Anniston PCB Site
Community Advisory Group for the Consent Decree (CAG)
Carver Community Center Anniston, AL
January 9, 2018


In Attendance:
Shirley Carter
David Reddick

Kay Beard

Isabella Trussell

Henry Dorough

Maudine Holloway

Members Absent:
Dr. David Steffy

Dr. Barbara B. Boyd

Administrator: Cynthia Calix

Quorum: Yes


Board Chairperson, David Reddickcalled the meeting to order at 5:32p.m.


Shirley Carter led the opening prayer.


  1. A Motion was made for approval of the agenda. Motion Passed


  1. A Motion was made for the approval of minutes. Motion Passed


  1. A Motion was made for approval of financial report. Motion Passed


  • United States Environmental Protection Agency: (EPA): The EPA continues to oversee remedial action activities. Pam Scully introduced additional staff from the EPA, who will join her team to assist with remediation decisions. She also informed the board that on December 14, 2017, EPA and Solutia filed a joint motion with the court to continue the stay of a Motion for Judicial Interpretation filed by Solutia on November4, 2016. The stay was granted on December 18, 2017.
  • Solutia: Presented a summary to the CAG and community members, of activities performed between November 2017 to January 2018, activities included:

Operable Unit 1: A removal action was completed at 1204 Ferron Avenue and 212 Deyo Street. Annual field surveys for the Interim Institutional Control Program were completed in November 2017 and mailed out to impacted community members. CAG recommended extra signage be stamped on front of envelopes being used to send out surveys. CAG asked for more signage in hopes of bringing attention to the envelope, and the recipient will open the mail and complete the survey.

Operable Unit 2: EPA issued a Record of Decision for Operable Unit 1 and 2 on November 8, 2017.

Operable Unit 3: Continued preparations for the installation of CTS #3. Collected a sample from the seep at the former PCB cells on the South Landfill, on October 23, 2017. Results were submitted to ADEM and the EPA on December 19, 2017. CAG had concerns as to how often the seep area was monitored and exactly were the seep originated.

Operable Unit 4: EPA is currently preparing an Addendum to Operable Unit 4 Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment to facilitate final approval and advance Remedial Investigation process. A construction support work plan for Calhoun County Waste Water Treatment Plant Proposed Dewatering Facility was submitted to EPA on December 6, 2017. EPA approval is pending.

  • West Anniston Foundation Technical Advisor: The Technical Advisor discussed activities from November 2017 to January 2018. West Anniston Foundation Community Open Forum was held on December 7, 2017. Another forum will be planned for early 2018. The Technical Advisor asked the CAG to review Remedial Goals for Selected Remedies.
  • CAG Institutional Controls Committee & CAG Update: The committee will continue to move forward with periodic meetings, after they receive a follow up from the City of Anniston.

CAG & Community Concerns/Input

*CAG continues to have concerns of seep issues within Operable Unit 3.

David Reddick informed community members that the next meeting will be held on

March 13, 2018at Carver Community Center located in Anniston, AL

Meeting Adjourned at 6:31 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:Attested:Attested:

Cynthia CalixDavid ReddickMaudine Holloway

RecorderBoard PresidentSecretary