In The Village?
Issue 137 v.2 March 2016
The Village Hall might not look very different, but work on its refurbishment is moving on apace. The roof is finished, and the builders may even complete the inside work early! Watch this space.
The Village Hall still needs to raise money. Sainsbury’s Everyday Shopping Card scheme has ended, but the Give As You Live schemecontinues with other major suppliers, who donate a percentage of your bill to your chosen good cause. It costs you nothing. Details from George Lossius.
‘The Devil’s Violin’ wove their spells in St. Nicholas’ Church on Saturday, 6th February.A dedicated throng braved the abysmal weather for an evening throughout which you could hear a pin drop.
The deadline for booking tickets for the Fawlty Towers Evening at the Mitre Inn on Friday, 18th March is Monday, 14th March. BOOK BEFORE THEN, as latecomers won’t be able to take part.
Clocks ‘Spring Forward’ on Sunday, 27th March into British Summer Time.
Phil our Postman will perform inconcertin St. Nicholas’ Church on Saturday, 9th April, with piano accompaniment by Joanna Carson. His daughter Rhiannon (clarinet) and the Uke Con-Fusion Band will support. Proceeds will be in aid of the Village Hall.
Sandford Orcas Village Hall Committee:
Cindy Brown (Secretary) Maggie Dooley (Children) Mike Farey (Chairman, FOSOVH; H&S)
George Lossius (Treasurer, 100 Club) Rowlie McBeath (Artsreach) Jackie Oaker (SODS) Robert Patterson(Billiards & Snooker; PCC) Richard Slade Graham Winter-Goodwin (Maintenance)
Village (and Outside) Organisers:
-ArtsreachSee the current programme on
BSCBilliards & Snooker Club:Robert Patterson (01963 220455).
Childrens’ Events:Maggie Dooley (01963 220163).
Local Events in DorsetSee
FOSVH Friends of Sandford Orcas Village Hall I.e. anyone who wants to help, on an ad hoc basis
MitreThe Mitre Inn:Cheryl & Allen Page (01963 220271).
HWHome WatchAllen Page (01963 220271)
PCCSandfordOrcas PCC:Contact: Robert Patterson (01963 220455).
-Dorset Police: Sherborne RuralPC229 Pete Moore & PCSO 6269 Mark Jones
SaferNeighbourhood Team Non-Emergency Nos.: 101,07500 816285 or 01305 222222
QTBQueen Thorne Benefice Rector: Reverend Vivian Enever (01935 851118)
Curate: Reverend Ruth Wyld (01935 389962)
QTPCQueen Thorne Parish Council Parish Councillors: Sally Allcard (01963 220520), Jan Lowe
(01963 220490), Rowlie McBeath (01963 220208).
SODSSandford Orcas Dramatic SocietySue Ferdinando (01963 220666)
TTCTable Tennis Club:John Ferdinando (01963 220666).
VHVillage Hall:Chairman: Mike Farey (01963220270).
Village Hall BookingsCindy Brown (01963 220521)
Events This Month at The Mitre Inn Contacts: Allen or Cheryl (01963 220271)
- Every Thursday (3rd, 10th, 17th, 24thand 31stMarch 2016).
Senior Citizens’ Lunch. Two courses for £8.50!
Watch out for future events at The Mitre Inn, such as the Quiz Night, on
Thursday, 3rd March 2016.Time: 7.30 p.m. Nether Compton Memorial Hall Artsreach
Morgan and West: ‘Parlour Tricks’
Tickets: £8 adults, £6 under 18, obtainable from Joe Puszet on 01935 413220
Here they are again - in Nether Compton. A brilliant evening for all the family.
Saturday, 12th March 2016.Time: 10.30 a.m. - 12 noon The Mitre Inn VH
Village Café
The Village Café continues its success story, each 2nd Saturday of the month, hosted again by The Mitre Inn one last time. Enjoy a warm welcome, and coffee and tea, squash, cakes and biscuits, a chat and a catch-up. All funds raised will be used for the Village Hall.
Friday, 18th March 2016.Time: 7.30 p.m. The Mitre Inn VH
Come along in costume and release your inner Basil, Sybil, Polly or Manuel. We are assured
that the kitchen will remain a Fawlty-free zone. Details from Allen or Cheryl on 01963 220271.
The Village Hall Is Re-Born!!!
The present rate of progress suggests that the builders will be finished before 31st March.
Saturday, 9th April 2016. Time: 10.30 a.m. – 12 noon Village Hall SOVH
Village Café
The Village Café continues its success story, each 2nd Saturday of the month, now back in the Village Hall. Enjoy a warm welcome, and coffee and tea, squash, cakes and biscuits, a chat and a catch-up. All funds raised will be used for the Village Hall.The building work on the Village Hall should be complete by now, but there will inevitably be some rawness in a few places; while we work on eliminating them, please just shield your eyes and enjoy.
Saturday, 9th April 2016. Time: 10.30 a.m. – 12 noon Village Hall SOVH
The Return
The Village Hall was cleared of its removable fittings in record time on 12th December, thanks to the large number of helpers who turned up. Now the fittings go all back in, after a further weeding of those nice-to-have-but not-vital items. Again, many hands make light work.
Saturday, 9thApril 2016. 7.30 p.m.St. Nicholas’ Church .
Our Postman Phil Lloyd in Concert,singing ‘A Musical Journey’, accompanied by Joanna Carson. With Rhiannon Lloyd (Clarinet) and Uke Con-FusionBand in support.
Tickets:£10 adults, & £5 u18s from Sarah Whittick (01963-220855) and The Mitre Inn
Wind down after the Village Hall re-installation with this concert featuring Phil our Postman and friends. Details are available from Sarah Whittick. All proceeds will go to the Village Hall.
Saturday, 21st April 2016. Time: 7.30 p.m.Mitre Inn Mitre
Queen’s 90th Birthday Party and Beacon
The Mitre Inn will host a memorable commemoration of this unique event, to be followed by the lighting of the beacon on Haile Hill. Details to follow.
Saturday, 23rd April 2016. Time: 7.30 p.m.Village Hall SOVH
St. George’s Day Village Hall Re-Opening Party: Theme: ‘For England and St. George!’
The village’s huge efforts to raisemoney for the refurbishment celebrated with a Big Party.
Published by Sandford Orcas Village Hall Committee. Distributed free to all actual and honorary villagers