IMSSAMinutes March 19th, 2015
Welcome new members at large!
Congratulations to our new exec members!
GSU rep: Beatrice
MSB rep: Mani
1) scientific day help: website, emails, social media
- handling Twitter
- Vanessa, Karolina, Mani
2)IMSSAwebsite updates
- Suggestions for web page -> reply to survey that will be sent by Akhil
- first seminarreschedule for April 14th
-Kudosto Alana and Richie for awesomesponsorship
Global munk debate
- Topic:physician assisted suicide
- notaffiliatedwith Munk
- other details TBA
- the global munk debate will need volunteers for the day of
Belonging committee
- a goal of the strategic plan was to make better collaborations with the department and student to brand IMS
1) Escape - 11 or 12 of us are going
Dunja will send doodle to decide on date
2) AGO
Skipping the April 2nd date, because it is before the long weekend
Considering May date
3) ROM - tbd
4) apartment crawl - tbd
5) post scientific day wine and cheese - venue booking, sponsorship and food at chestnut
Dunja chairing - Shanna, Jessica, Anton, Sam, Meagan, Eva, Jonathan and Majd
500 dollar budget
6) centre island or cherry beach - later in July?
7) Hart house Saturday June 6th
Majd, Adam and Ritchie will collect money
30 dollars to go - includes food!
8) talent show? Yay/nay?
Do we need one?
Bring ideas for end of the year event
- elections complete
- March 30th GSU meeting is open to everyone at 6pm at McLennan physical sciences building, and there is pizza if you come fifteen meetings before
Katie - CUPE
- things like 50% off tuition for graduate students who have finished their course work
- opportunity to opt-out of letter signature - Email Eva privately to opt-out - no questions asked
- blue jay tickets $16 - buy off Adam
- men's a playoffs :(
1)Trivia night - low interest
trivia night LMP and immunology is hosting March 25th at o'gradys St 7pm
trivial begins at 8pm
2)boat cruise in August - IGSA lead
With Great Lakes cruise company
- emailed them already
- best to encourage them to come out to events we already have
- update the Facebook page
IMS Magazine
- new issue out!
- Site reps please distribute widely
Funding survey
- Beatrice will bemeeting with Dr. Mount next week regarding the survey
Next Meeting: April 2nd, 2015