PHONE: 777-1810 (O) 738-5591 (H)


FAX: 775-753-2151


Office Hours: To be determined or by appointment

**I would prefer that you use the WebCT mailbox for this course to correspond with me. I receive many internal emails via the address and I don’t want to accidentally overlook something that you might send to me. I will respond to WebCT emails within 24 hours, but more likely it will be sooner than that as I check each WebCT course site several times each day (and night). Please note that emails sent after 3PM on Friday may not receive a reply until Monday morning (unless it’s a holiday) – although I probably will have read them and will respond if it appears urgent, pressing, etc.



1. Ruszkiewicz, J. J., Seward, D. E., Hairston, M. (2001). SF Writer. Prentice

Hall. 3rd ed.

2. Johnson, S. (2002). Who Moved My Cheese? G. P. Putnam’s Sons.

3. Manz, C. & Neck, C. (2004). Mastering self-leadership. Empowering yourself

for personal excellence. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Third Edition.

4. Bennis, W. (2003). On Becoming a Leader. Perseus Publishing

5. Coleman, D. (1998). What Makes a Leader? Harvard Business Review

Reprint (mailed to students)

6. LiveText Software CD (available in GBC bookstore after August 15, 2005)

Articles (can be accessed through ProQuest database via GBC Library website)

1. Bell, S. K., (2001). Professional Nurse’s Portfolio. Nursing Administration

Quarterly, 25, 2.

2. Goleman, D. (1998). What makes a leader? Harvard Business Review,

November-December 1998(note: in process of being ordered).

3. Lettus, M. K., Moessner, P. H., Dooley, L. (2001). The clinical portfolio as an

assessment tool. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 24, 2.

4. Trossman, S. (1999). The professional portfolio: Documenting who you are,

what you do. American Nurse, 31, (2).


1. Professional Organizations. Bookmark the following list of organizational Websites and utilize them as additional content resources for this course.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing

American Association of Nurse Attorneys

AmericanCollege of Nurse Practitioners

American Nurses Association

Association of Preoperative Registered Nurses

Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses

National Association of Orthopedic Nurses

National Association of Pediatric Nurses Associates & Practitioners

National Association of School Nurses

National Institute of Nursing Research

National League for Nursing

Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Society

American Association of Colleges of Nursing

American Association of Critical Care Nurses

National Institutes of Health

U. S. Department of Health and Human Services

U. S. Department of Health and Human Services

Health Resources and Services Administration-Rural Health Policy

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

NevadaHospital Association

2. Journals: Bookmark the following nursing journal Websites and utilize them as additional content resources for this course.

Online Journal of Issues in Nursing


Check this site to see a list of standing and current nursing journals. Most articles are available in both html and PDF formats.

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: A required upper division elective course designed for BSN students at the outset of their program. Acknowledges the additional curricular requirements of associate degree nursing programs as well as the ongoing professional educational and competency requirements associated with RN licensure. Course provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate self-leadership strategies in order to achieve individual learning goals and objectives. Prerequisite: Admission to the BSN Program. (12 Credits)

OVERALL COURSE GOAL AND OBJECTIVES:The overall goal of this course is to assist the student to develop a program of study that successfully integrates their professional nursing practice with timely completion of all upper division coursework requirements.

Phase I. Students who are accepted into the program will receive partial course credit based on completion of the following learning elements:

1. Resume (preferably no more than 2 pages)

2. An essay of no less than 300 words and no more than 500 words (double-spaced, APA format) addressing one’s personal views of nursing and the benefits of baccalaureate education to the nursing profession.

Phase II. Students will receive additional course credit based on completion, within the first semester of program enrollment, of the following learning elements:

1. Offer awritten description of personal, educational and professional goals.

2. Provide a written educational assessment of previous course work, (e.g., workshops, seminars, internship experiences, etc.) carried out during the past two years.

3. Provide statements addressing the following areas:

a. professional presentations, publications, volunteer or community activities, and/or committee work undertaken in the past two years.

b. one’s writing skills, computer skills, and access to resources.

4. Makes a professional poster and oral presentation utilizing GBC’s BSN framework.


5. Present a timeline proposal for completing GBC’s BSN


6. Develop an 8-10 page paper (topic of choice) that demonstrates the ability to write a scholarly paper, use in-text citations, and develop a reference list utilizing content and ideas from the required course texts.

METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: This course uses a self-directed learning approach. In consultation with the instructor, and with minimal supervision, students are expected to achieve all course learning elements within the prescribed time period. In accomplishing this, students can utilizerequired reading resources, supplementary material available directly through the course, learning resources available through Great Basin College’s library services, as well as the close to unlimited resources available through the Internet.

EXPLANATION OF GRADING COMPONENTS AND COMPUTATION: Students will be graded on a Pass/Fail basis utilizing a point system. The awarding of points will be based on thecriteria provided on page 7.

The distribution of points is as follows:

Assignment Minimum/Maximum PointsPercent of Final Grade

Resume 100 20%

Essay 100 20%

Statements regarding:100 (total) 20%

a. Description of personal,

educational and

professional goals. (25pts)

b. Educational

assessment. (25pts)

c. Professional presentations, publications, volunteer or community activities, and/or committee work undertaken in the past two years. (25 pts)

d. One’s writing skills, computer skills, and access to resources. (25pts)

Poster Presentation & Professional Oral Presentation 20%

Poster (50 pts)

Oral Presentation (50pts)

Health Care Topic Paper100 pts 20%

Totals 500 pts possible = 100%

Pass = 400 points

ACADEMIC HONESTY: Great BasinCollege considers academic honesty one of its highest values. A student who obtains academic credit for work that is not the product of his or her own effort is being dishonest and undermining the academic integrity of the college. Students are expected to be the sole authors of their work. Use of another’s ideas must be accompanied by specific citation and reference. In addition, a learner may not submit the same work for credit in more than one course. The disciplinary consequences of plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonest include non-acceptance of work submitted, a failing grade in the course, and/or or other disciplinary action as outlined in Great BasinCollege’s Student Conduct Policy.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Because this course utilizes a self-directed learning format, students are not required to be physically present in a classroom. However, students are expected to periodically consult with the course instructor using a variety of communication methods including email, telephone, and in-person conferencing in order to complete all coursework requirements within the allotted timeframe.


GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA Officer (Julie Byrnes) in Elko at 775.753.2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.


RESUME (graded for each area)
Statement / Education/
Training / Certifications / Work
Experience / Professional
Achievements / Professional
Points / Absent = 0 / Unclear = below 15 / Generally clear = 15- 19 / Clear, precise, well-organized = 20-25
1. The essay used the conventions of standard edited English (spelling, punctuation, grammar,
paragraphing, etc.).
2. The essay completes the assignment specified.
3. The essay’s purpose is clear and persuasive.
4. The essay is well-organized, focused, and unified with an effective beginning, middle and end.
Transitions between paragraphs and sections are clear.
5. The essay uses appropriate language and tone.
6. The essay is typed, double-spaced and uses APA format.
Points / Excellent =20-25 / Good = 17-19 / Adequate = 15-17 / Weak = 13-16 / Unacceptable = below 13
Personal Goal
statement / Educational Goal statement / Professional Goal statement / Educational Assessment / Statements re: professional
presentations, publications, etc. and writing/computer skills, resource access / Timeline Proposal
Points / Absent = 0 / Unclear = below 15 / Generally clear = 15-19 / Clear, precise, well-organized = 20-25
Poster Presentation (50 pts):
1. Overall Appearance/ Well planned and organized (10 points)
2. Main Points are easily identifiable /Clear and easy to read (10 Points)
3. Quality charts and images (10 points)
4. Made good use of Literature and References (10 points)
5. Summary Included (10 points)
Oral Professional Presentation (50 pts)
1. Thoroughly explained concepts and content of presentation (25pts pts)
2. Thoroughly and explained visual materials , charts/ graphs, etc. (20 pts)
3. Questions from audience were effectively addressed. (5 pts)
1. The paper uses the conventions of standard edited English (spelling, punctuation, grammar,
paragraphing, etc.).
2. The paper completes the assignment specified (e.g., incorporates ideas, concepts from required texts).
3. The paper’s purpose is clear and persuasive.
4. The paper is well-organized, focused, and unified with an effective beginning, middle and end.
Transitions between paragraphs and sections are clear.
5. The paper uses appropriate language and tone.
6. The paper is typed, double-spaced and uses APA format (e.g., in-text citations, reference list).
Points / Excellent = 90-100 / Good =83-89 / Adequate = 76-83 / Weak = 70-75 / Unacceptable =Below 76%


