College Station Independent School District, 4315 Greens Prairie Trl, College Station, TX 77845 (979) 690-8343, developed these in-school suspension rules.

Before completing any other assignment, write each of these rules (numbered 1–6) neatly and legibly using you own paper. Skip a line between each rule. Be sure to follow rule #3 for this and all other assignments.

1.  Be in your seat and ready to begin class at 8:00. Remain in your seat at all times sitting up straight, keeping feet and chair on the floor, and facing forward with your hands to yourself.

2.  You must be working on an assignment at all times, and WILL follow the posted schedule of subjects for the day. Once your assignments have been completed, or if you have no assignments, raise your hand so that I can provide you with work to complete. If all work is finished, you may read a book or magazine. You may not sleep under any circumstances.

3.  All assignments require a complete heading. This includes your name, date, teacher’s name, subject, and class period. All assignments must be completed by following the directions given. You will complete all assignments to the best of your ability.

4.  Raise your hand to ask a question, get help with an assignment, or when an assignment has been completed. Talking, making noises, and/or communication with other students or teachers is strictly forbidden.

5.  Instructions and/or directions from the ISS teacher will be followed at all times.

6.  You will be dismissed from school after the teacher has inspected your area for cleanliness, all trash and debris has been picked up, and your chair has been pushed in.

·  Restroom breaks will be at 9:30 am, after lunch when the halls are clear, and at 1:45pm. Only one person is permitted in the restroom at a time. We will all leave the classroom and walk quietly, single file down the hall.

·  Lunch will be eaten at your desk. You will remain facing forward and there will be no talking. When you have finished your lunch, raise your hand to clear your carrel.

·  While assigned to ISS, you may not go to any other area of campus. You will come straight to this room (613) at 8:15am and leave immediately when you are excused at 3:30pm. If you need to talk with a teacher before or after school, the ISS teacher will issue a pass to you, which must be returned with a signature from that teacher.

·  The study carrel will not be moved, written on, or damaged in any way.

·  Personal grooming is not allowed in the ISS classroom, to include combing your hair or applying makeup.

·  ISS students are not permitted to attend any College Station ISD functions regardless of time or location while assigned to ISS. This includes any sporting event or extracurricular activity.



© Taylor & Francis 2014