A. Background
In the 1960s and 1970s, Hong Kong experienced an industrial take-off.Kwun Tong, asone of the major industrialdistricts of Hong Kong at that time, had all of its southwestern part being occupied by industrial landuse and amanufacturing working population that once reached its peak of 200,000. Most workers were engaged in manufacturing industries liketextile, electronics and metals.The 1980s, however, saw a relocation of industries to the mainland of Chinabecause of lower rentals and wages, as well as a rising production cost in Hong Kong. The working population inthe industrial sector continued to fall, withonly 130,000 people staying in the sector in 2004.After such economic transformation, Hong Kong’s economyhas shifted its focus from secondary industry (i.e. manufacturing) to tertiary industry (i.e. financial and service industry). A decrease in demand for industrial sites resulted in a vacancy rate of almost 30% in the entire Kwun Tong Industrial Area, as opposed to the increasingdemand for business sites. In 2004, as approved by the Town Planning Board(TPB), some land of Kwun Tong was rezoned from industrial use to business and commercial use, whichbrought a significant change to thisfactory area.Direct sales centres, hotels and commercial buildings were established one after another, among which weresome mega commercial cum shopping malls such as “Kwun Tong 223” and “Millennium City 6”. At present, there are many shopping malls in Kwun Tongwith“APM” probably as the landmark. Remarkable changesare also found on Hoi Yuen Roadwhere more and more banks and restaurants come into sight, significantly improving the vacancy rates and employment rates.
TPB’s decision to rezone the land use of Kwun Tong industrial area has revitalizedthe district.Many industrial buildings are redeveloped for commercial purposes while some factory building unitsare occupied for commercial activities.In the competition for land, commercial activities being able to afford higher prices usually occupy prime sites with higher accessibility. Therefore, theoretically, priority is given to factory buildings located at prime sitesin the redevelopment or rezoning for commercialpurposes. Apart from the horizontal difference, the use of factory building unitsis also changing in a vertical sense that lower level unitsareamong the first to be changed.
Besides, heavy traffic jamsare often found along Kwun Tong Road and Hoi Yuen Roadatpeak hours.For the benefit of further development ofKwun Tong Industrial area, it is advisable to solve the traffic and sanitary problemsfacing thearea. To this end, the redevelopment of Yue Man Squareand the transformation of industrial area, allcrucial to the future development of the Kwun Tong District, should be able to help revitalize the whole district.
Through the variousfield studies inKwun Tong, studentsshouldbe able tofamiliarize themselves with the issuesmentioned above.
In groups of 3 to 4, students are required to set their ownenquiry titlesand make proper use of fieldwork instruments. Studentsmay also design their own instruments and methods of measurements if they wish so. During the whole process of enquiry, teachers will only act as facilitators.
1. Websites
2.Relevant news clippings
“觀塘重建 新地恒地最受惠”, HK Economic Times,31 July 2006
“觀塘重建刺激商廈租金”, Apple Daily, 11October 2006
“諮詢完結觀塘重建威格斯倡增商用物業”, Hong Kong Economic Journal, 11 October 2006
3. Map
Figure 1The scope of study in Kwun Tong
4. Photographs
Hoi Yuen Road Vacant land GenplasFactoryBuilding
MaiTakIndustrialBuilding Yen Sheng Centre
Lladro CentreLemmi Centre CamelpaintBuilding
D. Fieldwork(1)[Suggestion: to be conducted in Secondary 4]
The main purpose of Fieldwork(1) is to help students get familiar with enquiry-based learning. More instructions will be given by teachersat stage 1—planning and preparation. Students will only be required to finish stages 2 and 3. This Fieldworkallows students to apply concepts they learnt from lessons to the real world, to conduct hypothesis testing, to learn new concepts and to develop different techniques. Through first-hand experience and information gained in the fieldwork, students will be encouragedto becomeproactive learners and problem-solvers.
Stage 1—Planning
- Set hypothesis
1.1Write downa definiteobjective
1.2Explain the reasons forsettingsuchan objective
1.3Define the subjects of the investigation
1.32Factory buildings / Commercial buildings
1.33Use of the units: Industrial use/ Commercial use
- State the methodology
2.11Clearly defineeach building areaby taking the comprehensive investigation approach and using the 1:5000-scale map / 1:1000-scale map(Lands Department) /Map 1 of Kwun Tong Industrial Area andthe aerial photos on the website of Centamap (
2.12Set the centre of Kwun Tong MTR Station as the central point and draw three concentric circles with equal distance. The outer circle should at its greatest extent reach the waterfront.Three study zones can be determined in this way.The zone to the west of the centre between Kwun Tong MTR Station andNgau Tau Kok MTR Station is excluded from the study as the accessibility of thiszonewill be affected by theNgau Tau Kok MTR Station.
2.13Identify the buildings you choose to investigate in each zone. Any building located between two zones should be grouped underthe zone where a larger part of the building is located.
2.14Design a record sheet to record the category of each building by reference toaerial photos and throughfieldwork.
Details of the identification methodare as follows:
2.14aCompare the aerial photos taken respectively in 1980 and 2005 to identify the buildings that have undergone redevelopment.
