Date: / 16 July 2014 / Venue: / Proact Stadium, Chesterfield Football Club
Chair: / Cllr Paul Smith / Minute Recorder / Margaret Blount
In Attendance: (v-voting member at this meeting)
Stuart BatchelorCllr Graham Baxter MBE v
Cllr Jennifer Bower v
Ryan Duckett
Lee Hickin v
John Hidle v
Cllr Tony Holmes v
Matt Jefferson v
David Lowe v
David Padgen v
Steve Pintus v
Cllr Rachael Quinn v
Cllr Amanda Serjeant v
Ollie Shearer v
Cllr Paul Smith v
Cllr Peter Smith v
Mark Tournier v
Russell Turner
Will Turner v
Rob Wilks / South Derbyshire District Council
North East Derbyshire District Council
Derbyshire Dales District Council
Cricket Derbyshire
Bolsover District Council and North East District Council
Community Sports Network - Erewash
Amber Valley Borough Council
Sports Organisation - RFU
Derbyshire County Council
Derbyshire Disability Sport & PA Steering Group
Public Health – Derbyshire County Council
High Peak Borough Council
Chesterfield Borough Council
HE/FE - University of Derby
Derbyshire County Council
South Derbyshire District Council
School Sport Partnership – Chesterfield
Sport England
Derby City Council
Derbyshire Dales District Council
Margaret Blount Derbyshire Sport
James Cook Derbyshire Sport
Ilana Freestone Derbyshire Sport
Hayley Lever Derbyshire Sport
Christine Gregory Derbyshire Sport
Description / Action1. / Welcome and Introductions
The Chair, Cllr Paul Smith welcomed everyone to the Derbyshire Sport AGM 2014
2. / Apologies
Bob Boyd v, Community Sport Network Erewash,
Sandra Deaton v, Derbyshire Table Tennis
David Leatt v, Origination
Kirk Monk, Amber Valley Borough Council
Karen Shopland v, DSSA
Tim Spencer, Erewash Borough Council
Cllr Ann Syrett, Bolsover District Council
Cllr Mike Wallis v, Erewash Borough Council
3. / Minutes of the Partnership Group meeting held on 29 January 2014
The minutes of the Partnership Group meeting 29 January 2014 were received and unanimously approved.
4. / To receive and approve the Annual Report 2013/2014
Ilana Freestone presented the Annual Report. She explained that the format of the annual report will be reviewed and a more ‘glossy’ version will be produced next year.
The Annual Report 2013/2014 was received and unanimously approved
5. / To receive and approve the Annual Accounts 2013/14
Ilana Freestone presented the Annual Accounts for 2013/14 and the projected budget for 2014/15.
The 2013/14 year end surplus is £948,191 of which £201,609 is unrestricted. An analysis of amount and source of income, total expenditure and key funding allocated to each district area was presented.
The budget for 2014/15 predicts an end of year unrestricted surplus of c. £190,986. It was explained that this budget had been set on a zero based budgeting principle and this has released funds for a new delivery pot of c. £93,000 to fund new work areas in the 2014/15 delivery plan.
The budget projections for 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18 and 2018/19 were noted. An unrestricted surplus is predicted up to the end of March 2017. The projection for 2017/18 shows a deficit of £119,423 but this projection is based on current staffing levels but reduced Sport England programme income. If programme income is reduced in the future, staffing levels would be reduced accordingly. The Executive Group will continue to review this situation.
The annual accounts for 2013/14 were noted and budget for 2014/15 was unanimously approved.
Proposed: Cllr Graham Baxter
Seconded: Cllr Jennifer Bower
6. / To receive and approve the Delivery Plan 2014/15 and review progress against 2013/14 Delivery Plan
Copies of the annual progress report against actions in the 2014/15 delivery plan were available to view at the meeting. By the end of March 2014, 89 of the 118 actions (75%) were ragged green, 29 (25%) were ragged red.
Hayley Lever presented some of the highlights of the year and reflections of her and Ilana’s first year in post. She thanked partners for the scale and impact of the work they are doing in the county. Recent highlights included:
· the launch of a Jog Derbyshire group on the National Trust’s Longshaw estate and the impact this is having on individual’s lives
· the successful 2014 School Games event held at St Marys Mount – an event that is the culmination of a comprehensive school sport competition programme in the county
· a recent ICON business breakfast attended by over 90 Marketing Derby members hearing how companies can learn from sports coaching and performance and about the ICON membership scheme
· the invaluable sports leadership programme in the county and the opportunities it is providing to the young people involved.
