Number 11
1st February 2013
In Service Day and Holidays
A reminder – school will be closed to pupils from Thursday 7th February to Wednesday 13th February 2013 inclusive. School will re-open again on Thursday 14th February at 9am.
School Photographer
The photographer will be in school on Monday 4th February 2013 to take class group photographs. Please ensure that your child is wearing uniform that day. Please note there is no obligation to purchase a class photograph.
Please note: Only MILK BOTTLE TOPS can be sent to school for recycling (no juice bottle lids/ screwcaps etc).
Milk bottle lids must be clean, otherwise they will not be accepted.
Many thanks, P2S
Parents Evenings – Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th February 2013
Appointments for parents’ evenings will be sent home next week. We ask if the appointed time is not suitable that contact is made with the school office as soon as possible. Pupil’s work will be on display in and around classrooms; parents/carers are welcome to visit classrooms. There will be no crèche facilities either evening.
Each child will be allocated a 10 minute appointment. Due to the constraints of time we ask that parents who do not live together attend together or share the appointment time (5 minutes each). If neither of these options are acceptable please contact the school office and we will do our best to arrange the time for another meeting either during or at the end of the school day.
Diary dates
Wednesday 6th FebruaryParent Council Meeting at 7pm, all welcome
Thursday 7th February In-Service Training Day, NO SCHOOL FOR PUPILS
Friday 8th FebruaryHOLIDAY
Monday 11th FebruaryHOLIDAY
Tuesday 12th FebruaryHOLIDAY
Wednesday 13th FebruaryHOLIDAY
Friday 15th Februaryin school Burns Competition
Tuesday 26th February Parents Evening
Wednesday 27th February Parents Evening
Wednesday 6th MarchParent Council Meeting at 7pm, all welcome
Thursday 7th MarchScottish Borders Schools Burns Competition
Thursday 28th MarchEaster Church Service, school closes for Easter holidays at 3pm
Monday 15th AprilSchool re-opens at 9am
Assembly dates 2013Parents, family and friends of the classleading the assembly are welcome toattend, 9.15am in the mainhall:
Friday 22 February P3T
Friday 1 MarchP7J
Friday 8 March `P1C
Friday 15 MarchP4L
Thursday 28 March P6 (Easter assembly in the parish church at 9.30am)
Forthcoming Events/Activities
MelroseParishChurch– the next family service will be held on Sunday 10th February 2013 at 10am in the parish church. Rev Bennett looks forward to welcoming families to the service which will last approximately 30 minutes.
Kids Threads – Spring/Summer Kids Charity Fashion Show Saturday 16th February 2013 in Corn Exchange, Melrose at 2pm.
MODELS WANTED – boys and girls ages 2 – 12 years – applications made at Kids Threads shop at 45 Bank Street, Galashiels (01896 757040), photo required.
All ticket sales and 10% from all product sales to go to Cash for Kids