Importing Practices and Games – Administrator Task
Start by Creating and Formatting your Excel Document
Open the provided Excel sample template labeled “Team Schedule.XLS”. If you want to generate the Excel file from scratch use the following column heading and format the columns as follows:
- Club ID – format is General
- Date – format is Date
- Start – format is Time
- Finish – format is Time
- Team – format is General
- Facility – format is General
- Type – format is General
- Opponent – format is General
- Note – format is General
- N/A – format is General
- For – format is General
- Against – format is General
- DB ID – format is General
- Ofcl – format is General
- Write Up – format is General
Fill in the following columns and leave the rest blank
- Date – Fill in the Date of the Game or Practice
- Start – Fill in the Start Time of the Game or Practice
- Finish – Fill in the Finish Time of the Game or Practice
- Team – Fill in the EXACT NAME OF THE TEAM of the Game or Practice.
- Example “U11 SS Girls Green” without the quotes
- Facility – Fill in the EXACT NAME OF THE FIELD of the Game or Practice.
- All Fields in the system have an ALIAS that is equal to the Town Name, a dash(-) and the Field Name
- Example “Guilford-Cox - Upper Left”
- Note: the SCOG must not name any facilities with a comma in the name. Using a comma in the name will create an error on the import.
- Type – Fill in the one of the following values
- Game - Cup
- Game - Friendly
- Game - Indoor
- Game - League
- Game - Tournament
- Practice
- Tryout
- Postponed
Save your document for importing
Next save your document in the excel format as you would always do. The following may be unfamiliar to you and also is version of Excel dependent on the exact commands. The following screen shots are for Excel 2007. The general concept works for all previous versions of excel but the actual screens look a little different.
- After creating and entering your data in the Excel workbook on one or more sheets, save the file one last time. Please ensure you do this final save.
- Now we need to “Save As” a CSV file
- Click File/Save As/Other Formats
- Next select CSV Format
- You can leave the name alone or change it as appropriate. If you put all the games and practices on one worksheet it does not matter. If you put games on one worksheet and practices on another then you will be doing this “Save As” process twice so you may want to call one file Practices.csv and another Games.csv. It will be the original file name but instead of ending in xls or xlsx it will now be csv.
- You will get a series of pop-up warnings that only one worksheet in the workbook will be saved and that formatting will be lost. This is OK since we saved the workbook before we did this save as. Just answer affirmatively (OK or Yes) to all the questions.
- Now that we have the file to be imported, please sign into the SCOG website and go to Scheduling and Import Schedule.
- Select File Type of League in the first box.
- Click Browse and pick your CSV file to import.
- Now click Submit
- Answer OK to the popup window
- You should now see this
- Verify that the data is in the correct columns and accurate. If not, use your browsers “Back” button to go back. Is the data is accurate then click Submit.
- Know This! Once you hit submit. The managers, coaches, referees and parents are all notified immediately.
- Cool Huh!