Now that you know the whole story, can you try to write these words on the arrows above?

proposes to (2x)/ mother of / aunt of / brother of / governess of / ward of / hotly pursuing

In each square, write the definition corresponding to the character:

  1. She represents upper class society, its values and opinions
  2. He is a local minister
  3. She knows everything about Jack’s identity
  4. She falls in love with Ernest , who is in reality Algernon.
  5. He was abandoned and adopted. He discovers the truth about his origin when he was an adult.
  6. She is really concerned about appearances.
  7. He’s in love with John’s ward.

What character(s) do you prefer? Why?

A / Jack discovers he is Algernon’s older brother and everybody can get married!
B / Cecily and Ernest-Algernon declare their love for each other.
C / Jack and Algernon reveal to each other their practice of “bun burying”.
D / Gwendolen admits that the name Ernest is very important for her.
E / Miss prism reveals Jack’s true identity.
F / As Lady Bracknell visits Algernon, Jack-Ernest takes the opportunity of proposing to Gwendolen.
G / Gwendolen arrives at jack’s house in the countryside and makes friends with Cecily.
H / Lady Bracknell refuses Jack-Ernest as husband for her daughter because eof his humble origin.
I / Both men have arranged to be christened by the name of Ernest.
J / Cecily reveals her imaginary engagement to Ernest-Algernon, as well as her attachment to the name Ernest.
K / Jack decides to killoff his “false” brother and to be christened Ernest. In the meantime, Algernon decides to visit Cecily in the country.
L / Lady Bracknell consents to the marriage between Algernon and Cecily but Jack refuses to agree to it, unless Lady Bracknell accepts his own marriage to Gwendolen.
M / Ernest-algernon become friends with Cecily.
N / Algernon and Jack argue over “Ernest”.
O / Algernon is determined to be christened Ernest.
P / Cecily and Gwendolen argue over their mutual engagement to an “Ernest Worthing”.
Q / Jack and Algernon’s true identities are revealed. Jack confesses that Ernest was fictious.
A / Jack discovers he is Algernon’s older brother and everybody can get married!
B / Cecily and Ernest-Algernon declare their love for each other.
C / Jack and Algernon reveal to each other their practice of “bun burying”.
D / Gwendolen admits that the name Ernest is very important for her.
E / Miss prism reveals Jack’s true identity.
F / As Lady Bracknell visits Algernon, Jack-Ernest takes the opportunity of proposing to Gwendolen.
G / Gwendolen arrives at jack’s house in the countryside and makes friends with Cecily.
H / Lady Bracknell refuses Jack-Ernest as husband for her daughter because eof his humble origin.
I / Both men have arranged to be christened by the name of Ernest.
J / Cecily reveals her imaginary engagement to Ernest-Algernon, as well as her attachment to the name Ernest.
K / Jack decides to killoff his “false” brother and to be christened Ernest. In the meantime, Algernon decides to visit Cecily in the country.
L / Lady Bracknell consents to the marriage between Algernon and Cecily but Jack refuses to agree to it, unless Lady Bracknell accepts his own marriage to Gwendolen.
M / Ernest-algernon become friends with Cecily.
N / Algernon and Jack argue over “Ernest”.
O / Algernon is determined to be christened Ernest.
P / Cecily and Gwendolen argue over their mutual engagement to an “Ernest Worthing”.
Q / Jack and Algernon’s true identities are revealed. Jack confesses that Ernest was fictious.