Dear friends,

Allow me to show you what will happen to anyone, in Britain, who dares to defend truth, reason and public decency, especially in the education system, with places like Bournemouth and Winchester Universities, after the government has fulfilled its promise to break down all barriers, protecting marriage, the family and children. Once gay marriage has been forced through Parliament, it will not only get rid of words like “husband,” “wife,” “father” and “mother” but it will pave the way for making children the property of the state who, in time can be trained to turn on the moral values of their own parents [1]

Peter Tatchell, neo- Marxist, gay rights activist, last year 2012, declared to the World: “There are no borders or boundaries when it comes to Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender human rights. No nationality, no culture, no belief system can stand in the way of the historic quest for LGBT freedom.” [2, 3]

Allow me to demonstrate the practical outworking of Peter’s declaration. Essentially it means that homosexuals have become a uniquely privileged class, who are free to do whatever they want- and I am not talking about sexual activity alone. I am saying that anyone who criticises any aspect of their behaviour or language will be accused of a homophobic hate crime, that can result in a prison sentence, fines, loss of job, loss of public presence – loss of everything.


I was to discover the truth of this when in 2012, I was assaulted by academic staff, at the end of a lecture, in front of many students, for merely objecting to obscene language being uttered by the lecturer, Dr Eric Anderson. This took place during the LGBT History Month, February, [4] when I had attended a public meeting, entitled, “Open Lecture: “Changing the Game - Gay Athletes then and now,” held in Bournemouth University. The talk was given by a “homosexual” professor, Dr Eric Anderson from Winchester University (WU), who came to tell around 70 sports students why gay sex is better than straight sex. I had heard Dr Anderson before, in 2010 at the pre- launch to the 2011 LGBT History month at Twickenham Rugby Ground, suggesting that “straight” men were now imitating homosexual behaviour. [5] This revelation from Anderson was confirmed when I saw an ITV programme, dating back to 2007 “Generation Xcess,” showing Sandbach Rugby team on a night out in pubs with players performing sexual acts on one another. [6]. More recently On ITV’s Breakfast show, Dr Anderson expressed the view that monogamy and fidelity within marriage is a form of “ sexual incarceration” and that men, in order to keep their marriages alive, should cheat on their wives. [7]

But what I had not realised, before attending the meeting at Bournemouth University, was that the previous year, 2011, Dr Anderson had given a talk at Oxford University, in which he seemed to throw all caution to the wind. This talk appeared in the “Oxford Student,” entitled, “Lecturer or Lecherer at LGBT Talk.”

It reported:

“Professor Eric Gumby Anderson….opened his lecture by stating: “My intention is to offend you, I’m going to cuss a lot and I’m going to break down all kinds of hegemonic structures. If you’re offended by discussions of anal sex, vaginal sex, rimming, cheating, having cum all over you face then you should probably leave.”

The lecture was hosted by Oxford University’s LGBTQ society and many members of the audience had been attracted by the deliberate title, which Anderson said was designed to “pxss people off and get a big audience”.

Dr Anderson said the talk was intended to “empower people….to cast off conservative ‘Oxfordian’ beliefs”. During the two-hour lecture, topics covered ranged from anal sex, bestiality and incest to religion.

Anderson, a sociologist in the department of sports studies at the University of Winchester, came out of the ‘closet’ in 1993 as America’s first openly gay high school coach.

When it was suggested that Anderson is a sexual “predator”, he said “yeah” and laughed. Anderson claimed to have had had sex with “easily over a thousand people”. He said: “I like sex with 16, 17, 18 year old boys particularly, it’s getting harder for me to get them but I’m still finding them….I hope between the age of 43 and the time I die I can have sex with another thousand, that would be awesome, even if I have to buy them, of course, not a problem, you pay for all kinds of entertainment and pleasure.”

When asked whether he thought he had taken emotional or physical advantage of some of the thousand people he had slept with, Anderson replied that he thought that team sports were “more damaging” to adolescents than sex. He went on to claim: “The damage that’s caused by child molestation is socially constructed by the western world;” he contrasted this to other cultures where children engage in sexual activity with adults as a rite of passage.

He said that he and his boyfriend like to travel on cruise ships because “it’s like sex tourism, which is just amazing” and “I always screw the dancers”. He went on to say “we stop at a different port every night, go to a gay club every night and have sex with people….you don’t need to know their names”.

On the topic of religion, Anderson, an atheist, said: “Islam is a horrible, homophobic, awful, disgusting religion”, when asked by a member of the audience how he could tar the whole religion with the same brush, Anderson responded: “the whole religion is predicated on the inferiority of women”. He said that Christianity was: “the most disgusting religion in the history of mankind”. He called the Archbishop Rowan Williams an “arxxle”, “a total bigot” and “a fxxxxxg liar.” [8]


If I had been aware of this information, I might have been better prepared for what was to happen. Apart from lacing his talk with obscene language he attacked Christians and the older generation for being the main obstacle to the gay agenda. I felt threatened in my own country. After a one hour, uninterrupted diatribe, there was time left for just two questions from the floor. Only one student was prepared to respond and so I offered to pose the second question- an offer duly accepted. But before I asked, I felt the necessity to object to his obscene and threatening language, especially in a public place.

I said, “First I want to object to the obscene language, slander and insult.”

The words were barely out my mouth before Professor Anderson screamed, with volcanic fury from the platform, “Out! Out! Out!” He then rushed upon me, arms outstretched, smothering me with his body, shouting into my face. I was quickly surrounded by half a dozen academic staff, including a woman who all joined in, forcing me backwards. As I was being driven out of the lecture room, I called out to the 70 plus sports students who sat silent and motionless, “Open your eyes; this is Britain; this is your freedom of speech.”

