2016
Having been distributed beforehand to Parish Councillors the minutes of the meeting held on the 24th March 2016 were accepted by all present to be a true and accurate record of proceedings.
Cllr Partridge highlighted an error at 16/03/03 which should have referred to the Parish Council meeting of the 18th February 2016 not the 24th March 2016. A handwritten amendment was made to the minutes and were signed and initialled by Cllr Scott Norman as Chair.
16/04/04 / Matters arising
16/04/05 /
Parish Clerk – recruitment update
The Parish Clerk gave an update on the recruitment of a new Parish Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer.An advert had been placed with the DAPTC, to date only two applications had been received.
It was discussed by Parish Councillors that two applications would not give a sufficient pool of applicants from which to recruit. It was therefore agreed that an advert would be placed in the Blackmore Vale Magazine. The two applications received to date would be considered along with any new applications.
ACTION – Parish Clerk to make the necessary arrangements if required
16/04/06 /
Planning Matters as listed on the schedule
2/2016/0020/HOUSE – France Down House, Bushes Road, Stourpaine, Dorset, DT11 8SX – Erect carport with room above. Add sliding door and double glazing to barn and erect gazeboAt the Parish Council meeting on the 18th February 2016, after consideration and discussion the application was supported by Parish Councillors as submitted. A response was submitted to North Dorset District Council, however it was discussed that the property might be in the Pimperne Parish.
ACTION – Parish Clerk to check with North Dorset District Council as a final decision is awaited
2/2013/1261/PLNG – Village Hall, Orchard Close, Stourpaine, Blandford, Forum, Dorset, DT11 8TE – Demolish village hall and store. Erect 9 No. dwellings, 2 No garages and bin store. Form pedestrian access and parking area.
Following a recent meeting with Barry Coupe the architect for the development and the newly appointed contractors appointed by Stonewater Housing attended by Cllr Norman and Cllr Yarwood. It was noted that the promised details of revisions to the plans had yet to be received despite a promise by Mr Coupe to supply these items to the Parish Council.
It was discussed and agreed that Stephen Clark – Senior Planning Officer from North Dorset District Council should now be contacted on the matter.
ACTION – Parish Clerk to make contact with North Dorset District Council.
16/04/07 / Flood Prevention and Protection
Cllr Norman reported that a Flood Prevention/Protection Exercise would be held in the village in conjunction with the Environment Agency and North dorset District Council in May 2016 (date to be confirmed)
This exercise would test the ability of the village Flood Wardens and residents to put in place protection equipment including flood boards.
Cllr Norman also reported that the Environment Agency had now confirmed that they would not pay for a flood alleviation scheme in the village. This matter is being discussed with Derek Gardiner – Flood Warden.
16/04/08 / Village defibrillator
Cllr Norman reported that Chris Sargent from the White Horse Public House had agreed to allow four members of his staff to be trained in the use of the defibrillator equipment. Mr Sargent will also pay for the cabinet, its installation and the electricity supply required.
Mr Sargent will need to apply for funding from Pub Hub for the equipment it was therefore discussed and agreed by Parish Councillors to pay for the cabinet when ordering the defibrillator and reclaim the monies from Mr Sargent.
Cllr Cowie queried the security of the equipment, this was discussed by Parish Councillors. It was concluded that the equipment will be secure in the proposed location. It was not thought likely that equipment would be misused or stolen due to its nature.
It was discussed by parish Councillors that training offered by the supplier at a cost of £200.00 would not be required as two residents in the village had been identified who would be able to facilitate training. Therefore the cost of purchasing the defibrillator will be £795.00 exc. VAT.
It was agreed by Parish Councillors to purchase the equipment including the cabinet (to be reclaimed from the White Horse Public House at a later date)
ACTION – Parish Clerk to order the equipment
16/04/09 / Broadband
Cllr Norman reported that it was understood that British Telecom will eventually supply superfast broadband to the village at a maximum aped of 24 mbps, but not to all areas of the village.
It is not clear from where houses at the upper end of Bushes Road will be supplied.
Some residents in the village have received a leaflet regarding satellite broadband, whilst this is a solution to the current poor broadband speeds, the arrangements for funding are complicated. Cllr Norman is to speak with Superfast Dorset to find out why all residents in the village have not received the information.
16/04/10 /
Highways Matters – A350/C13 and Community Speed watch
Cllr Norman stated that he had recently met with Paul Starkey from Dorset County Council Highways and as part of the meeting had driven through the village on the A350/Shaston Road. Paul Starkey had indicated that that the A350/Shaston Road in Stourpaine was on a list for resurfacing works, however Parish Councillors discussed that as some white lining had recently been completed in the village it would be unlikely to be completed in the near future.ACTION – Further clarification to be sought by the Parish Clerk on resurfacing works and potholes in the village. Dorset County Council to be advised of a loose manhole cover and a broken kerbstone in Bushes Road.
16/04/11 /
Street Cleaning/litter/trees and hedges
The litter in and around the grounds of the old village shop in Shaston Road were highlighted as an issue by Parish Councillors.
