Improving HealthIN Salford
We will improve the Health, Well-being and Social Care of the people in Salford
By: / Key Indicators year one 2004/05 / Key Indicators, three year to 2007
Promoting a healthy lifestyle and tackling health inequalities /
  • Support the PCT in assisting 1456 people in Salford to give up smoking in 2004/05
  • Achieve a 6% reduction in mothers who smoke during pregnancy
  • Achieve 95% response rate to environmental Health complaints and requests within 3 working days of receipt
  • Reduce the number of delayed hospital discharges by 20% (compared to 2003/04)
  • Work with the PCT to develop a range of health and well being initiatives.
  • Continue to support the PCT in increasing year on year the number of people in Salford who give up smoking
  • Parenting support and information available for all parents of young children in Sure Start areas
  • Join up frontline services better to ensure delayed hospital discharges are kept as low as possible
  • Seek a reduction in levels of air pollution through an effective air quality management process
  • Improving the general health and reducing sickness absence at work.

Working with partners to improve life chances and promote good health for individuals and communities /
  • Produce local Health Action Plans in every Community Committee area
  • Support 150 people to have adaptations to their homes or move to a more suitable property where necessary.
  • Deliver community care equipment to homes where needed within 7 days
  • Develop an effective programme of actions with the PCT and Health Protection Agency to create a safe home environment and fit and healthy lifestyles.
  • To develop with Salford PCT integrated health care plans for the needs of local communities
  • By 2006, increase the number of adults supported to live at home to 30% of all those in supported or residential care
  • By 2006, increase by 150 the number of people receiving 5 hours or more of home care per week

Improving and redesigning services to maximise access and meet need /
  • Implement the LIFT project to provide primary care services in accessible locations to the public
  • Use the council’s Customer Contact Centre (0161 794 4711) to further improve access to services such as LIFT and the Bereavement Project
  • “Think Customer” consultation to be launched in January 2004 to improve the quality and accessibility of services
  • Completion of all six LIFT buildings and make further service improvements to existing buildings.
  • Carry out a feasibility study of the LIFT project to assess next stage building potential.
  • Implement the council’s “Think Customer” strategy to work towards Salford's Customer service provision equalling the best public or private sector services

Reducing CrimeIN Salford
We will reduce crime and disorder and improve community safety
By: / Key Indicators year one 2004/05 / Key Indicators, three year to 2007
Reducing the fear of crime and targeting the crimes causing most concern to the people of Salford /
  • Complete the 3 year target of reducing violent crime by 12%
  • Complete the 3 year target of reducing robberies by 38%
  • Complete the 3 year target of reducing vehicle crime by 20%
  • Complete the 3 year target of reducing the rate of domestic burglaries by 21%
  • Complete the 3 year target of reducing juvenile nuisance incidents by 6%
  • Complete the 3 year target of increasing the number of hate crime incidents reported by 30%
  • To respond to reports of offensive and racist graffiti within 48 hours
  • New targets to be determined as the Crime Reduction Strategy is rolled forwards for the next 3 years
To consolidate the partnership working between GMP and Trading Standards in tackling:
  • Car Crime
  • Counterfeiting
  • Stolen Goods
  • Doorstep Crime

Helping Victims and Witnesses /
  • Implement an effective reporting network for hate crimes
  • Increase the percentage of child protection register cases reviewed to 100%
  • Establish two further partnerships with voluntary organisations in Community Committee areas to work with vulnerable children and families by March 2005
  • To continue to improve reporting mechanisms and support services for victims of hate crime
  • To have a Children’s Trust in place with fully integrated services by 2006

Tackling Offenders /
  • Achieve ‘Benefit Fraud Investigations’ (BFI) action plan targets of over 92%
  • Ensure that 70% of the interventions with young people involved in crime have a restorative element
  • To work with GMP to take action against those selling alcohol and other age restricted goods to persons under the legal age
  • Continue work to achieve 100% of BFI action plan targets

Implementing Crime Reduction and Prevention Measures /
  • Ensure that 100% of relevant planning applications are consistent with the ‘Designing Out Crime’ Guidance
  • Reduce the risk of terrorist attacks by having a suitable emergency planning service in place to provide protection for the Citizens of Salford
  • To ensure that at least 99% of street lights are working at any one time
  • Ensure real priority is given to tackling anti-social behaviour
  • Reduce the average time to commence demolition on site from18 weeks in 2001/02 to 15.5 weeks by 2006/07.
  • Reduce business crime in the City Non domestic burglary rates

