Knows No Shame

Zephaniah 2:4—3:8


In Gn 3 the serpent tempted Eve v5 w promise when ate eyes opened know good and evil

She ate, eyes opened and she knew evil felt shame and guilt, hence covered self

One of the things I see in our day is barrier cross produce shame/guilt not do that

Many areas, but one clear is LBGT, others adultery, lie, cheat, deception

There are numbers of examples nations do things w/o feeling of shame

Rwanda 1994 Hutu majority killed 500K-1M Tutsi minorityGermany WW2 Holocaust 6M Jews killed

Ottoman Turkey WW1 killed 1.5M ArmenianUnited States treatment of Indians

This AM Zephaniah 2:4—3:8 concerns judgment of God on nations know no shame


Zephaniah, pre exilic prophet ~620BC, B4 reforms of Josiah

Chapter 1 – 2:3 Day of the Lord, 7X’s, worldwide in extent, specific Judah/Jer,

Divine wrath, summons to repent B4

I. Four Nations Surrounding Judah Judged For Knowing No Shame 2:4-15

A. Representative nations, names change over years, these in Zephaniah day

B. Philistia to the East 4-7

Ancient foe going back to the time of the Judges, specifically of Saul and David

The shameful activity of Philistia is thcaptivs they tk, excessive cruelty Amos 1,2

Judgment is: desolation, uprooted, destruction

C. Ammon and Moab to the West 8-11

Ammon and Moab are descendants of Lots daughters thru incest when left S&G

The shameful activity is insults, reproach, arrogant threats, like Sodom and Gomo

Pride against people of God

Judgment is 9b overurn, perpetual desolation

D. Ethiopia to the South 12

nothingsd except slain by sword, nt sure why not Egypt 2Ch14 Eth sent 1Marmy

E. Assyria and Nineveh to the North 13-15

Ancnt cruel suprpwr, Jonah and Nahum, Zephaniah writes B4 Assyria dstrctn 612

Thshmfl activity is 15 rejoicing city sd in heart I am it and ther is none besids me

Judgmnt is desolation 13,14,15 a place for beasts to lie down, passersby shake fist

APP4US – Shameful things-cruelty, perversion, pride, arrogance and pride of capital

II. Judah and Jerusalem Judged For Knowing No Shame 3:1-7

A. Zephaniah focuses on Judah and Jerusalem, to whom much given much required

B. List of shameful activities includes 1-4

1 rebelliousness, pollution, oppression

2 NOT: obey, receive correction, trust the Lord, draw near to God

3 princesar roaring lions, judges ar evening wolves,

4 prophets are insolent, priests have polluted the sanctuary done violence to th law

C. The Lord In the midst of His people 5

Rights in her midst, do no unrghtusness, each day brings justice to light,nvr fails

Btthunjstknws no shame – they hv no shame 4thr unjstactns, nthing shams thm

6,7 learn from th Lord’s actions cut off nations? I said surely U will… but they…

APP4US church of today pure or polluted inside, YES or NOT?, Lord in our midst?

III. All Nations Judged For Knowing No Shame 3:8

Judgment day on all the earth, gather the nations all My fierce anger all the earth devour

Jesus also talked of such a judgment day in Mt 11:22,24; 25:32

APP4US a coming day of worldwide judgment, if know coming and why alter now?