2.14bBy fieldobservation and investigation, check out the nameplatesand company lists at thelobbies of the buildings and ask the management offices for the main uses and the year of completion of the buildings. Buildings completed after 1980 and used for commercial purposeswill be classified as redeveloped buildings.
2.14cIt is a common internal design for factory buildings to have parking spaces at the ground level/basementconnected by large-sized goods lifts. These facilities still exist even after the buildings were renovated for commercial use.These buildings will be classified as non-redeveloped buildings.
2.14dPreparation of record sheets
No. / Name of the building / Redevelopedfor commercial use? Redeveloped /Non-redeveloped / Methods of identification(detailed information provided)
Completion year / Internal design / Appearance / Other information
Stage 2—Data Collection _
In the study area at Kwun Tong, collect data for yourinvestigation.
At this stage, you should:
make use of the aerial photographs to initially decide whether the identifiable buildings have been redevelopedor not;
use different techniques and instruments to collect data in the field;
record and organise field data systematically; and
gather supplementary information (secondary data) after the field study.
Stage3—Report Writing
After data collection, you are required to develop a fieldwork report in not more than 1,500 words. It should mainly base on primary data but secondary data can also be used as supplementary information. All secondary data used should be acknowledged.You can present the data collected with appropriate texts or charts. You can interpret the implications of the findings and test whether the hypothesis is tenable (It could be: all/some of them are tenable or untenable). You should also explain your findings and conclusion. Identify the factors affecting the investigation resultsand discuss their significance. The discussion should be able to show your understanding of geographical concepts, knowledge and terms. Try to comment on the validity of the conclusion and suggest ways for improvement. Finally, you are required to suggest one or more extended enquiry study title(s).
The report may include the following parts:
Cover page
Contents page
Introduction (including the objectives, enquiry title(s), site and methodology used for the field study)
Presentation of the collected data
Analysis of the investigation results
Interpretation of the findings
Evaluation (of the whole enquiry) and suggestions
Appendices (may include some sample record sheets and other materials that are relevant to the investigation)
E. Fieldwork (2) [Suggestion: to be conducted in Secondary 5/6]
Upon completion ofFieldwork(1), you have graspedthe general techniques of designing afieldwork and understand issues to be noted. Based on the experience and observation gained in the first fieldwork, you are required to develop your ownhypothesisto be testedin the study area at Kwun Tong and develop your own fieldwork investigation.
Stage of field study / MarksStage 1 / Planning and preparation / 10
Stage 2 / Data Collection / 20
Stage 3 / A. Data Processing and Analysis / 30
B. Interpretation and Conclusion / 30
C. Evaluation / 10
The details of each of the stages above are as follows:
Stage 1—Planning
- Lay outyour fieldwork studybased onthe information gained in Fieldwork(1)and complete the study plan on P.13 before the fieldwork.At this stage, you should:
Decide the enquiry title/question;
Clarify the objectives of the enquiry;
Set the relevant hypothesis(optional);
Identify the type of information (primary and secondary
data) that is required;
Decide on the methods and instruments to be used;
Prepare for the enquiry, e.g. designquestionnaires and record sheets; and
Develop the enquiry sequences, including the details of division of labour.
Enquiry Title(Refer to Appendix 1):Explanation of the study
(scope, objectives, geographical questions / problems / phenomena / focusing questions / hypothesis):
Relevant geographical concepts and perspectives (with references):
Required information (primary and secondary):
Methods of investigation:
Instruments for data collection:
Enquiry sequences:
Table 1 Planning and preparation for the fieldwork investigation
Stage 2—Data Collection
In the study area at Kwun Tong, collect data for your study.
At this stage, you should:
use different techniques and instruments to collect data in the field;
record and organise field data systematically; and
gather supplementary information (secondary data) after the field study.
Stage 3—Report Writing
After data collection, you are required to develop a fieldwork report in not more than 1,500 words. It should mainly base on primary data but secondary data can also be used as supplementary information. All secondary data used should be acknowledged. Explain the conclusion of your study findings.
The report may include the following parts:
Cover page
Contents page
Introduction (including the objectives, enquiry title(s), site and methodology used for the fieldwork)
Presentation of the collected data
Analysis of the investigation results
Interpretation of the findings
Evaluation (of the whole enquiry) and suggestions
Appendices (may include some sample record sheets and other materials that are relevant to the investigation)
Extended Activities (1)
The purpose of this worksheet is to help you develop your enquiry titles and prepare for your second fieldwork. You are suggested to finish theses activities during the first fieldwork.
1.a)Measure the weather data at Kwun Tong waterfront(next to the bus terminal and near the KwunTongHarbourPlaza) andHoi Yuen Road (near the MTR exit and fire station).Fill in the following table:
Kwun Tong Waterfront / Hoi Yuen RoadRecord Time / am/pm / am/pm
Temperature / ℃ / ℃
Relative Humidity / % / %
Wind Speed / m/s / m/s
Wind Direction
b)Explain why the weather data collected at the two places are different.