Encouraging Learning, Leisure and Creativity IN Salford
We will raise education and skill levels and further enhance cultural and leisure opportunities in the city
By: / Key Indicators year one 2004/05 / Key Indicators, three year to 2007
Raising the educational attainment of children, young people and adults in the city /
  • Ensure that 38% of pupils taking GCSE’s in 2004 achieve 5 A*-C
  • Ensure that 92% of all students leaving Salford secondary schools have 5 A* - G GCSE qualifications
  • Assist 350 adults in employment to gain qualifications as a result of workforce training and development
  • Establish lifelong learning agreement with the Trade Unions to provide personal development opportunities for council employees and run pilot programme.
  • Complete all action plans within the Education Development Plan, focussing particularly on the attainment and achievement of socially excluded and vulnerable groups of children and young people
  • Deliver the 3 year Development Plan for Family, Adult and Community Learning as agreed with the Learning and Skills Council (LSC)
  • Develop community-based adult learners' forums across the City

Providing better quality schools and leisure facilities /
  • Progress the rebuilding of three special schools and three mainstream high schools through Private Finance Initiative
  • All schools to have Broadband by December 2004
  • Produce an Early Years Development and Childcare Plan for 2004-2006
  • To improve the facilities in 3 major parks to achieve ‘District Park’ status
  • Bid under the Building Schools for the Future Programme to modernise all schools
  • Expand web-hosting and Internet Service Provider services to outside the council for example with the Health Service
  • To ensure District Park status for the remaining 7 major parks

Promoting independence for people through education, training and employment /
  • Increase the proportion of young people leaving care with at least 1 GNVQ or GCSE Grade A*-G to 58%
  • To have 6 young people who leave care with 5 GCSEs Grades A* -C
  • By the age of 19, ensure that 58% of young people in care are engaged in education, training or employment
  • Ensure that 5 – 10 people with learning difficulties access full-time college courses
  • Support at least 83 people with Learning Disabilities to move into employment or move closer to the world of work by March 2005
  • Offer a range of opportunities at Salford Consortium for disaffected young persons (age 14 – 19) to engage in vocational and non-vocational learning. Target - an additional 210 learners over 3 years
  • That a further 20 people with learning difficulty access full-time college courses
  • That up to 133 people with a learning difficulty have opportunities to work for a wage

Encouraging more people to participate in a range of sport, culture and learning activities /
  • Improve access to cultural and leisure opportunities for people with disabilities
  • Increase usage of museum and art gallery resources by Salford schools by 10%
  • To increase by 3% the users of Salford Community Leisure Limited services who are satisfied
  • To adopt QUEST Best Practice Principles and have QUEST Accreditation for sports development team and one sports centre by March 2005
  • To increase the number of people aged 6-16 years participating in sporting activities a four week period 25% by 2005
  • To increase by 3%the number of adult residents contributing to sport as a volunteer by 2005
  • To complete the integration of the four main libraries into the new primary care centres in Eccles, Swinton, Walkden and Pendleton
  • To complete the Hands-on-History and Community Galleries at Salford Museum and Art Gallery
  • To develop joint marketing between the Lowry, Salford’s Heritage Service and Manchester Museum and Art Gallery
  • To establish Arts Development workers in every community committee area
  • To secure a Heritage Lottery Fund bid to make Buile Hill Park a ‘City Park’ and a place for leisure and learning

Promoting the city for major cultural, sporting and leisure events /
  • Increase visitors to museums and art galleries by 5% to 287 people per 1000 population
  • To host a successful Salford Triathlon ITU World Cup in 2004
  • Continue to promote the Lowry as a world class arts and performance venue
  • Progress development plans for Salford Museum and Art Gallery and Ordsall Hall
  • Best Value review of culture arts and heritage
  • To work towards hosting four annual tourism events of international importance within 5 years
  • To work towards developing The Quays, Worsley and Chapel St into vibrant, cosmopolitan visitor destinations as part of the City’s 7 year tourism vision
  • To ensure that all new developments include art elements at the planning stage
  • Implement the improvement plan

Investing in young people IN Salford

We will focus on services, activities and opportunities to support children and young people in order to achieve their full potential
By: / Key Indicators year one 2004/05 / Key Indicators, three year to 2007
Encouraging greater engagement with young people on issues that affect their lives /
  • Develop a strategy for Young People
  • Implement the Children and Young Persons rights strategy
  • Salford Youth Service to develop the city wide ‘Youth Forum City 2000’
  • Salford Youth Service to provide a voice for Black Ethnic Minority, Refugee and Asylum Seeking young people within the City.
  • Youth Service workers to actively involve young people in local decision making
  • Further development of youth consultation in relation to the councils budget with youth groups and schools
  • Salford youth service to enable links to be made between the youth forums and voices in the city, regionally and nationally.
  • To advocate on behalf of Black, Ethnic Community, Refugee and young people in the city and Connexions structures
  • To meet Transforming Youth Work targets and priorities