ACTION – Parish Clerk to contact Mr Phil Meaden the owner of the property and ask him to take action to tidy up the area.Cllr Norman stated that during his recent meeting Paul Starkey from Dorset County Council Highways, Mr Starkey mentioned that there is a specialist machine available that would deal with the encroaching verges along the A350/Shaston Road. Mr Starkey will ask his line manager – Rolly Skeats to hire the machine.
16/04/12 /
Dorset County Council – Mobile Library Service Consultation 2016
The current consultation being offered by Dorset County Council on the future of the Mobile Library Service In Dorset was discussed.The Parish Clerk highlighted the pending changes to the timetable from May 2016. This information has been posted to the village website. Details of the consultation have also been posted to the village noticeboard and website.
It was agreed that such a service remains vulnerable to funding cuts.
What is not clear is the current usage by Stourpaine of the service.
ACTION – Parish Clerk to obtain usage figures from Dorset County Council
16/04/13 / Reports
- District and County Councillor
- Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator
A new Facebook page had been set up for local co-ordinators. Dorset Police are currently highlighting valuables being left in cars and the risk of break ins to vehicles.
- Village Hall/Stourpaine Playing Field Association
Some concerns have been raised over the cost of heating the new village hall this matter is being investigated.
Reflective coatings are being applied to some windows to reduce the level of glare for the sun which can be an issue.
Funding is being applied for to provide new curtains that will be fireproof and assist the acoustics in the village hall.
A grant of £3000 had been received from Spectrum housing to purchase IT equipment for use by village groups. Secure storage is awaited.
A team of volunteers is to be recruited to facilitate viewings and bookings in the village hall including use of the IT.
- DT11 Forum Community Partnership/CPEND
Some concern was expressed during the meeting attended by Cllr Norman on the practicalities of using the new Bus App by residents due to lack of signal and that some older people who rely on buses do not own smart phones.
A suggestion was made that the Parish Council meet with NORDCAT to discuss what assistance might be available for vulnerable residents in the village.
- Trailway/Rights of Way
The issue of dog waste on the Trailway was discussed, despite the proliferation of waste bins on the Trailway some dog owners continue to either not clear dog waste, leave it in bags on the floor or hang it from hedgerows and trees.
- Spectrum Housing – Hod View Estate Strategy
ACTION – Parish Clerk to follow
- Stourpaine Allotments
ACTION – Parish Clerk to arrange for the Parish Council to meet with representatives of the Allotment Association at some point in June 2016.
h. Stonewater Housing – Clerks Acre Development
Please see planning matters
16/04/15 /
Reports on Play Areas
a. KidzoneCllr Partridge reported no health and safety concerns.
b. Grace Upward Under 12’s
Cllr Partridge reported no health and safety concerns
The Parish Clerk reported that quotations have been received from Sovereign following a visit to the village on the 8th February 2016 and will be circulated for discussion.
The annual health and safety inspection of the play areas has been undertaken by the Play Inspection Company. Some issues with equipment have been highlighted although these are considered to be of minor/low risk. A copy of the report will be provided to Cllr Partridge and Cllr Norman for further discussion.
Cllr Norman highlighted the Tesco Bag for Life Scheme as a possible source of funding for new equipment.
Equipment at Kidzone will be pressure washed shortly.
Iwerne Valley Lawn Maintenance Limited will be shortly attending to the turfing of the earth mound at the playing fields.
16/04/16 /
a. Payments to be made as per schedule – for decision
It was agreed by Councillors that all payments, bills and invoices listed on
the schedule be paid. The payments were then authorised by Cllr Norman
and Cllr Yarwood
16/04/17 / CorrespondenceAll correspondence received had been circulated to Parish Councillors. Items for action by Parish Councillors were discussed as per the meeting schedule.
The parish Clerk highlighted a model policy for disciplinary and grievance issues. It was agreed that this will be adapted and put before the Parish Council for adoption at some point over the next two months.
A risk assessment for the upcoming celebration event for HM Queen 90th Birthday is required, particularly for the bouncy castle that has been hired.
16/04/18 / Co-option of Judith Jakes as Parish Councillor
Since the resignation of Louise Webb there has been a vacancy for a Parish Councillor in Stourpaine. The usual protocols have been followed and the Parish Council are now in a position where a candidate can be co-opted.
It was unanimously agreed by Parish Councillors that Judith Jakes be co-opted to the Parish Council. The necessary declaration was completed as required.
Cllr Norman welcomed Cllr Jakes to the Parish Council
Please note that this item was in addition to the published agenda, however due to the workload of the Parish Council it was thought necessary that early action be taken to resolve the matter.
16/04/19 / Matters for consideration at the Parish Council meeting to be held on the
19 May2016 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall, Stourpaine
The next meeting will be the Annual Meeting/Annual Parish Meeting. Items for the Annual Parish Meeting are requested from Parish Councillors.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.45pm
Signed: Date:
Councillor A Norman – Chairman Stourpaine Parish Council