CFSC- May 2010
Cascade Foothills Soccer May board meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.
In Attendance- Cari V, Kari C. Heather U. Terra H. Amanda B. Justin B. Carole M.
Guest-Ewan from UK Elite – Discussed camps and coaches clinic. We will have a coaches clinic 8/4/10.
I. Secretary - April minutes were read and approved. Notes were taken by Kari. C.
II. Report of Officers
- President
- MRSA is recommending that any MRSA team needs to play in at least one WYSA league. This was voted one by the MRSA memebers and approved.
- MRFC contract $3.50 per practice per team for 22 weeks. CFSC U11 and above teams come July 31st will have first pick then MRFC teams.
- Per Brian Eaton “E” clinci will be July 17, 18th. Need ot schedule the fields. “D” still tryong to get for sure hoping to be end of July. They want to use the field for a mod tourney August 7th. This was voted on and approved.
- Emails to parents need to be sent from Cari or excustive board memeber after approval.
- Vice President
- No Report.
c. Treasurer
- Credit card would have to be ran under her and Cari’s credit, everyone agreed this was not to be done. Will get pre-paid card.
- Amanada – to get contact for schools to Ewan for UK elite.
- Budget reviewed and approved.
1.To layout Fundraing for CFSC memeber next year. Why we have to. Where wil the monies go to, etc..
e. Registrar
- 355 players reg. 48 coaches..
- Terra will email excel spreadsheet to Photo guy, so we will not be charged for the inputting of names.
f. DOC - No report.
g. Referee Coordinator- No report.
h. Scheduler
1.Scheduling for MRFC to be handled by MRFC.
- Equipment. No report
j. Field Coordinator
- Porda Podee’s moved to the correct spot. Extra toliet paper is needed..
- Dumpsters - $23.84.
k. Webmaster-no report.
III CFSC wear. – Heather to get the jackets through Cindy Strueli- What is our alloted expense.
IV. Field Liner - still need a liner spread the word.
V. Everyone is to have in their goals for next year byt next meting.
- Presidents Goals. - Books are ready no later then 6/1/10
- Audit.
- Suggested that we have a written policies for senstive matters, ie..with coaches parents, players, referee...etc...
VI.Insurance for the board-Cari will be checking into this.
VII. Weyer. It was voted on and approved that Coach Weyer’s team is responsible for the bill for light field practices. Cari V. to call coach.
VIII. Team buliding night will be July 18, place and time TBA.