23rd March 2016
1.30pm – Results of This Years Patients / We discussed this year’s results and an action plan.The main problems patients mentioned was the phone system, specifically the length of time it takes to answer the phone.
The practice has had a meeting with the phone company to see what our options are with the system we have in place. Our proposal is to increase the number of phone lines by 2. A separate telephone number will be available for patients to ring for repeat prescriptions and test results. This number will only be available at certain times of the day.
The message on the telephone also needs to be more clearer.
This should hopefully free up lines for patients to ring for an appointment.
All members agreed this was a good idea.
We are in the middle of changing the reception area to allow better access for wheelchair patients. The main desk will be opened up to make it more accessible. This desk will only be manned at busy times so we have more staff available to answer the telephones. With this in mind patients are going to have to learn to use the check in screen for appointments and to complete the prescription request forms rather than coming to the desk to order. Staff are going to have to be more stricter.
One suggestion from a member was to have a volunteer who could sit in the waiting room and help those patients who are struggling with the check in screen. All agreed this was an excellent idea and Leanda passed on some details of a volunteer group.
Having gone through the results the action plan agreed was
1-Phone system/ more staff to answer the phone
2-De-clutter the notice boards
3-Better patient information. Keep website upto date. Buy better leaflet racks. More patient information leaflets so patients can take information home to read.
It was decided that we need to sell the practice more as a lot of the services we offer are not advertised anywhere. The main noticeboard in the waiting room is going to just have information about the practice on for the next month. Advising patient on things like
The practice Website
Mobile number available to cancel appointments
Services we offer
Changes within the practice
A member also asked if the number of missed appointments could be put back on the noticeboard. It was agreed that was a good idea.
There is a lot of information out there that patients and GP’s are not aware of. One suggestion was that once every couple of months we arrange for a speaker to come in one evening to talk to patients about the services they provide. Whether it be about a specific disability/ailment or about organisations for carers etc.
If we could have suggestions on anything patients would like to know more about then we can arrange for someone to come in to discuss.
In attendance:Julie Hibberd, Joyce Thirkill, Alan Thirkill, Hazel Thompson, Arthur Deacon, Jack Goldwater, Leanda Smith, Dorothy Lawn.
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