Anale. Seria Informatică. Vol. XV fasc. 1 – 2017

Annals. Computer Science Series. 15th Tome 1st Fasc. – 2017

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instructions for authors and a sample paper

(14 pt bold SHADOW with capital letters, two lines max.)

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First Name Surname1,First Name Surname1, First Name Surname2(12 pt bold shadow)

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1Technical University of Galati-Romania, Department of Technology

2 University of Sibiu, Department of Mathematics(11 pt bold)

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Corresponding author: First Name Surname, E-mail address(11 pt)

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Anale. Seria Informatică. Vol. XV fasc. 1 – 2017

Annals. Computer Science Series. 15th Tome 1st Fasc. – 2017

ABSTRACT (TNR 10 pt, bold, italic): Abstract length must be between 100-150 words (10pt). Please take into consideration that the main sentences of the abstract must present the following aspects: placing the work in context; the purpose of the work; explaining what was done (research, methodology); indicating the main results and the most important consequence of the paper.

KEY WORDS (TNR 10 pt, bold, italic):5-6 keywords (10 pt).

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1. Introduction (11 pt, capitals, bold)

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The paper must be written in English.Each paper is compulsory to respond of following questions:Which is the actual state of the problem?What is done at international level?Which is the originary main idea of your paper?Which is the research methodology used in your paper?Which are the main results of your paper and application areas?Which are the main steps to develop your research in the future?

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2. GENERAL information

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2.1 Layout (11 pt, bold)

The paper has to be written in doc format.

Please use the A4 Format (297 x 210 mm); Margins: top, bottom, right 15 mm each and left 20 mm; 2 columns, column distance 7 mm.

Please use Times New Roman fonts, line spacing single. The font formats are: paper title:14pt bold shadow, capital letters; author's name(s): 12pt bold shadow; key words:10pt; chapter titles: 11pt bold, capital letters, justified; subtitles:11pt bold, numbered, left justified, upper and lower case; text: 11pt.

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The figures have to be made in high quality, which is suitable for reproduction and print. Please don't include the colour photos. Please place the figuresas close as possible to their first reference in the paper.

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Include pictures in borders. The figures could be also made using the both columns space, if necessary

Fig. 1. Title of figure, centred, [references] (10pt)

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Please place the tablesas close as possible to their first reference in the paper.

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Table 1. Title of table, centred, [references](10pt)

The tables could be also made using the both columns space, if necessary

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5. equations ACHIEVEMENT

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Please align the equations centred and numbered consecutively, from 1 upwards, as follow:

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f=∑ri/∑tiri (11pt)(1)

(The equations could be also made using the both columns space, if necessary).

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6. Referring PROCESS

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Please use the following instructions:

-for one author, use the firt three letters of the author’s name and the publication year ([Bed88])

-for two authors, use the first letter of each author’s name and the publication year ([LD00])

-for three authors, use the first letter of each author’s name and the publication year ([SNW94])

-for more authors, use the firstletter of first author’a name, the “+” sign and the publication year ([S+94]).

See also the References section for these examples.

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7. CORRESPONDING addresses

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For any type of problems, please contact us on the following email address:.

Please check the all informations.

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Please use common technical terms and right English words.Please follow Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Longman or Oxford Dictionaries for unknown terms.

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9. ConclusionS

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Conclusions must refer to the main results obtained in the paper and can not be presented as sequence of phrases. They must be clear with coincising explanations to the shift from a conclusion to another.

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10. References

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Please include at least 5 items and have them justified. The list of references has to be arranged alphabetically. Please take into consideration that all references listed here are compulsory to be directly cited in the paper body text.Please follow the examples below:

[Bed88] M. A. Bednarczyk - Categories of asynchronous systems, PhD thesis, University of Sussex, 1988 – ONE AUTHOR.

[LD00] L. Luca, I. Despi – Modele matematice pentru concurenţă, Analele Universităţii “Tibiscus”, vol. X: 101-106, Timişoara, 2000 – TWO AUTHORS.

[SNW94]V.Sassone, M. Nielsen, G. Winskel – Relationships between models of concurrency, in Proceedings of the REX 3 school and symposium, 1994 – THREE AUTHORS.

[S+94]V.Sassone, M. Nielsen, G. Winskel, J. Doe – Relationships between models of concurrency, in Proceedings of IEEE, 1994 – MORE THAN 3 AUTHORS.