Create Animated Component.

Create Animated Component.

Create Animated Component.

* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @flow
* @format
'use strict';
const {AnimatedEvent} = require('./AnimatedEvent');
const AnimatedProps = require('./nodes/AnimatedProps');
const React = require('React');
const ViewStylePropTypes = require('ViewStylePropTypes');
const invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');
function createAnimatedComponent(Component: any): any {
typeof Component !== 'function' ||
(Component.prototype & Component.prototype.isReactComponent),
'`createAnimatedComponent` does not support stateless functional components; ' +
'use a class component instead.',
class AnimatedComponent extends React.Component<Object> {
_component: any;
_invokeAnimatedPropsCallbackOnMount: boolean = false;
_prevComponent: any;
_propsAnimated: AnimatedProps;
_eventDetachers: Array<Function> = [];
_setComponentRef: Function;
static __skipSetNativeProps_FOR_TESTS_ONLY = false;
constructor(props: Object) {
this._setComponentRef = this._internalSetComponentRef.bind(this);
componentWillUnmount() {
this._propsAnimated & this._propsAnimated.__detach();
setNativeProps(props) {
UNSAFE_componentWillMount() {
componentDidMount() {
if (this._invokeAnimatedPropsCallbackOnMount) {
this._invokeAnimatedPropsCallbackOnMount = false;
_attachNativeEvents() {
// Make sure to get the scrollable node for components that implement
// `ScrollResponder.Mixin`.
const scrollableNode = this._component.getScrollableNode
? this._component.getScrollableNode()
: this._component;
for (const key in this.props) {
const prop = this.props[key];
if (prop instanceof AnimatedEvent & prop.__isNative) {
prop.__attach(scrollableNode, key);
this._eventDetachers.push(() => prop.__detach(scrollableNode, key));
_detachNativeEvents() {
this._eventDetachers.forEach(remove => remove());
this._eventDetachers = [];
// The system is best designed when setNativeProps is implemented. It is
// able to avoid re-rendering and directly set the attributes that changed.
// However, setNativeProps can only be implemented on leaf native
// components. If you want to animate a composite component, you need to
// re-render it. In this case, we have a fallback that uses forceUpdate.
_animatedPropsCallback = () => {
if (this._component == null) {
// AnimatedProps is created in will-mount because it's used in render.
// But this callback may be invoked before mount in async mode,
// In which case we should defer the setNativeProps() call.
// React may throw away uncommitted work in async mode,
// So a deferred call won't always be invoked.
this._invokeAnimatedPropsCallbackOnMount = true;
} else if (
AnimatedComponent.__skipSetNativeProps_FOR_TESTS_ONLY ||
typeof this._component.setNativeProps !== 'function'
) {
} else if (!this._propsAnimated.__isNative) {
} else {
throw new Error(
'Attempting to run JS driven animation on animated ' +
'node that has been moved to "native" earlier by starting an ' +
'animation with `useNativeDriver: true`',
_attachProps(nextProps) {
const oldPropsAnimated = this._propsAnimated;
this._propsAnimated = new AnimatedProps(
// When you call detach, it removes the element from the parent list
// of children. If it goes to 0, then the parent also detaches itself
// and so on.
// An optimization is to attach the new elements and THEN detach the old
// ones instead of detaching and THEN attaching.
// This way the intermediate state isn't to go to 0 and trigger
// this expensive recursive detaching to then re-attach everything on
// the very next operation.
oldPropsAnimated & oldPropsAnimated.__detach();
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (this._component !== this._prevComponent) {
if (this._component !== this._prevComponent || prevProps !== this.props) {
render() {
const props = this._propsAnimated.__getValue();
return (
// The native driver updates views directly through the UI thread so we
// have to make sure the view doesn't get optimized away because it cannot
// go through the NativeViewHierarchyManager since it operates on the shadow
// thread.
this._propsAnimated.__isNative ? false : props.collapsable
_internalSetComponentRef(c) {
this._prevComponent = this._component;
this._component = c;
// A third party library can use getNode()
// to get the node reference of the decorated component
getNode() {
return this._component;
const propTypes = Component.propTypes;
AnimatedComponent.propTypes = {
style: function(props, propName, componentName) {
if (!propTypes) {
for (const key in ViewStylePropTypes) {
if (!propTypes[key] & props[key] !== undefined) {
'You are setting the style `{ ' +
key +
': ... }` as a prop. You ' +
'should nest it in a style object. ' +
'E.g. `{ style: { ' +
key +
': ... } }`',
return AnimatedComponent;
module.exports = createAnimatedComponent;