Siti Sri Wulandari

UniversitasNegeri Surabaya

Student S3 of UniversitasNegeri Malang

Abstract: The objective is to improve the professionalism of entrepreneurship teachers in making RPP (learning implementation plans) in accordance with the potential of coastal and marine natural resources. Teachers are able to create creative and innovative products from coastal and marine resource resources as outlined in the Coastal and Marine Based Learning Plan. The subjects are 35 people. Data collection using documentation, observation and interview techniques. Data analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive analysis technique with quantitative approach where data is analyzed using formula percentage, analyzed through three stages namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The result of this research concludes that lesson study activity for seabed and marine-based entrepreneurship teacher is very potential in improving teacher's professional competency which impact on improving process quality and student learning outcomes as well as fostering student entrepreneur interest when they finish studying in formal education.

Keywords: Teacher Professional Competency, Lesson Study, Coastal Ecosystem


Learning is a complex process that happens to everyone in their life. Learning process occurs because of the interaction between a person and the surrounding environment (Musfiqon, 2012: 6). According to Sharon E. Smaldino and James D. Russell "Instructional Technology and Media for Learning", learning is developing new knowledge, skills, and behaviors that complete individual interactions with information and the environment (Musfiqon, 2012: 6). While the teacher as the agent of learning (learning agent) is the role of teachers as facilitators, motivators, encouragers, learning engineers, and inspiration learners for learners. Teachers as professionals means that the work of teachers can only be done by someone who among others have certain competence, the pedagogic competence (the ability to manage the learning of learners), personality competence (steady personality ability, noble character, wise, and authoritative as well as role model of learners), social competence (the ability of teachers to communicate and interact effectively and efficiently with learners , fellow teachers, parents / guardians of learners, and the surrounding community), and professional competence (proficiency in the subject matter comprehensively and profoundly). This is in line with the policy of improving the quality of education today which is increasingly directed to the expansion of instructional innovation, in order to realize an efficient, fun and educational process, based on age level, maturity, and developmental level of learners.

Law Indonesia Republic No. 14 of 2005 states, the position of teachers as professionals serves to improve the dignity of teachers and its role as an agent of learning to improve the quality of national education. However, referring to the results of teacher competency tests conducted by the Ministry of Education and Culture that the results of teacher competence test which is the value of pedagogical ability of teachers has not been optimal. This can be seen from several indicators, among others: the quality of trainers that still vary, the focus of attention is still oriented to the substance of the lesson and less attention to the needs and what is being studied students, as well as most of the learning process in classes still use one-way communication.

Data from the Ministry of Education and Culture shows that the teacher's competency test scores are still low on the average of the national teacher competence test, namely pedagogical and professional skills of 53.02, while the minimum government targeted minimum criterion is 55.00. If disaggregated, the mean value of teacher competency test for professional competence is 54.77, while the average score of pedagogic competence is 48.94.Through the observation and interview with entrepreneurship teachers from several vocational high schools in Sidoarjo, information on several issues related to the competence of entrepreneurship teachers are: a) the ability of mastery of learning materials, b) the ability to manage learning, c) personality skills, and d) ability in social interaction. The ability of mastery of learning materials, among others, in the substance and methodology of subjects, as well as in the structure, materials, and organization of the subject curriculum. While the ability to manage learning, among others in the design and implementation of learning, evaluation of learning, and teaching skills. In response to these problems, it is still necessary to develop training alternatives in the form of coaching through planning, implementation and evaluation systems for effective entrepreneurship teacher training, which is expected to improve teacher competence. Alternatives include through Lesson Study. Lesson Study is carried out in three stages: Plan (Plan), Do (implement), and See (reflecting) that is sustainable, so it is a way of continuous improvement of education quality.

Nevertheless, until now Sidoarjo in the achievement of the new highest learning to the application of adiwiyata (environment) based learning where the school organize learning and learning environment in such a way that students can behave responsibly to the environment. The environment miniaturized in adiwiyata is the environment on land. This certainly does not include the environment adjacent to the beach and sea as some areas in Sidoarjo which directly adjacent to the sea, the Madura Strait.

Various empowerment activities undertaken in the coastal and marine areas to the marine fisheries sub-sector which is the source of livelihood and welfare for 13.6 million people, and indirectly support economic activities for the majority of Indonesians living in the coastal areas (Dahuri .1996). According to Pulukadang and Sya'roni in Yuliastutik (2003), as "the last frontier", the sea offers various business opportunities to be developed, especially for the foreseeable future. Therefore, the people of Sidoarjo must be creative and innovative in fulfilling the needs in the right and proper way so that the interest of the welfare interest does not sacrifice the sustainability of its natural resources and coastal environment. Enhancement of professional competence of Entrepreneurship Teachers can be enhanced through the Sidoarjo-based Lesson Study of Coastal and Marine, making it useful for entrepreneurship teachers to improve the quality of learning in the future in preparing for the emergence of young entrepreneurs.