2a)Choose a driving lanein the middlesection of Hing Yip Street andanother near Camelpaint Building on Hoi Yuen Road,thenconduct a surveyon the types of vehicle and traffic flow (3 minutes for each site) and fill in the following table.
Hing Yip StreetRecord Time:
From to / Hoi Yuen Road
Record Time:
From to
Types of Vehicle / Number / Number
Medium-to-large sized van
Private car
b)By using the data of Question 2 a), draw a composite bar chart to show the difference between the two.
c)Explain why the types of vehicle and traffic flowatthe two places are different.
3a)Compare the following differences between KwunTongPlaza and Millennium City 5:
KwunTongPlaza / MillenniumCity 5Number of storey
Types of shops
Selling/Rental price
Outlook and environmental quality of the building (e.g.flaking paint, rusty window frames and water pipes)
Source(s)of customers
b)Give reasons for these differences.
4a)Collect information about the rents ofthe eight industrial buildings in the study area. Itcan be obtained fromstreet advertisement boards.
b)Give reasons for such rental difference (e.g. buildingquality, usable area, accessibility.)
Extended Activities (2)
Extended activities (2) are suitable for students with higher ability. Apart from collecting field informationof redeveloped buildings at their horizontal distances, students will also collect information about the uses of building units (vertical difference) to find out the relationship between changes in the use of storey and accessibility.
Stage 1: Planning
1Set hypothesis
1.1Write down adefinite objective
Explain the reasons forsetting such objective
Stage 2: Data Collection
Explain the methods used in the investigation
2.11Methodology of the investigation
With the help of the 1:5000-scalemap or Map 1 of the Kwun Tong Industrial Area, conduct a systematic sampling survey by selecting all factory buildingswith even street numbers along Hoi Yuen Road (from the junctionbetween Kwun Tong Road and Hoi Yuen Road to the junction between Wai Yip Street and Hoi Yuen Road). A total of six factory buildings (namely, Lladro Centre, Yen Sheng Centre, CamelpaintBuilding (Block 3), GenplasBuilding, Lemmi Centre and MaiTakIndustrialBuilding)will be selected. Then make a record of the use of all units on floors which are multiples of 4 (i.e. 4/F, 8/F, 12/F,etc.).
2.12Group leaders mustreach an agreement in advance about the uses, types and characteristics of the unitsto avoid any confusion in classification and data recording.
2.13Preparation of record sheets
For example:
Name of building: Lladro Centre
Floor: 4/F
Company Name: / Types:Industrial unit (I)/
Commercial unit (C) / Notes:
(Types and Characteristics)
1 / ABCWholesale Company / C / Sellingclothes;
Larger in size(withtwo unitscombined into one)
2 / 123 Printing Company / I / Mainly as warehouse
*Other observations: oneunit is for lease; whiletwo other units cannot be ascertained.
Appendix 1
Pooi To Middle School—Examples of Fieldwork
Enquiry DirectionsinKwun Tong
Traffic:The relationship between vehicletypes and land use
The relationship between traffic flow and distance from district centre
The relationship between street pedestrian flow and time
The relationship between traffic flow and time
The relationship between density (interval) of bus stops and air quality
Commercial activities:
The relationship between the class of shops and accessibility
The relationship between rental/premium and accessibility
The relationship between rental and building age
The relationship between the class of shopping malls and customer type
The relationship between the class of shops and market size
The relationship between the distribution pattern of restaurants and accessibility
The relationship between network operators and accessibility
The relationship between opening and closing hours of shops on ground floor and accessibility / Environment:
The relationship between noise and land use
The relationship between brightness and accessibility
The relationship between wind speed and building density
Spatial difference of microclimates (temperature, wind speed, etc.)
Spatial distribution of noise pollution
Spatial distribution of air pollution
Spatial distribution of land pollution
The relationship between distance from sea and air quality
The relationship between distance from sea and wind speed
Land use:
The relationship between the type (class) of restaurants on ground floor and industrial areas
The relationship between industrial areas and low-income residential areas
The relationship between redevelopment compensation and accessibility
The relationship between unauthorised rooftop structures and redevelopment
The spatial agglomeration /deglomerationof a particular industry (Industrial/Commercial)
Spatial distribution of green areas
The relationship between land use type and accessibility
Spatial distribution of recreational facilities
The relationship between spatial distribution of community facilities and accessibility
The relationship between land use type and population density
An exploration of the reasons for conglomeration of jewellery shops and its relationship with accessibility
The relationship between the age of labour and building age /
Appendix 2
A SampleEvaluation Form of Pooi To Middle School
Group: Title:
Marks / CommentsPlanning and Preparation (10 marks)
Data Collection
Use of instruments/techniques (10 marks)
Data Record (10 marks)
(20 marks)
Reporting: Data Processing and Analysis
Introduction (9 marks)
Presentation of data (9 marks)
Analysis of findings (12 marks)
(30 marks)
Reporting: Interpretation and Conclusion
Interpretation of the findings (15 marks)
Reaching a conclusion (15 marks)
(30 marks)
Reporting: Evaluation
Evaluation and suggestions for improvement(8 marks )
Suggestion on extended titles(2 marks)
(10 marks)
Total marks (100 marks)