TPC BOG Meeting
October 16th, 2007
In Attendance: all except Packer
- Called to order at 6:40
- Minutes from September approved with changes to be made by Susan Jack.
VP Leissa Jackmauh filling in for Tom Packer
Member Communications- Bob Placek gave a brief update on this years Tiburon Mile and requested for continued support from TPC and expanded usage for elite out of town swimmers for October ’08 Tiburon Mile. He was directed to work with GM, SD on schedule and other details.
He additionally reported on the water polo. Seeking approval to advertise locally to attract more participants mainly for slower winter months. The BOG denied his request on the basis that programs should not require more that 50% non-member participation to be sustained. Current non-member participation is 50%. It was suggested he marked to membership for both kids and adult water polo teams.
Officer Election-Jackmauh
The nominating committee submitted a list of 9 nominees for the November election. Susan Jack has received photos and bios and will have them to Julie and Malcolm by Tuesday. Printing, stuffing and mailing needs to be done by the end of the week to meet timeline.
Review Ballot Vote
425 Ballots received. Independent group to do counting. Discussion on whether concerned member, who emailed BOG regarding the validity of the ballot, stating it was ‘leading’, was called back and it was determined that he had not been contacted. Tom Packer or Bob Austrian will be contacting him this week.
Motion: To close the voting as of end of business, October 16, 2007. Approved.
GM Report- Julie
- Facility Issues: Water consumption has raised flags at MMWD and Town of Tiburon. Usage double pre-construction. Possible leak-water on Mar West holding up street repair. Nordby taking responsibility. Old irrigation and new never connected and old not working; trees by upper courts are dying. Wet grass off patio will be fixed by Nordby – they will install a french drain. Julie requested approval of hiring an outside landscaping company to take care of grounds as Norby won’t hand over responsibility to our current maintenance crew.
- Outsourcing Proposal: Julie will provide one sheet proposal on issue. BOG to communicate via email.
Motion: approved.
- Member Discipline-Non member 14 y.o. swim team member allegedly brandished switchblade-like knife in boys locker room to 2 6 y.o. boys. BOG strongly felt there should be a zero tolerance policy on such things and swift and firm action needed to take place. Motion: to disallow 14 y.o from the TPC and swim team for a period of one year. Approved.
- Tennis – Much positive feedback on Matt and Rick and tennis department improvement in structure of clinics and member communication. It was agreed that decision on TD position needed to be made by end of year.
- Personnel Update – Hired two new fitness supervisors, a husband and wife team who will begin on Nov.5. They will work at desk for the first three months to build clientele.
- Budget Process: Julie thanked Mike T. for help. Energy and effort from directors has been great.
- Social Committee: John Morse agreed to chair and 4 members will create a social committee to help plan events and create budget for 2008.
- Youth Programs: Rave reviews for summer camp. Juliana did a great job and received a bonus.
- Lifeguard Policy: Current policy recommended by SC is too flexible. Tierney asked that this be put on the agenda for November.
- Group Exercise- FC requested that group exercise be subsidized until it has a chance to get off ground. Additionally, asks to advertise outside TPC and to allow more non-members to participate. Julie believes that the classes can survive with the right energy. It was suggested this issue wait for the new directors.
- Bylaw revision: BOG will have a separate meeting to go over changes.
- Review- Malcolm and Steve are up for review and she asked the BOG for feedback. Julie also noted that Malcolm will be more visible to membership once software transition happens.
Mike Tierney handed out TPC Financial Operations Model showing which areas of income pay for different parts of operations and the four departments being neutral – break even. The 2008 budget draft includes severances and deferred income (Ken DeMont) being paid out of operations and not in departmental budgets. Reasoning being that it is not fair burden the new directors with mistakes from the past. The severances and deferred income (that was not saved for) impacts the budget to a deficit of $119k. Procedurally, it was discussed if there ever was a need, should departments help shoulder the burdens of shortfalls in operational income? Also, there was discussion on how to handle the budget shortfall for next year. Tierney will explore the levers and report back. Additionally, Tierney has asked Steve to go back and redo P&L from years when Ken had deferred salary.
Meeting adjourned at 9:24
Minutes respectfully submitted by Secretary, Susan Jack