2.1 Teacher Professional Competencies

It is generally acknowledged that reflective teaching and reflective practice play an important role in teacher education. Reflection is also an important part in teachers' professional behavior and relevant in their professional development. Various authors have pointed out the usefulness and necessity of reflection. For example, Killeavy and Moloney (2010) highlighted the ability to reflect on practice as the basis for learning. In addition, personal experiences are important in the teachers' development today, and reflection is one method that supports such development (Shoffner 2009); the ability to reflect evolves out of our experiences as a professional and a person (Scanlan and Chernomas 1997). In Sidoarjo teachers as educators have a very important role in education, so it needs to be developed as a dignified profession, as a professional educator with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating learners on formal education. Law no. Law No. 14 Year 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers Article 1 paragraph (4) states that: Professional is a work or activity undertaken by a person and becomes a source of living income that requires expertise, proficiency, or conversation that meet certain quality or norm standards and requires professional education. In detail, Suyanto (2001) stated that as long as the professional ability of teachers cannot reach the ideal level the teacher must get continuous training. In line with the concept of professional development of teachers according to experts can be defined variously. One opinion expressed by Alba, G.D & Sandberg (2006: 384) as follows:

The concept of professional development is not clearly delimited. A profession traditionally is defined as being based on systematic, scientific knowledge. Preliminary development of professional skill has occurred largely through designated higher education programs, with subsequent development of various forms. The concept of professional development is not clearly defined. A profession is described as the basis of systematic knowledge and scientific knowledge. Thus the teacher will be more effective and efficient in performing professional duties. According to Bybee and Loucks-Horsley (2001: 4) professional development is an opportunity for teachers to learn what is needed to know and what can be done to help students to achieve the desired competencies. This opinion shows that vocational education teachers are required to conduct self-development in order to be able to adapt to changes that occur in carrying out its duties.

2.2 Lesson Study Learning Activities

Lewis (2002) defines the lesson study as follows: As we will see, lesson study is a cycle in which teachers work together to consider their long-term goals for students, bring those goals to life in actual "research lessons," and collaboratively observe , discuss, and refine the lessons. Furthermore, Lewis lesson study is a complex process, supported by collaborative goal-setting, careful data collection on student learning, and protocols that enable productive discussion of difficult issues. Lesson study activities aimed at entrepreneurship teachers collaborate in planning and realizing learning and conducting research learning, then this activity benefits. First, lesson study is an effective way that can improve the quality of learning in the classroom. Second, a well designed lesson study is expected to produce professional and innovative teachers. The stages of Lesson-study based on the guideline for the implementation of the Lesson Study Subject Teachers Lesson Study (Dirjen PMPTK: 2008) states that there are three main stages of the lesson study: (1) Planning stage: which aims to design learning that can teach students, how to actively participate in the learning process. (2) Implementation / implementation stage: This aims to apply the learning design that has been formulated in the planning. In planning it has been agreed who the teacher will implement the lesson and the school that will be the host. This step aims to test the effectiveness of the learning model that has been designed. (3) The reflecting / see stage: at this stage the collaborating parties plus other observers sit together to discuss what they have just caught and observe from the implementation of the lesson plan that has been done.

Lesson study is a professional development process that engages teachers in collaboratively examining their practice with a goal of becoming more effective. It involves a cycle of planning, teaching, observing, critiquing, and revising of selected lessons with clear overarching goals and research questions pre-set up by participating teachers (Lewis, 2002). Lesson study is beneficial for its collaborative elements as it helps open up new perspectives to teaching and learning for teachers, aside from deepening their subject matter knowledge as well as their pedagogical content knowledge (Lim, Lee, Saito, & Syed-Haron, 2011; PuchnerTaylor, 2006). It could lead to instructional improvement (Lewis, Perry, & Murata, 2006) and allow teachers to develop and reaffirm their identities as professionals (Leiberman, 2009). These identities break traditional teaching norms such as individualism, presentism and conservatism, and assist teachers in their persistent efforts to support students (Lieberman, 2009). Puchner and Taylor (2006) reported that the impact of lesson study on teachers included the recognition of the advantages of collaboration, the awareness that they significantly impact their students’ learning, and the belief that changes could occur in relation to student engagement and learning in ways they had not imagined.

Besides the benefit to in-service teachers’ professional development, there are some study reports in the literature claiming that lesson study can be a useful tool for pre-service teachers’ professional learning as well. For example, Burroughs and Luebeck (2010) explored the outcome of engaging pre-service teachers that were enrolled in a mathematics methods course in collaboration with in-service teachers in lesson study. They found that pre-service teachers can participate in and contribute to lesson study in meaningful ways and they gained new ideas about the ways lessons were developed and enacted, as well as insights into the ways lessons directly influence students’ learning. As a requirement of an elementary science methods course, Marble (2007) asked pre-service teachers to conduct lesson study at schools. He found that through the three teaching occasions, pre-service teachers had remarkable improvements in lesson design and delivery, learning environment management, engagements with meaningful content, and assessments and data generation. Marble indicated that pre-service teachers repeatedly showed a strong propensity to perceive their teaching as an evolving practice that necessitates active attention and thoughtful reflection.

