Westminster Chimes
August 2013
From the Helm
“In Praise of Rest”
- Rev. John W. Pope, S.T.M.
My friends in Christ, in the second chapter of Genesis, Verse 3, it states that “God rested on the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all his work.”
Now I’ll bet someone reading this is saying to himself/herself, well, I’m think I’m about to read that Pastor John is going on some kind of “rest” and Genesis is the justification! Well, ha, you may not be all that wrong, but let me help you “theologically” think through it!
Yes, Joyce and I will be out of town 29-31 July ( Monday-Wednesday) to gather with our family: our daughter Sonya and her husband Kevin and their son Wes (Tennessee); daughter Laura and husband Rick, and their children Hero and Bear (Orlando); our daughter Kendra and her husband Kristian and their son Kaiden (San Diego); our sons Preston and his daughter Megan (Son Tyler is not able to travel) (Clearwater), and Brandon and his son Braydon (Columbus, Georgia). Our gathering place is the George T. Bagby State Park in the state of Georgia. To our pleasant surprise, the kids have organized it all, i.e, food, lodging, activities. All Joyce, Myself, & Barney have to do is to be there. Yahoo!
Well, back to the scriptures! Notice that God did not hallow the day on which God made the beasts of the earth, the birds of the sky, the fish of the sea, and “every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.” God didn’t even hallow the day God made you and me, “male and female”. No, God hallowed that day and that day only on which God did nothing at all but rest!
Now, it’s logical to assume that God must have been exhausted by the seventh day, and if God needed to rest, you can count on it, so do we! Our anxious hearts, our reeling issues/ schedules, our tired feet for all their running around----they all need to rest, and in so doing receive that sense of well-being, peace, and renewal that rest brings. If God needed to rest, so do you, so do I! So do we all!
In the Gospels we read throughout the scriptures where Jesus often drew aside from the daily pressures of life and ministry to rest, pray, and renew himself physically and spiritually. We can’t improve on our Lord’s leadership in this!
So, here we are in the heart of summertime in central Florida. So go for it JesusMate! We are! Get some well deserve physical rest, renewal with family and friends, and a spiritual renewal in the Lord. And may God bless your rest “real good!”
Pastor (Skipper) John
It may be summer, but the Deacons are still at work. Janet has been doing visitation with Pastor John and that will continue for the rest of 2013. We also have some fellowship activities coming up. On Sunday, July 21, during the fellowship hour we had our annual “Make Your Own Sundae” Sunday in honor of National Ice Cream Day. That was a lot of fun. On August 18, we will be having a Salad Lunch during the fellowship hour. There will be a variety of salads provided so I hope everyone will make plans to be there. Deacon Bill is our faithful card sender and his efforts are greatly appreciated, not only by the Deacons, but also by everyone in the congregation.
The prayer wall in the Narthex is still up and waiting for your prayer requests. Those requests are forwarded to the congregation asking for prayers. In addition to the people we pray for daily, we are asking continued prayers for Jack Holtz (and Sioux). Also keep our church in your prayers.
Gleanings from Session
- Noted Worship time will remain at 10:00 AM. We were able to negotiate a later starting time for the church that wants to use our facility.
- Authorized pastor to take communion to shut-ins as he desires and if they want it.
- Noted continuing deficit each month.
- Received presbytery report.
- Set new time for “Visioning” workshop on July 7.
- Heard new bridge club will begin meeting sometime this month.
- Voted to request Presbytery renew stated supply contract for Pastor John.
Buildings and Grounds
Plumbing issues have been resolved for the moment. Frank Vanoyan has been hired to mow the grounds. Roof leaks in Shepherd Hall have been addressed. Faith Springs has been performing renovations in the Fellowship Hall.
WPC Missions: The Sharing Center
Your Help Needed to Pick Up Food
Some restaurants have offered food for clients of The Sharing Center, but your help is needed to obtain the food. Do not need a truck – your car will work. Please help to pick up food on Mon. mornings in Lake Mary or Wed. & Fri. mornings in Altamonte. Other volunteers are needed weekdays - mornings or afternoons - to lift, load and unload food. Call 407.691.3138 or email .
Summer Shorts
Most needed items this month at The Sharing Center pantries: deodorant, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, feminine products. Also need: jelly, dry milk and pet food. Get more info at
Back to School Needs
We’re looking forward to a new school year already! Please help with donations of $10, $20 or more. The Sharing Center will use the funds to buy gift cards in bulk at a discount(!) in order to provide shoes, socks, underwear and toiletries at a big Back-to-School event. Discount store gift cards in any amount also needed. Checks and gift cards should be received at The Sharing Center by July 10, or donate online at Be sure to designate your gift “Back to school.”
Save 20% at Sharing Center Thrift Store on Mondays
Every Monday is Customer Appreciation Day - all shoppers get 20% OFF total purchase in our fabulous thrift and unique boutique! Shop Mon.-Sat. 9:30 am-5pm at 600 N US Hwy. 17-92, Longwood 32750. Plus, surprise specials daily in thrift! Have furniture to donate? Call the store direct at 407.332.0925 to schedule pickup.
Students: Earn Bright Futures Hours
Earn your hours at The Sharing Center this summer. Especially need strong people who can help lift heavy loads of food and thrift store merchandise. To schedule interview: call 407.691.3138 or email: .
Keep Current – connect with us at facebook.com/thesharingcenter and twitter.com/thesharingctr.
Sue Knight8/15
Joe James8/24
Grant Seaman8/26
Rev. John & Joyce Pope8/1
May2013YTD (Year-to-Date) 2013
Income 2954.50 Income 18643.53
Disbursed 8358.60 Disbursed 40940.10
+/- -5405.10+/- -22296.57
June2013YTD (Year-to-Date) 2013
Income 2906.00 Income 21549.53
Disbursed 7256.51 Disbursed 48196.61
+/- -4350.51+/- -26647.08
Part of the increaseddisbursements where due to septic tank and plumbing issues. Roof repairs in Shepherd Hall have been completed. Increased utility bills will continue through the summer.
Gary R. Lowther
WPC Treasurer
Please remember your church in your will.
Westminster Presbyterian Church
2641 Red Bug Lake Road
Casselberry, FL 32707
Thank you Lord for