In The Independent Jural Society Community Court, of Free Inhabitants, at:
Association Registration No. – NE1, State-107, County-01
Paul John Hansen, as Plaintiff. ) Claim/Complaint/Request/Notice
v. ) Case No. 107-2013-001
RHONDA K PEAVY, as Defendant. )
Basis of Jurisdiction: Free Inhabitants may convene, and conduct, a court of record, as authorized by the Word of God, generally accepted commercial law, and natural law, providing all due process, over all acts that occur in their jurisdiction / community, of all acts related to the Plaintiff’s claim, as the Court process operate without the United States.
PEAVY RHONDA K, 4019 N POST RD, OMAHANE68112-0000, not evidenced as within the United States.
1. On or about 7-15-2011 , RHONDA K PEAVY, by and through Scott E. Daniel, Attorney-No. 10250, Regency Circle, Suite 350, Omaha, NE 68114, 402-320-6000, fax 391-6500, filed a Complaint For Foreclosure in a United States court styled as IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, identified as case No. 11-4161.
2. The Claim was for collecting on a CountyTreasurer’s Certificate of Tax Sale No. 08-03646, issued by DOUGLASCOUNTYTREASURER, Nebraska.
3. The Subject land with which said Certificate was/is associated has a mailing address of 3033 Myrtle, Omaha, Nebraska, legal description being - Parcel No: 1237470000, Legal - HANSCOM PLACE Subdivision, LOT 4, BLOCK 10, the East 142 Feet, a 50’ X 142’ lot, Section 28, Township 15, Range 13, Quarter of Section- North ½ of Northwest ¼ , Nebraska, all without the United States, as not a possession or territory of the United States.
4. The Subject land is evidenced as being privately owned by Plaintiff, evidenced by Warranty Deed conveyed to Paul John Hansen.
5. The subject land not evidenced as a seat of government or a ‘place purchased’ as associated with the United States, pursuant to Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution.
6. Subject land is evidenced as being once sold by The United States of America by Certified Land Patent (Deed) dated October 1, 1860- see
7. That in this Complaint as mentioned in paragraph one (1) above RHONDA K PEAVY claims that the subject property is “in” the State of Nebraska, therefore making it subject to the State of Nebraska written law, specifically the state property taxing referenced law called the Nebraska Revised Statutes Chapter 77.
8 Hansen has previously, and now again, challenges Defendant to produce proof of claim that the subject land is a possession or territory of the United States, as where the said Chapter 77, as relied upon evidenced written laws, have/has force and effect of law as to the subject land.
9. Hansen never consented to THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, without fact proof, from RHONDA K PEAVY, that the subject land is evidenced as being a possession or territory of the United States.
10. No evidence of a consensual contract to subject Hansen, or the subject land, to the State of Nebraska written law, or any type of it’s foreclosure forfeiture laws, or to any United States court.
11. Hansen therefore calls on this captioned Community Court (hereafter referred to as Court) to investigate the evidence, if any produced by the Defendant, that the subject land is a possession or territory of the United States, as is required to be within the scope of the State of Nebraska written law.
12. Hansen asks the Court to put in written form, for the open record, as to its findings of fact and of its findings of law for this case.
13 Hansen calls the Court to notice THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, of its findings in this above titled case.
14. Hansen’s goal is to use this authority of the Court to secure Hansen’s rights of independence, private property ownership, and the use of the same from encroachment, by the United States or any other foreign jurisdictions the Defendant is trying to utilize in the said 11-4161 case.
15. Hansen asks this Court to instruct the DISTRICT COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, to vacate the judgment of Case 11-4161 for RHONDA K PEAVY failure to produce evidence of territorial jurisdiction when challenged by Paul John Hansen.
16. Hansen claims that initial damages will be 50,000.00 Federal Reserve Notes if the property is taken by a false judgment from case No. 11-4161, for that is the market value of the subject property, the 3033 Myrtle house.
17. Hansen claims that ongoing damages will be 350.00 Federal Reserve Notes, each month, if the property is taken by a false judgment from case No. 11-4161, for that is the market value of rent derived monthly from the subject property, the 3033 Myrtle house.
18. RHONDA K PEAVY has received numerous constructive notices, to/by her acting attorney; clearly evidencing that taking the 3033 Myrtle property by alleging Nebraska Property Tax Statutes apply at that location by principals of territorial jurisdiction do not exist. Said notices have been sent to RHONDA K PEAVY attorney of record with case No. 11-4161, and the same filed into the same case file.
19. Hansen further asks the Court to make a clear declaratory judgment as to Hansen’s right of independence from the property tax written law, State of Nebraska written law, that RHONDA K PEAVY is attempting to apply upon Hansen’s land.
LEDGER of Damages:
Value of the subject property 3033 Myrtle- $50,000.00
Value of monthly rent- $350.00 x ____ months lost - To be calculated. $______
Total- $______
As to the claimed facts above:
Paul John Hansen, Owner, contact address – 1548 N 19, Omaha, Nebraska, without the United States. I, Paul John Hansen declare, certify, verify, and state, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing Claim is true and correct.
Paul John Hansen.
-State of ______
-County of ______
That the above signed, Paul John Hansen, with proof of identification, and known by me, sworn in and attesting by signature, in my presence, to the above Affidavit of Truth, this ______day of ______2013.