2.3 Coastal and Marine Coast

The beach is a seafront area or a land area that is directly adjacent to the sea (Wibisono, 2005). According to Nybaken (1992) beach is an area with a depth of less than 200meter. The beach is also defined as a meeting area between the land and the oceans. The coastal ecosystem is adjacent to terrestrial, marine and tidal ecosystems. The coastal ecosystem is affected by the tidal daily cycle (Leksono.2007). As a transitional area, coastal ecosystems have different structures, communities and typologies with other ecosystems. Coastal and marine ecosystems and their resources are needed by coastal communities in meeting their needs. Various ecosystems in coastal areas are functionally interrelated and interact with each other to form a unique ecological system (Tuwo.2011).


This research uses qualitative descriptive method with case study in Sidoarjo, which research subjects are entrepreneur teachers 35 people who are incorporated in the entrepreneurship subject teachers' deliberations. The data information was obtained through observation, interview and documentation / product of coastal and marine based learning plan. The collected data were analyzed by using data analysis of qualitative descriptive data analysis technique. According Saldana (2011: 95). Qualitative data analysis is concurrent with data collection and management. Meanwhile, according to Miles and Hubberman (1992: 20) states that the analysis of qualitative data is an ongoing, repetitive and continuous effort. Based on the data analysis process using Miles and Huberman theory above, qualitative data analysis includes three stages of analysis that is data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing. Judging from the above, the data analysis in this research will be carried out the following steps:

1) Planning Stage

At this stage teachers and experts who are members of the lesson study identify problems in the classroom. From the results of problem identification and discussion of the planning of the solution, then compiled and packaged in a learning tool consisting of: Learning Plan (RPP) based on the beach and sea. The aspects observed in the process of planning the coastal and marine based learning which includes the ability of the identity of the learning implementation plan consisting of RPP components are pedagogic, contextual, coastal and marine based principles.

2) Implementation Phase

At this stage observes the ability of model teachers to implement coastal and marine based learning. Experts and other teachers made observations using prepared observation sheets. Aspects observed in the implementation of coastal and marine based learning include: a) preliminary activities consisting of apperception and motivation, delivery of competence and activity plan. b) core activities consisting of mastery of subject matter, application of educational learning strategy, application of scientific approach, utilization of learning resources, involvement of learners in learning, correct and appropriate language usage in learning. c) Concluding remarks consist of reflection ability, oral or written test, collecting work as a portfolio, carrying out follow-up actions by giving direction to the following activities and enrichment duties. and other necessary devices. Observers noted positive and negative things in the learning process, especially in terms of student behavior.

3) Reflection Stage

At this stage the performing teacher and the observer and the expert hold a discussion of the newly learned lesson. This discussion is led by the group leader or teacher appointed by the group. The first teacher to do the implementation of learning, both to him and to students faced. Furthermore, observers (other teachers and experts) presented the results of their observational data analysis, especially those involving student activities during the learning process. Furthermore, the teacher who performs the implementation will provide feedback on the observer comments.

Observations were analyzed by frequency divided by the number of respondents multiplied by 100 percent, as stated Sudjana (2001: 129) are as follows:

P = (f / N) x 100%


P: Percentage

F: Frequency,

N: number of respondents, 100% fixed numbers (constants).

Interpretation of results obtained from the results of the first calculation is analyzed by interpretation of liker scale results. According to some experts, Likert (1932), Hall (1934), the summated rating method is simpler and easier to apply to the development of attitude scale than the method of equal appearing interval. According to (Sugiyono, 2003) interpretation of the results using Likert scale can be seen below:

Table 1

Interpretation of Likert Scale Data Results

No / Percentage value / Category
1 / 0-25% / Very bad
2 / 26-50% / Not Good
3 / 51-75% / Good
4 / 76-100% / Very Good


a) Based on the observation of the ability of entrepreneurship teachers in planning the implementation of coastal and marine based entrepreneurship learning through lesson study activities can be seen in the table below:

Table 2

Lesson Study Implementation Plan Base Beach and Sea Entrepreneurship

No / Assessment Indicators / value
(%) / Category
1 / Teacher Pedagogic Capacity / 75 / Good
2 / Contextual / 80 / Very Good
3 / Theme Base Beach and Sea / 84 / Very Good
Average / 79 / Very Good

Based on the above table it can be seen that the pedagogic ability of teachers shows the value of 75% included in the Good category. The pedagogic ability of the teacher consists of the competence of a strategy approach, methods, and instructional techniques. Competence to prepare syllabus, learning implementation plan, according to curriculum objectives and learning environment of coastal and marine base. And the suitability of the material with the purpose of learning. Contextual learning 80% means Very Good category. Implementation Plan of entrepreneurship learning with the theme of the beach and the sea is 84% ​​in the Very Good category. So the average of the results of Coastal and Marine Entrepreneurship Learning Implementation Plan is 79% and included in the category of Very Good.