1. Name of the conservation / protected area

  1. Country

  1. Date of establishment of the conservation / protected area

  1. Location [GPS coordinates]

  1. IUCN protected area management category

  1. WDPA ID number (see

  1. Name and affiliation of the person responsible for registering for CA|TS

  1. Contact details (address, email, phone etc)

  1. Is there a project or partner working with the conservation / protected area on CA|TS? (please provide details)

  1. CA|TS is aimed at conservation / protected areas which have tiger conservation as a target and value. Please provide brief answers (maximum 100 words) to the following questions:

10a. What are the objectives of the conservation / protected area?
10b. What is the area (in km2)?
10c. Give details (or provide maps) of management zones (e.g. core, buffer, tourism, community use), adjoining protected areas and/or zones which are also habitat for tigers
  1. The basic information source to determine the justification for a CA|TS assessment is an existing site-level management effectiveness evaluation (MEE) e.g. METT, Indian MME TR, Enhancing our Heritage

11a. Which MEE system/s have been used in the conservation / protected area and when?
11b. Please attached or provide link to download the MEE report(s)
  1. Iftigers are present in the conservation areas. Please provide brief answers (maximum 100 words) to the following questions:

12 a. What is the estimated current tiger population and/or tiger density (e.g. number of tigers per 100km2)?
12 b. Is there evidence of breeding in the last five years?
12 c. Is the population trend stable, increasing or decreasing?
  1. For sites which currently do not have viable tiger populations. Please provide brief answers (maximum 100 words) to the following questions:

13a. Why is the area considered suitable to restore a viable tiger population?
13b. What actions are being taken to restore tiger populations (please provide plan)?
  1. What is the total number of staff on the area?

  1. How many staff engaged in protection?

  1. What is the annual budget of the area?

By completing and signing this form as the official representative of the conservation / protected area you are registering the site for CA|TS and hereby agree to work towards achieving CA|TS Approved status
Signature: / Date:
Once the site has been registered for CA|TS it will be listed on the CA|TS website (see: please therefore also provide an image that best describes your site, in JPEG format. Thank you