School Governance Council Minutes

January 10, 2017 7:45 to 8:25 am

In attendance: Cynthia Callahan, Tom Donato, Cindi Roberson,

Eileen Tarzia, Ron Michael Martoccci, Olusegun Olasunkanmi, Amy

Cancellieri, Tanesha Elegbede, AnnaleaBadera


  1. Cyndi welcomed all SGC committee members.
  2. Curriculum & Data- SEL (Social Emotional Learning)

Overall Langford has seen over an 80% reduction in referrals. SEL is in place this year, as well as RRAPS assemblies and Character Education. The School Social Worker teaches SEL lessons to each class. She goes into each classroom 2 times/month to teach students ways to manage emotions and deal with behaviors. Kids are given strategies and language to use. For example, students are learning to use “I am ___ “or “I feel___” statements. Dealing with behaviors this way is quick and allows kids to go back to learning faster. Character Education is taught in the classroom by the teachers. The teachers focus on one of the character education traits (Be: Respectful, Responsible, Active Learner, Positive Role Model, and Safe).

  1. Monthly Family Liaison Report-Every month there will be a family based activity.

-In December 2016, there was a Story Teller night. More than 100 people attended. The kids seemed to have a great time!

- On January 24, 2017 the second literacy night will be held. The focus will be on comprehension/ vocabulary.

-February event- TBD

  1. Learning at Langford- Tom Donato, the intervention coach, presented a chart which showed which tests are being administered at Langford and when. He also summarized some of the progress made on the STAR testing from September 2016 to December 2016. He presented a chart which showed which kids made progress and which kids slipped. The Coaches 1) look at the students’ data to try to understand the progress or decline, 2)look at the students’ improvement to see what worked for them, 3) look at the trends and put action steps in place to enable further progress, and lastly look at how to get the students that scored in the proficient range to grow. The Coaches share this data with administrators.
  2. Parents as Partners- Discussion was held regarding increasing parent participation. Mrs. Callahan suggested changing the times of the meeting to 3:20pm and linking the SGC meetings with the Family Liaison activities. Parents can bring their kids to the SGC meetings.
  3. Next SGC Meeting- February 15, 2017 at 3:20 -3:50

Minutes respectfully submitted by E. Tarzia