Providing services and facilities to meet the needs of young people /
  • Build two new playgrounds that meet Area Play Standards for equipment
  • With partners, establish a comprehensive programme of holiday programmes for young people across the city.
  • Develop a central vacancy system of temporary accommodation for young people
  • Review the Furnished Tenancy Scheme to measure its impact and effectiveness for young people.
  • Offer programmes and activities that will engage with young people who are vulnerable and at risk of becoming involved in anti-social behaviour or crime
  • Undertake a review of Early Years services with partners across Education, Community and Social Services and the PCT
  • Provide work-related learning experiences in local government for 30 school-aged children from New Deal for Communities area to encourage citizenship and positive attitudes to work
  • Develop further work-based training initiatives for young people to encourage careers in local government.
  • To establish within each Community Committee area a clear strategy for improving the life chances for children and young people with a range of preventative services.
  • To make a significant reduction in Young Homelessness
  • Develop a vibrant, multi agency and effective support network to enable sustainable long term housing solutions for young people.
  • To establish co-ordinated approaches to the delivery of services for young children and their families through the development of Children’s Centres.
  • The Beacon Centre to be fully operational
  • To establish a Youth Arts programme throughout the city
  • Provide 100 local government places annually for school-aged children from across Salford.
  • Provide work-based training for 20 young people annually which lead to careers in local government.

Improving the life chances of young people by supporting them and their families /
  • Ensure that no more than 10% of children in care have three or more placements during each year
  • Aim for at least 7% of children in care to be adopted each year
  • Reduce the number of children in care by 25 by the end of 2004
  • To help reduce incidence of family breakdown by increasing the level of family support in line with the national average within 5 years

Promoting Inclusion IN Salford
We will tackle poverty and social inequalities and increase the involvement of local communities in shaping the future of the City
By: / Key Indicators year one 2004/05 / Key Indicators, three year to 2007
Building strong, confident communities / Increase levels of Community engagement by:
  • Carrying out budget consultation with the community in November and January each year
  • Strengthen Community Committees supported by the introduction of Neighbourhood Management
  • Ensure that community priorities, as identified through the Community Action Plans, are fed back to Partners in Salford
  • Establish a new Home Improvement Agency to provide a range of new services to vulnerable people and communities
  • To have the ability at all future elections to conduct postal ballots
  • To establish within every Community Committee area a clear strategy for the involvement of older people in community decision-making

Celebrating and supporting our cultural diversity /
  • Develop a joint approach with partners to tackle community cohesion
  • Commission a B&ME Housing and Neighbourhood Study to identify the needs and aspirations of minority communities including asylum seekers and refugees;
  • Publish all Council information in alternative languages. – check this
  • Lead achievement of levels 1 and 2 of the Equality Standard for Local Government throughout 2004
  • Adoption of a B&ME Housing and Neighbourhood Strategy and commitment of partners to its delivery
  • Empowered BME communities who receive high quality services

Improving access to services and support mechanisms for vulnerable members of our community /
  • Provision of Council Tax and Benefits advice services throughout the authority’s libraries network by March 2004
  • Promote an increased take-up of welfare benefits for older people and people with disabilities by £450,000
  • Ensure that at least 27% of areas that the public have access to in local authority buildings are accessible to the disabled
  • Finalise proposals and identify funding for the Older People’s Village
  • To undertake burials within 5 clear working days
  • To undertake cremations within 3 clear working days
  • To maintain a position within the top ten burial authorities in the country in relation to the Charter for the Bereaved.
  • Establish an action plan to meet the 2004 regulations of the Disability Discrimination Act.
  • To increase the number and range of council services available on line – check this
  • Establish a multi-agency approach to promoting affordable warmth to all citizens
  • To ensure that at least 50% of areas that the public have access to in local authority buildings are accessible to the disabled by 2007
  • To have a fully developed Older People’s Village
  • To further improve Bereavement Services in line with the Charter for the Bereaved
  • Meet action plan targets for the Disability Discrimination Act in relation to the 2004 regulations.

Creating Prosperity IN Salford
We will ensure an economically prosperous city with good jobs and a thriving economy
By: / Key Indicators year one 2004/05 / Key Indicators, three year to 2007
Promoting the City as a location of choice for people and investment /
  • Successfully develop area based regeneration in Central Salford by getting the Central Salford delivery group up and running
  • Implement the Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy by producing the regeneration strategy for Salford West
  • Ensure council tax rises do not exceed the national average
  • Promote jobs locally and nationally to encourage the Council to be an employer of choice.
  • Develop measures with external partners to increase access to employment with the Council for local people.
  • Develop and disseminate a new city visual identity throughout 2004
  • Further develop information and communications channels throughout 2004
  • Ensure 85% of new retail and leisure floorspace is located within the town centres, neighbourhood centres, Salford Quays, Chapel Street or Regent Road Retail Warehouse Park
  • Support 85% of non-residential development on brownfield land
  • Support 50% of derelict land to be reclaimed by 2007
  • Provide 100 work based training opportunities annually for local people currently excluded from the labour market.
  • Implementation of Communications Strategy

