Opening doors
Clinks’ Sustainable Funding
Roadshow in the North West
29th November 2011
GHS Centre, Preston, PR1 8JN
Clinks, 5CP and VSNW would like to thank NOMS and NOMS NW for their support for this event
Clinks, 5CP and VSNW would like to thank NOMS and NOMS NW for their support for this event
Aimed at small to medium sized groups working with offenders, Opening Doors features:
Vital perspectives on the future of commissioning
criminal justice services (Clinks + NOMS NW)
Expert workshops on being sustainable & strategic
Updates on voluntary sector engagement in delivery pilots:
- Transforming Justice (Greater Manchester)
- Informal mentoring (Merseyside)
Free one-to-one specialist advice sessions
FREE for VCS groups based in the North West - subsidised by VSNW.
Non-attendance is subject to a £30 charge.
Full programme & booking form available from: or Helen Walker: or 0161 276 93
Clinks, 5CP and VSNW would like to thank NOMS and NOMS NW for their support for this event
Clinks, 5CP and VSNW would like to thank NOMS and NOMS NW for their support for this event
Opening doors
Clinks’ Sustainable Funding
Roadshow in the North West
29th November 2011
GHS Centre, Preston, PR1 8JN
Welcome and context
9.30 Reception and refreshments
Welcome and Aims of the Day – Richard Caulfield, Chief Executive, VSNW
National Overview, Voluntary Sector Perspective – Kate Aldous, Clinks
Commissioning in the NW: Public Sector Perspective – Patrick Connelly, NOMS
Workshop Session 1 – choose from:
11.00 - Fundraising strategies for small to medium sized groups
- Getting involved in commissioning
- Demonstrating outcomes for funders and contracts
- Exploring new income-generation models and business development
12.00 LUNCH
New model delivery and productive engagement
12.50 Greater Manchester: The Transforming Justice Pilot: Community Budgets and payment by results – John Hannen, GMCVO
Merseyside: Brokering VCS services, Building Consortia and Connecting Mentors – Neil Frackelton, Sefton CVS
Workshops Session 2 – choose from:
13.30 - Sustainability through social enterprise
- Developing partnerships and collaborative working
- Exploring new income-generation models and business development
- How infrastructure can support VCS engagement in delivering services
14.30 Coffee / tea
Workshops Session 3 – choose from:
14.45 - Demonstrating outcomes for funders and contracts
- Developing partnerships and collaborative working
- Fundraising strategies for small to medium sized groups
- Sustainability through social enterprise
Messages from the frontline
15.45 What groups need from the public sector, local infrastructure and national
agencies: feedback from four frontline delegates.
16.15 CLOSE
Fundraising strategies for small to medium sized groups
Joanne Ryan, Bright Ideas Partnership tbc
Professional fundraising advice for small to medium sized groups from quick wins to practical steps for developing a full blown fundraising strategy.
Getting involved in commissioning
Rachel Rhodes, Local Commissioning and Procurement Unit, NAVCA
Rachel Rhodes will outline and explore the barriers and challenges for groups in getting involved in commissioning, the practical implications and choices to consider, and examples of good practice and innovation. Rachel will also provide top tips on what's available (including national resources) and what next steps to consider.
Demonstrating outcomes for funders and contracts
Dawn McAleenan, NACRO, Project Co-ordinator, Dept of Health's Strategic Partners Programme
This workshop will explain what commissioners want, and what they need groups to tell them. Drawing on the findings of a project which has engaged over 50 commissioners, Dawn will outline:
· what kinds of outcomes you are likely to need to demonstrate,
· the vital importance of an outcomes focus for your organisation, and
· the conversations you need to have with commissioners.
Sustainability through social enterprise
Social Investment Business tbc
This workshop will also outline the benefits, implications and sustainability of working as a social enterprise. There will be advice on becoming investment ready, and an outline of the common challenges faced by groups and how to begin to overcome them.
Developing partnerships and collaborative working
Alan Cripps, Neadon Consulting
Collaboration within the voluntary sector is increasingly viewed as key to accessing public sector and private sector sub-contracts. Drawing on experience that includes developing three government-backed initiatives to help small and medium-sized community-based organisations to build their capacity through collaboration, Alan Cripps of Neadon Consulting explores:
· the practicalities of developing fit for purpose partnerships
· considering and going about sharing back-office functions and
· examples of good practice in collaborative working.
Exploring new income-generation models and business development
Neal Trup, Locality (tbc)
This workshop is for organisations interested in new business models and trading. It provides an opportunity to learn from innovative enterprise models and discuss how to plan and prepare for new income generating initiatives.
How infrastructure can support VCS engagement in delivering services
Nathan Dick, Clinks, Neil Frackelton, Sefton CVS and John Hannen, GMCVO
What role are and should infrastructure agencies play in supporting VCS engagement in the criminal justice system? What's happening? What are the gaps? Hear from and talk to Clinks' Local development team leader (Nathan Dick) as well as have the chance to talk details with Neil Frackelton (voluntary sector lead for Merseyside's informal mentoring pilot) and John Hannen (voluntary sector policy lead for Greater Manchester's Transforming Justice Pilot).
Specialist Advice Surgeries
Throughout the day one-to-one surgeries will run with specialist advisors focusing on income generation and partnership working. Delegates will be able to book time slots on a first come, first served basis as part of the confirmation process which will begin after the close of the formal booking deadline at midnight 22nd November.
Clinks, 5CP and VSNW would like to thank
NOMS and NOMS NW for their support for this event.
To book: complete booking form and return to VSNW, St Thomas Centre, Manchester, M12 6FZ
or by email to Booking form: or 0161 276 9300