Ilana Freestone detailed the priority work areas for 2014/15. The staff team would continue to focus on the delivery of the actions in the Plan for Sport and Active Recreation 2012-2015. New priority areas for 2014/15 include:
· Insight – more emphasis on finding out what communities want, listing to needs and based on this feedback, doing things differently if required
· Clubs and volunteering - especially how to better support informal participation
· Cycling – a Derbyshire cycling plan will be drafted
· Organisational improvement – including an external Quest assessment and the production of an Improvement Plan.
Partners were thanked for their positive contribution to the delivery of the Plan for Sport and their support of the Derbyshire Sport core team.
Progress against the delivery plan for 2013/14 was noted and the delivery plan for 2014/15 was unanimously approved.
Proposed: Cllr Amanda Serjeant
Seconded: Cllr Graham Baxter
7. / To approve the Host Agency for 2014/15
Cllr Amanda Serjeant thanked Derbyshire County Council for the work they have done as host agency for 2013/14 and proposed that they continue to host the partnership in 2014/15.
Cllr Paul Smith thanked Cllr Serjeant for her kind words and stated that on behalf of Derbyshire County Council it was a pleasure to work with the partners involved in Derbyshire Sport.
The Partnership unanimously approved that Derbyshire County Council should continue to be the host authority for 2014/15
Proposed: Cllr Amanda Serjeant
Seconded: Cllr Rachael Quinn
8. / To approve the membership fees for 2014/15
Cllr Paul Smith presented the paper on membership fees, stating that, in recognition of the on-going difficult economic climate, it is proposed to hold membership fees to 2010/11 levels once again.
The Partnership unanimously approved the membership fees for 2014/15
Proposed: Cllr Jennifer Bower
Seconded: Cllr Tony Holmes
9. / To approve the Service Level Agreement for 2014/15
The Service Level Agreement was unanimously approved.
Proposed: Cllr Graham Baxter
Seconded: Cllr Amanda Serjeant
10. / To Elect the Chair and Vice Chair of Derbyshire Sport
Hayley Lever thanked Cllr Paul Smith for his support in the role of Chair over the past year. Cllr John Lemmon was also thanked for his contribution as Vice Chair but it was explained that he was standing down due to ill health. It was agreed that a letter of thanks be sent, on behalf of the Partnership, to Cllr John Lemmon
One nomination had been received from Cllr Paul Smith, for the position of Chair prior to the AGM meeting.
The Partnership unanimously approved the nomination of Councillor Paul Smith as Chair from July 2014 to July 2016
Proposed: Matt Jefferson
Seconded: Cllr Tony Holmes
One nomination had been received from Cllr Amanda Serjeant for the position of Vice Chair prior to the AGM meeting.
The Partnership unanimously approved the nomination of Councillor Amanda Serjeant as Vice Chair of Derbyshire Sport from July 2014 to July 2015.
Proposed: Mark Tournier
Seconded: Matt Jefferson / HL/IF
11. / To approve the Executive Group Members for 2014/15
Hayley Lever presented the following nominees for the positions up for re-election on the Derbyshire Sport Executive Group 2014/15.
Cllr Paul Smith, Chair, Derbyshire County Council
Cllr Amanda Serjeant, Vice Chair Chesterfield District Council
Matt Jefferson, Sports Organisations
Tim Spencer, Derbyshire Leisure Officers Group
Andrew Beddow, Derby City Council
It was noted that John Hidle (CSN representative) and David Leatt (private sector representative) had both served the maximum term of four years hence were required, by the terms of the constitution, to stand down. No nominations had been received for these positions but it was explained that they were likely to be filled in the autumn. It was agreed that a letter of thanks be sent, on behalf of the Partnership, to John Hidle and David Leatt.
The Partnership unanimously approved the membership of the Executive Group.
Proposed: Cllr Amanda Serjeant
Seconded: Mark Tournier / HL/IF
12. / Any other business
There was no AOB. Cllr Paul Smith thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting.
13. / Date of next Partnership Group meeting
Wednesday 28th January, 2.00pm to 4.30 pm, venue to be confirmed.