Supporting Businesses and maximising employment opportunities /
  • Process at least 180 inward investment enquires
  • Secure 19 relocations to Salford
  • Create 1000 new jobs

Maximising public and private investment to regenerate the city /
  • Secure development partnerships in the following areas: Higher Broughton, Lower Broughton, Greengate and Ordsall.
  • Achieve spend on the HMRF, SRBV, NDC, NRF, Transforming your space, European funding and Teenage Pregnancies monies
  • Gain approval for the Central Salford and Citywide bids to the NWDA
  • Ensure that 55 hectares of land is available for employment development.
  • To ensure development is in line with regional and national strategies
  • To continue to maintain the current rate of economic growth in the city

Helping people to overcome the barriers to employment /
  • Enable 200 people into employment through the Salford Employment Charter.
  • In partnership through the Jobshop+ network, place 200 people from disadvantaged groups into sustained employment
  • Reassess the demand and supply of childcare places across the city
  • To provide over300 construction related training placements for young people in Salford and facilitate enhanced construction training facilities with universities and colleges
  • Enable 300 unemployed individuals from disadvantaged groups into sustained employment (i.e. 13 weeks minimum)
  • Place 3784 residents into employment by March 05
  • Increase the number of childcare places in line with targets to be set in the Early Years Development and Childcare Plan.
  • Raise the profile of the Children’s Information Project in order to enable parents to make informed choices when taking up work or training opportunities

Maintaining a high quality workforce to drive the prosperity of the city /
  • Develop the Human Resources strategy for the City into 2004/05
  • Examine options for Strategic partnerships within council departments
  • Undertake a further Quality of Life Survey to enable satisfaction levels and customer views to be monitored over time.

Enhancing Life IN Salford
We will ensure that we are a city that's good to live in with a quality environment and decent, affordable homes which meet the needs of local people
By: / Key Indicators year one 2004/05 / Key Indicators, three year to 2007
Ensuring the cleanliness and maintenance of the city /
  • Reduce the number of collections missed per 100,000 collections of household waste to a maximum of 22
  • Ensure 80% of the residents are satisfied with the household waste collection
  • Ensure that streets are cleaned at least once every three weeks
  • Ensure public satisfaction with area cleanliness is at least 60%
  • To increase the number of litter bins by 10% per annum
  • To adopt a comprehensive Municipal Waste Strategy for 2006

Giving residents in the city a choice of quality housing to meet their needs /
  • Aim to build 530 new homes each year to replace those cleared
  • Increase the proportion of unfit private sector dwellings made fit or demolished;
  • Introduce a pilot landlord licensing scheme in the City and meet PSA targets for Landlord Accreditation;
  • To continue to build 530 new homes each year, to replace those cleared, up to 2016
  • To reduce to 5% vacant residential property by 2011 working towards a 3% regional target by 2021.
  • Significantly reduce the extent of non-decent homes in the private sector

Promoting sustainability through appropriate development, conservation and improvement of the city’s environment /
  • Completion and adoption of the Urban Open Space Strategy (UOSS) by the end of 2004.
  • Set up an award scheme for good buildings and places scheme to be implemented by September 2004.
  • Use sustainable design principals for all Council development Schemes
  • All households to be within walking distance of recreational land
  • Work towards the whole length of Manchester, Bolton and Bury Canal being restored through Salford by 2011
  • Adopt the City’s Unitary Development Plan (UDP) by 2006

Providing an accessible and sustainable recycling service /
  • Achieve an 8% total tonnage of household waste being recycled
  • Achieve 95% resident access to the kerbside recycling collection
  • Establish recycling sites throughout the City and start converting them to multi-material recycling sites
  • Implement a ‘Green Waste’ collection service
  • Achieve 18 % total tonnage of household waste being recycled
  • Achieve 100% resident access to the kerbside recycling collection
  • Establish 21 multi-material recycling sites at high rise properties

Improving the City’s highway and transportation network /
  • Reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on Salford's roads by 30%
  • Offer road safety education to all 14 secondary schools
  • Offer cycle training to all 84 primary schools
  • To maintain effective Winter Gritting to prevent unnecessary road accidents and provide safer travel.
  • Reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured by 40%
  • Offer road safety education to all secondary schools
  • Offer cycle training to all primary schools
  • By 2012, complete the implementation of the cycle route network, as defined in the Salford City Council Local Cycling Strategy (2003)
  • Ensure that100% of major new developments are within 400m of a high frequency public transport service