Think of the billboards you have seen on the sides of buildings and
roadways. There are different kinds of billboards. Some advertise a
product. Others promote an idea or cause. All billboards try to change people’s behavior.

In the space below, quickly sketch an interesting billboard you have seen.

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Read Sections 17.2-17.4. For each section, record notes in the appropriate space.

17.2 The Mauryas Unify India

Shade in the Mauryan Empire on the map.On the pillar, write a paragraph summarizing

the expansion of the Mauryan Empire under

Chandragupta. Use and underline these words

in your summary: conquer, harsh, unite.

114Lesson 17© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute


17.3 Ashoka’s Rule

On the pillar, write a paragraph summarizing the
expansion of the Mauryan Empire under Ashoka.
Use and underline these words in your summary:

conquest, war, Buddhism, change.

17.4 Ashoka’s Edicts

On the pillar, record the four main goals of Ashoka’s edicts.





© Teachers’ Curriculum InstituteBuddhism and the First Unification of India115


Carefully examine Edicts A-I and the billboards posted near them. Circle

the goal that you think matches each edict, and explain your choice.

Edict Goal

Edict A: “On the roads…trees have Buddhist values

been planted for the enjoyment of ani-General welfare

mals and men. I have had ponds dug Justice

and shelters erected along the roads. Security

Everywhere I have had wells dug.”

Edict B: “It is good to be obedient to Buddhist values

one’s mother and father, friends, and General welfare

relatives. It is good not only to spend Justice

little, but to own the minimum of Security


Edict C: “My officers have been Buddhist values

appointed for the welfare [safety] and General welfare

happiness of the…people. I have Justice

given them…authority in judgment Security

and punishment. But it is desirable

that there should be uniformity [same-

ness] in judicial [trial] procedure and


Edict D: “This world and the other Buddhist values

[world after death] are hard to gain General welfare

without great love of righteousness Justice

[correct behavior], great self-examina-Security

tion, great obedience, great effort.”

Edict E: “If the unconquered peoples Buddhist values

on my border ask what is my will, General welfare

they should understand this: I desire Justice

that they should trust me and should Security

have only happiness in their dealings

with me.”

Why We Classified Edict
Under This Goal

116Lesson 17© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute


Edict Goal

Edict F: “This…has been engraved Buddhist values

so that the officials of the city should General welfare

always see to it that no one is ever Justice

imprisoned or tortured without good Security

cause. To ensure this I shall send out

every five years on a tour of inspec-

tion officers who are not fierce or


Edict G: “There is no gift comparable Buddhist values

to the gift of dharma [righteousness, General welfare

or correct behavior], and this is: good Justice

behavior toward slaves and servants, Security

obedience to parents, generosity

toward friends, acquaintances, and

relatives…and abstention [staying

away] from killing living beings.”

Edict H: “Everywhere, I, Ashoka, Buddhist values

King Priyadarsi, Beloved of the Gods, General welfare

have arranged for two kinds of med-Justice

ical treatment: medical treatment for Security

people and medical treatment for ani-


Edict I: “Men who are sentenced Buddhist values

to death are to be given three days General welfare

respite [waiting period before being Justice

put to death]. Thus their relations may Security

plead for their lives, or the men may

make donations or undertake a fast

[period of not eating] for a better

rebirth in the next life.”


Why We Classified Edict

Under This Goal

© Teachers’ Curriculum InstituteBuddhism and the First Unification of India117


Like billboards and Ashoka’s edicts, Web pages are designed to promote ideas or products. Design a Web page celebrating Ashoka and the
Mauryan Empire that includes the following:

• the terms Chandragupta, Ashoka, Buddhism, edict, empire, and

• at least four of these features: a Web address, buttons, links, colors,
illustrations, or graphics.

• at least one paragraph that describes Ashoka’s rule and the Mauryan

118Lesson 17© Teachers’ Curriculum Institute