I had not forced entry to the lecture, disrupted the talk, expressed any view about homosexuality, advanced in a menacing way towards the speaker, or have time to leave quietly when shouted at. All I had objected to was his language, but I was ejected in less than 15 seconds.

The completion of which was executed by Dr James Palfreman- Kay, the Equality and Diversity Advisor, the organiser of the event, and Dr Ian Jones, Professor of Sociology, a large man whom I mistook for being a personal body guard of Dr Anderson. They then both accused me of deliberately upsetting him, but immediately quietened down when I offered to come back to the university and present an alternate view. This was apparently accepted, for ten or fifteen minutes later, outside the building, I was having a serious, academic discussion with Dr Ian Jones, when Dr.Anderson passed us both and screamed uncontrollably at me again. No! No! No!

Does anyone believe, in view of this, that I would be free to present an alternate view that challenges LGBT orthodoxy without my lecture being descended upon, by all the gays of Bournemouth and who would threaten me with the same kind violence, visited on Harry Hammond in the centre of Bournemouth, in 2001, with the full approval of the Police and Crown Prosecution Service? Harry Hammond died not long after this. [9]

On my arrival home, I telephoned two Christian barristers who assured me that I had been assaulted; but the Dorset police, because I had no physical injuries, were not interested. Both John Vinney, the Vice Chancellor of BU and the Vice Chancellor of WU, Tommy Geddes, denied that I any cause for complaint:

‘As indicated in my letter of the 2nd March 2012 your allegation of assault at the Open Lecture, “Changing the Game- Gay Athletes then and now” has been investigated. As a result of this investigation we have concluded that no further action will be taken by the University and as a result we now consider the matter to be closed.’ – John Vinney

“…….representatives of the organisers and other members of the audience as well as Professor Anderson proceeded to manoeuvre you out of the lecture room. While the event took place elsewhere, the University of Winchester regrets any upset this incident may have caused through the manner of your expulsion and any role that its member of staff may have played in it. It does not, however, in any other respect uphold your complaint.”- Tommy Geddes

When I related this event to someone at BU his response was very different.


I have now read your attachments and you have my support, I am frankly shocked on numerous fronts. I will not take any action on this, but if there is anything you think I should know could help you vis a vis BU then please let me know and I will see that I can do. If you hear that Eric Anderson is speaking again at BU in the future, would you please let me know and I will ask some internal questions, without reference to your case.

Kind regards’ ………….

I then wrote to him again, asking if he were able to find witnesses, prepared to speak up. He replied,

‘While in principle I am happy to help, I could only find the names of those present at the meeting by openly enquiring. I could do this but I am not sure where it would lead.’


But this is not the end of the story. It appears that homosexuals, like Eric can have it all. The BBC1, Inside Outside, programme in the South that was broadcast on Monday 10th December 2012, described how Eric’s sperm was used to fertilise the egg of an Egyptian donor, which was then placed within an Asian surrogate. This resulted in twin boys who were then seen being "nursed", in bed by Eric and his civil partner Grant, as though they had just given birth. Eric even had one breast exposed, in a crude attempt to normalise the unnatural. [10]The BBC, like Stonewall’s bus advert, is telling us “Some People Are Gay. Get Over it!” [11] Will these children, raised in such an environment, ever be allowed to tell a story that is by no means an isolated case [12, 13]? In a society that sees children as an accessory and a commodity their voice is the last to be heard -as we are seeing with the Jimmy Savile case and many more like it, due to be exposed.


There are those who might think that I had deliberately gone along to disrupt the talk and that Dr Eric and the staff must have had a legitimate reason for acting the way they did. The truth is that ten days before the lecture, not knowing details of the time and location of the lecture, I made enquiries from both BU and WU, but neither of them was able to help. Eventually I was put through to Dr Anderson’s’ office, where he immediately started to quiz me as to why I wanted to attend the meeting. This was not a conversation that I had invited, I merely wanted to the details of the venue.

I felt I had no option but to engage in conversation with Dr Anderson; and for about five minutes we discussed the findings of his scientific research, one of which was that gays are the key to women gaining more influence in society and that homosexuals are making men more sensitive, accepting, less macho and less violent. He said that he wanted to get rid of contact sports like boxing, rugby and American football that he saw as perpetuating stereotypical masculinity. [14] I responded by saying that my observation was that society was becoming more nihilistic, more violent, less stable, secure and cohesive- witness the riots on the streets of London in 2011, with crimes committed by teenagers of a type rarely seen amongst adults. He responded by saying that this was nothing more than media hype

Somehow we started to discuss the causes of homosexuality. I began by quoting Peter Tatchell, a prominent, gay rights advocate, who claimed that homosexuality was not a result of genetics but that of many influences: including environment; ideology and the surrounding culture- nothing to do with genetics. Dr Anderson dismissed Tatchell, instead pointing to his own academic accreditation and the fact that he was guided by scientific research. I therefore asked him to name a peer reviewed scientist who upheld the genetic theory. He answered, “Simon le Vay,” to which I responded that Le Vay’s research had been discredited by the scientific community because of its flawed methodology; and, besides which, Le Vay himself had said that there is absolutely no evidence for such a gene. [15] Dr. Andrews’ mood abruptly changed.

“I am getting hostile vibes from you! Are you gay?” he asked.

I replied that I am a man. This did not satisfy him for he then asked aggressively, “No, do you like having sex with men?”

I responded that all things are possible, especially if I were put with a lot of men in a prison, a submarine or even being with one man in a lighthouse.