In The Independent Jural Society Community Court, of Free Inhabitants, at:
Association Registration No. – NE1, State-107, County-01
1. As a clerk of the above captioned CourtCase No. 107-2013-001, acting independently, having no relationship with the Plaintiff or Defendant, hereby presents this sworn claim of the Plaintiff upon the Defendant. The Defendant is hereby served, and called to give answer to the claims made by the Plaintiff, admitting or denying, point for point, as to each claim made by the Plaintiff against the interest of the Defendant.
2. This is a summons* upon Defendant as a legal and moral duty to give an answer as a sworn statement. Defendant has 30 full calendar days to answer this summons. The day the summons is received does not count as one of the 30 days. The post mark date on the mailing envelope of the answer will be considered the date that the answer was received by the court.
3. That which Defendant does not rebut will be considered as correctly presented or claimed by the Plaintiff. That which Defendant rebuts will require presentment of evidence from all parties for the jury to consider.
4. The action is purely civil, and is independent from and without the United States.
5. The Plaintiff’s claims are deemed as sworn claims, with an accompanying statement of the facts, of the claim, being in chronological order, having an estimated value of the damages in ledger form.
6. The jury will determine the validity of the claim, what the Plaintiff is suing** for, and the biblical restitution that is allowed for each individual claim found to be true.
7. The jury is asked to give findings of facts and conclusions of law, point for point, as to each claim found to be true, and the same for any claim not proven.
8. Once the jury has given its first finding on any issue of the case both parties will then have 10 days to give additional evidence, or written arguments, to any disagreement to any fact determined or law that the jury may have to consider. Once the jury has given its second finding to the above challenged first findings then both parties will then have 10 days to give additional evidence, or written arguments to any disagreement to any fact determined or law that the jury may have to consider.
9. Production of evidence by Plaintiff, Defendant, or witnesses, associated with fraud may be subject to enhanced restitution, as mandated by biblical principals utilized by the jury.
10. If the Defendant accepts any, or all claims, of the Plaintiff and a settlement is offered by the Defendant in writing before any presentment of the individual matters to the jury the restitution will only be the actual damages claimed, whereas, if the matter goes to the jury and the same matter is awarded to the Plaintiff there will be a possibility of an additional 20% added to the restitution. Jury is asked to add all additional restitution, as biblically compliant, to all findings of the case. See biblical restitution-
OR- .
11. All communications will pass through the assigned court clerk, who will in turn keep a record of the communication and pass it to the intended party immediately. Court Clerk Mailing Contact: IJSCC, without the United States, non-domestic, c/o PO Box 1821, Council Bluffs, Iowa [51502].
12. For speed, reliability, cost, and a permanent record, all communications between Plaintiff and Defendant, and the clerk, to be done by email whenever possible. Only the original Plaintiff’s signed summons and the original signed Defendant’s answer is required to be mailed to the court clerk.The clerks email address for this case shall be:.
13. Always place the case number at the top of all documents. When emailed always have the case number in the email subject title as - Case No. 107-2013-001. All correspondence is requested to be in ‘Times New Roman’ font, at 12 point size, with 14 point line size, on 8.5” x 11” white paper, and the same format when emailed.
14. Upon request through the clerk, any mailed document can also be sent to either party in an emailed ‘M/S WORD’ format attachment for easy replication by the receiving party. Just provide the clerk with an email address that will be used for the duration of the case.
___ Day ___ Month 2013 ______
Franklin Lee Grant,
as case Assigned Court Clerk,
without the United States non-domestic,
c/o PO Box 1821
Council Bluffs, Iowa [51502]
*SUMMONS- the act of summoning; especially : a call to appear at a place named or to attend to a legal or moral duty.
**SUE- to seek justice or right from (a person) by legal process; specifically : to bring an action against.
--Proof of Service / Summons Notice, Aided administrative by Notary Public--
This Affidavit is submitted for the record as facts that are currently known by ______, a Notary Public, and are directly related to the attached Certified Mailing with Return Receipt US Postal Service mailing, as performed on __-__-2013, to the below listed addressed individual.
1. Affiant shall hereinafter mean ______.
2. That Affiant is acting as a Notary Public for evidence of service / notice / administratively, with the attached documents, process, notice, presentment, summons.
3. That the attached mailing contents were mailed to the following:
PEAVY RHONDA K, 4019 N POST RD, OMAHA NE 68112-0000.
4. That Affiant loaded the above listed addressed envelope with all original ink signed documents, as hereto attached, and then Affiant sealed the envelope and delivered the same to the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE for mailing, with post paid for mailing on the date of __-__-2013.
5. That Affiant / Notary entered in his Register Log Book what was sealed / mailed, as __-__-2013 (__) total individual pages, in the said Certified Mailing envelope, with mailing reference numbers, exact copy retained.
5a. That the contents of mailing where:
__ page document entitled – In The Independent Jural Society Community Court, of Free Inhabitants, at: Association Registration No. – NE1, State-107, County-01, Claim/Complaint/Request/Notice, Case No. 107-2013-001, original blueink signed documents were mailed, and identical original ink signed copy is hereto attached.
I, ______declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing Affidavit is true and correct. Executed on __ day of the __ month of 2013. Jurat: As sworn to before the below signed Notary this __ day of __ month, 2013, Oath: I, ______, solemnly swear that the contents of the above mailing Affidavit subscribed is correct and true.
Mailing Affiant – ______
State of ______
County of ______
Personally appeared before me the undersigned, an officer authorized to administer oaths, ______, with valid identification, and/or personally known to me, who first being duly sworn, deposes and says that the forgoing, __ page, instrument was subscribed and sworn before me, this __ day of __ Month 2013.
□ Original is retained fully signed by ______, in ink, and said signature was fully verified by notary signature with notary seal.
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