
Corporation Profile Poster and Presentation Rubric (55 Points)

Your column:
Put a check mark
to indicate that
you have each
item on your poster
______/ Ms. Mitnick’s column:


_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 5
_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 3
_____/ 1
_____/ yes/no
_____/ 4
_____/ √
_____/ √
_____/ √
_____/ √
_____/ √ / Required Information:
Corporation Identification Information (13 Points)
Name of Corporation
Stock Ticker Symbol
Address of Corporate Headquarters
Official Website
Traded on NYSE, NASDAQ, or AMEX
Business Sector
Index Membership (if any): S&P 500, S&P Mid Cap, etc.
Number of Full Time Employees
Revenue over the last fiscal year (in millions or billions)
Names and Titles of at least TWO corporate execs.
Annual Pay of Corporate Executives (“N/A” written on
poster if amount is not available)
Description/History of Corporation (7 Points)
Description/History of Corporation (in your own words!!!)
Competitors are Listed
At least one-sentence explanation of why those companies are competitors
Products of the Corporation OR Stores the Corporation Owns (4 Points)
For a corporation that makes a specific product:
At least three pictures/actual items produced
Captions for every picture/item
Pictures were cleared with Ms. Mitnick
For a corporation that owns stores (inclusion of this is optional for corporations that make products)
# of stores in U.S.
# of stores in North America
# of stores in world
closest store to SVMS
map of store locations in the U.S.


Your column:
Put a check mark
to indicate that
you have each
item on your poster
______/ Ms. Mitnick’s column:


_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 3
_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 2
_____/ 1
_____/ 1
_____/ 8
_____/ 3
_____/ 5 / Required Information:
(13 Points)

Information on the Stock’s Recent Performance

Graph to indicate recent performance
Minimum time range is last 6 months (not one day)
Correct Title
X-Axis Labeled Correctly
Y-Axis Labeled Correctly
At least TWO sentences analyzing the graph – What does the information on the graph mean to potential investors? (Hint – referring to a news article makes your analysis more persuasive).
Somewhere near the graph is the following:
52-Week Range of Closing Values of Stock
Date of 52-Week High
Date of 52-Week Low
If they were listed, include dates and how much
If they are not listed, please write “No dividends
were paid to stockholders.”
(10 Points)

Analysis Using the Strategies for Stock Selection

Paragraph of at least five sentences
At least TWO STRATEGIES are identified correctly by name (not just the vocabulary word underneath the strategy).
Analysis Paragraph Rubric:
7-8 Points – Paragraph is extremely thoughtful, student used more than one strategy appropriately
5-6 Points – Paragraph is correctly written but analysis may be simple/obvious and more analysis could have been added, possibly one part of the analysis is incorrect
3-4 Points – Paragraph is partially correct but has more than one error in analysis, or paragraph is too short, or paragraph backs up assertions with little or no evidence
2 – 1 – 0 Points – Paragraph lacks thoughtfulness, is incorrect, or otherwise has elements which warrant point loss
Overall Neatness/Ability to Present Clear and Useful Information to Potential Investors
Presentation (Clear, Persuasive, Shows evidence of Practice/Preparation)

TOTAL SCORE ______/ 55