Ms. Ibsen/ Ms. Harris
Orator’s Name:______
In lab work period days:
Due Date: ______(5% day 1, 10% day 2, 0 day 3)
ENG2D: Persuasive Speech Rubric
Communication / 0-49 / 5059 / 6069 / 7079 / 80100
Clear voice (volume)
Clear voice (pace not too fast or too slow)
Body language is strong/ confident
- ie. Facing the audience
-Eye contact made with the audience (not reading)
Passionate— your topic is of interest and relevant to you!
(Fire in eyes)
Supporting Evidence is varied Ie. Appeals to your emotion (family, nationality, children, beauty, stories)
Ie. Appeals to your intelligence (facts, statistics, examples)
Avoids all Logical Fallacies
Thesis is clear
Thesis written here: ______
The speech persuades the audience of this thesis.
The speech is written for the audience.
Research of topic is thorough and complete.
Sources are provided and are reliable.
Focused during work periods.
A variety of literary devices are employed.
(They are appreciated by the audience)
Additional Comments:
Late marks y/n: Final Mark:
Persuasive Speech: Step 1-4
Step 1: Choose a side of a debate about which you are passionate.
Step 2: Thoroughly researchthat topic (at least 3 edited/ reliable sources) in order to add to your base of knowledge and experience. This research will be handed in along with your list of sources, and is a part of your mark).
Step 3: Write a 5 body paragraph speech in which you persuade your audience of your side of the debate. (*This will also serve as a review for your exam which will include an essay question and it uses a similar format.)
- Introduce your topic and say how you will prove it
- Develop your first argument
- Develop your second argument
- Develop your third argument
- Conclude and summarize your topic
Writing Guidelines:
- Use a variety of literary devices that appeal to your audience. Ie. Rather than references to American History, perhaps refer to video games, local stores, and slang. This is NOT a formal essay—it is a persuasive speech. (*Literary devices should also be reviewed)
- You should appeal to people emotionally and intellectually. Your evidence should use facts, dates, historical examples, but it can also use personal experiences, emotional, or funny stories.
- Avoid Logical fallacies. You want to persuade your audience, but not at any cost.
Step 4: Practice, practice, practice your speech. Nerves are okay, and it is not your fault if you are nervous, but preparation can help a lot! A large portion of your grade will come from not what you say, but how you say it. Your examples should be engaging, but so should you!! You must memorize as much of the speech as possible. What notes you have must be on cue cards. You should stand tall, look forward, and speak with conviction. You must be heard at the back of the classroom.
List of Suggested Topics:MAX. 2 students per topic please
- Sex education - when is the right time to start it?
- Should the Roman Catholic Church’s policy forbidding the use of contraception should be changed?
- Is the world going to end in 2012?
- Are we working ourselves to death?
- Are students truly being prepared for University or working life?
- Euthanasia: Should the right to die be granted?
- Is the law easier on celebrities or wealthy people?
- Is God a myth?
- Should the refusal to recycle be made a criminal offense?
- Should human cloning should be attempted?
- Has the US military involvement in Iraq done more harm than good?
- Should Catholic schools have the right to ban the gay-straight alliance in their schools?
- Should women be allowed to wear a niqab or birka (face-covering religious/ cultural garb) when saying the oath for Canadian citizenship?
- Should the legal age allowing consumption of alcohol be raised?
- Should marijuana be legal in Canada?
- Should theUS eliminate its own weapons of mass destruction?
- Is the American dream a lie?
- Are school uniforms a good idea?
- Should households that produce more garbage pay higher taxes?
- Should reckless driving (drinking, texting, etc) be punished by the complete removal of the person’s licence?
- Should smokers be allowed to use the Canadian heath-care system?
- Should cell phones be banned from schools completely?
- Should graffiti be encouraged as an art form?
- Does rap/ ‘screamo’ music lead to violence, suicide, or drug use?
- Is animal testing humane?
- Should the death penalty exist in Canada?
- Add your own, but please run it by your teacher.
This essay mark will be recorded under the oral communication strand